import os from email import policy from email.message import EmailMessage from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from typing import Union, List, Tuple import email.utils import ipaddress import logging import mailparser # type: ignore from mailparser.utils import msgconvert # type: ignore from ..exceptions import InvalidMISPObject from .abstractgenerator import AbstractMISPObjectGenerator try: import magic # type: ignore import tempfile except ImportError: magic = None logger = logging.getLogger('pymisp') class EMailObject(AbstractMISPObjectGenerator): def __init__(self, filepath: Union[Path, str] = None, pseudofile: BytesIO = None, attach_original_email: bool = True, **kwargs): super().__init__("email", **kwargs) converted = False if filepath: if str(filepath).endswith(".msg"): pseudofile = self.__convert_outlook_msg_format(str(filepath)) converted = True else: with open(filepath, "rb") as f: pseudofile = BytesIO( elif pseudofile and isinstance(pseudofile, BytesIO): if magic: # if python-magic is installed, we can autodetect MS Outlook format mime = magic.from_buffer(, mime=True) if mime == "application/CDFV2": # save outlook msg file to temporary file temph, temp = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="outlook_") with os.fdopen(temph, "wb") as fdfile: fdfile.write(pseudofile.getvalue()) fdfile.close() pseudofile = self.__convert_outlook_msg_format(temp) os.unlink(temp) # remove temporary file necessary to convert formats converted = True else: raise InvalidMISPObject("File buffer (BytesIO) or a path is required.") if attach_original_email: self.add_attribute("eml", value="Full email.eml", data=pseudofile, comment="Converted from MSG format" if converted else None) message = self.attempt_decoding(pseudofile) self.__parser = mailparser.MailParser(message) self.__generate_attributes() @staticmethod def __convert_outlook_msg_format(filepath: str) -> BytesIO: converted_file, _ = msgconvert(filepath) with open(converted_file, "rb") as f: pseudofile = BytesIO( os.remove(converted_file) # delete temporary file return pseudofile @staticmethod def attempt_decoding(bytes_io: BytesIO) -> EmailMessage: """Attempt to decode different king of emails, for example non-ascii encoded emails.""" bytes = bytes_io.getvalue() message: EmailMessage = email.message_from_bytes(bytes, policy=policy.default) # type: ignore if len(message) != 0: return message # Improperly encoded emails (utf-8-sig) fail silently. An empty email indicates this might be the case. try: bytes.decode("ASCII") raise Exception("EmailObject failed to decode ASCII encoded email.") except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.debug("EmailObject was passed a non-ASCII encoded binary blob.") try: if bytes[:3] == b'\xef\xbb\xbf': # utf-8-sig byte-order mark (BOM) bytes = bytes.decode("utf_8_sig").encode("ASCII") message = email.message_from_bytes(bytes, policy=policy.default) # type: ignore return message except UnicodeDecodeError: pass raise Exception( "EmailObject does not know how to decode binary blob passed to it. Object may not be an email. If this is an email please submit it as an issue to PyMISP so we can add support.") @property def email(self) -> EmailMessage: return self.__parser.message @property def attachments(self) -> List[Tuple[str, BytesIO]]: to_return = [] try: for attachment in content = attachment.get_content() # type: ignore if isinstance(content, str): content = content.encode() to_return.append((attachment.get_filename(), BytesIO(content))) except AttributeError: # ignore bug in Python3.6, that cause exception for empty email body, # see pass return to_return def __generate_attributes(self): message = body = message.get_body(preferencelist=("html", "plain")) if body: self.add_attribute("email-body", body.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf8', 'surrogateescape')) headers = ["{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in message.items()] if headers: self.add_attribute("header", "\n".join(headers)) message_date = if message_date: self.add_attribute("send-date", message_date) if "To" in message: self.__add_emails("to", message["To"]) if "From" in message: self.__add_emails("from", message["From"]) if "Return-Path" in message: realname, address = email.utils.parseaddr(message["Return-Path"]) self.add_attribute("return-path", address) if "Reply-To" in message: realname, address = self.__parser.reply_to[0] if address and realname: self.add_attribute("reply-to", value=address, comment=message["Reply-To"]) elif address: self.add_attribute("reply-to", address) else: # invalid format, insert original value self.add_attribute("reply-to", message["Reply-To"]) if "Cc" in message: self.__add_emails("cc", message["Cc"], insert_display_names=False) if "Subject" in message: self.add_attribute("subject", message["Subject"]) if "Message-ID" in message: self.add_attribute("message-id", message["Message-ID"]) if "User-Agent" in message: self.add_attribute("user-agent", message["User-Agent"]) boundary = message.get_boundary() if boundary: self.add_attribute("mime-boundary", boundary) if "X-Mailer" in message: self.add_attribute("x-mailer", message["X-Mailer"]) if "Thread-Index" in message: self.add_attribute("thread-index", message["Thread-Index"]) self.__generate_received() def __add_emails(self, typ: str, data: str, insert_display_names: bool = True): addresses = [] display_names = [] for realname, address in email.utils.getaddresses([data]): if address and realname: addresses.append({"value": address, "comment": "{} <{}>".format(realname, address)}) elif address: addresses.append({"value": address}) else: # parsing failed, skip continue if realname: display_names.append({"value": realname, "comment": "{} <{}>".format(realname, address)}) if addresses: self.add_attributes(typ, *addresses) if insert_display_names and display_names: self.add_attributes("{}-display-name".format(typ), *display_names) def __generate_received(self): """ Extract IP addresses from received headers that are not private. """ for received in self.__parser.received: tokens = received["from"].split(" ") ip = None for token in tokens: try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(token) break except ValueError: pass # token is not IP address if not ip or ip.is_private: continue # skip header if IP not found or is private self.add_attribute("received-header-ip", value=str(ip), comment=received["from"])