#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pymisp import PyMISP import sys import json # NOTE: the user of the API key *need to be a sync user* remote_url = 'https://misp.remote' remote_api_key = 'REMOTE KEY FOR SYNC USER' remote_verify = True # NOTE: the user of the API key *need to be an admin* own_url = 'https://misp.own' own_api_key = 'OWN KEY FOR ADMIN USER' own_verify = True remote_misp = PyMISP(url=remote_url, key=remote_api_key, ssl=remote_verify) sync_config = remote_misp.get_sync_config() if 'errors' in sync_config: print('Sumething went wrong:') print(json.dumps(sync_config, indent=2)) sys.exit(1) else: print('Sucessfully got a sync config:') print(json.dumps(sync_config, indent=2)) own_misp = PyMISP(url=own_url, key=own_api_key, ssl=own_verify) response = own_misp.import_server(sync_config) if 'errors' in response: print('Sumething went wrong:') print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) sys.exit(1) else: print('Sucessfully added the sync config:') print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))