#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Koen Van Impe Maxime Thiebaut Generate a report of your MISP statistics Put this script in crontab to run every /15 or /60 */5 * * * * mispuser /usr/bin/python3 /home/mispuser/PyMISP/examples/stats_report.py -t 30d -m -v Do inline config in "main" ''' from pymisp import ExpandedPyMISP from keys import misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert import argparse import os from datetime import datetime from datetime import date import time import sys import smtplib import mimetypes from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email import encoders from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Suppress those "Unverified HTTPS request is being made" import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) def init(url, key, verifycert): ''' Template to get MISP module started ''' return ExpandedPyMISP(url, key, verifycert, 'json') def get_data(misp, timeframe, date_from = None, date_to = None): ''' Get the event date to build our report ''' number_of_misp_events = 0 number_of_attributes = 0 number_of_attributes_to_ids = 0 attr_type = {} attr_category = {} tags_type = {} tags_tlp = {'tlp:white': 0, 'tlp:green': 0, 'tlp:amber': 0, 'tlp:red': 0} tags_misp_galaxy_mitre = {} tags_misp_galaxy = {} tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor = {} galaxies = {} galaxies_cluster = {} threat_levels_counts = [0, 0, 0, 0] analysis_completion_counts = [0, 0, 0] report = {} try: if date_from and date_to: stats_event_response = misp.search(date_from=date_from, date_to=date_to) else: stats_event_response = misp.search(last=timeframe) # Number of new or updated events since timestamp report['number_of_misp_events'] = len(stats_event_response) report['misp_events'] = [] for event in stats_event_response: event_data = event['Event'] timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(event_data['timestamp'])).strftime(ts_format) publish_timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(event_data['publish_timestamp'])).strftime(ts_format) threat_level_id = int(event_data['threat_level_id']) - 1 threat_levels_counts[threat_level_id] = threat_levels_counts[threat_level_id] + 1 threat_level_id = threat_levels[threat_level_id] analysis_id = int(event_data['analysis']) analysis_completion_counts[analysis_id] = analysis_completion_counts[analysis_id] + 1 analysis = analysis_completion[analysis_id] report['misp_events'].append({'id': event_data['id'], 'title': event_data['info'].replace('\n', '').encode('utf-8'), 'date': event_data['date'], 'timestamp': timestamp, 'publish_timestamp': publish_timestamp, 'threat_level': threat_level_id, 'analysis_completion': analysis}) # Walk through the attributes if 'Attribute' in event_data: event_attr = event_data['Attribute'] for attr in event_attr: number_of_attributes = number_of_attributes + 1 type = attr['type'] category = attr['category'] to_ids = attr['to_ids'] if to_ids: number_of_attributes_to_ids = number_of_attributes_to_ids + 1 if type in attr_type: attr_type[type] = attr_type[type] + 1 else: attr_type[type] = 1 if category in attr_category: attr_category[category] = attr_category[category] + 1 else: attr_category[category] = 1 # Process tags if 'Tag' in event_data: tags_attr = event_data['Tag'] for tag in tags_attr: tag_title = tag['name'] if tag_title.lower().replace(' ', '') in tags_tlp: tags_tlp[tag_title.lower().replace(' ', '')] = tags_tlp[tag_title.lower().replace(' ', '')] + 1 if 'misp-galaxy:mitre-' in tag_title: if tag_title in tags_misp_galaxy_mitre: tags_misp_galaxy_mitre[tag_title] = tags_misp_galaxy_mitre[tag_title] + 1 else: tags_misp_galaxy_mitre[tag_title] = 1 if 'misp-galaxy:threat-actor=' in tag_title: if tag_title in tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor: tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor[tag_title] = tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor[tag_title] + 1 else: tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor[tag_title] = 1 elif 'misp-galaxy:' in tag_title: if tag_title in tags_misp_galaxy: tags_misp_galaxy[tag_title] = tags_misp_galaxy[tag_title] + 1 else: tags_misp_galaxy[tag_title] = 1 if tag_title in tags_type: tags_type[tag_title] = tags_type[tag_title] + 1 else: tags_type[tag_title] = 1 # Process the galaxies if 'Galaxy' in event_data: galaxy_attr = event_data['Galaxy'] for galaxy in galaxy_attr: galaxy_title = galaxy['type'] if galaxy_title in galaxies: galaxies[galaxy_title] = galaxies[galaxy_title] + 1 else: galaxies[galaxy_title] = 1 for cluster in galaxy['GalaxyCluster']: cluster_value = cluster['type'] if cluster_value in galaxies_cluster: galaxies_cluster[cluster_value] = galaxies_cluster[cluster_value] + 1 else: galaxies_cluster[cluster_value] = 1 report['number_of_attributes'] = number_of_attributes report['number_of_attributes_to_ids'] = number_of_attributes_to_ids report['attr_type'] = attr_type report['attr_category'] = attr_category report['tags_type'] = tags_type report['tags_tlp'] = tags_tlp report['tags_misp_galaxy_mitre'] = tags_misp_galaxy_mitre report['tags_misp_galaxy'] = tags_misp_galaxy report['tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor'] = tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor report['galaxies'] = galaxies report['galaxies_cluster'] = galaxies_cluster # General MISP statistics user_statistics = misp.users_statistics() if user_statistics and 'errors' not in user_statistics: report['user_statistics'] = user_statistics # Return the report data return report except Exception as e: sys.exit('Unable to get statistics from MISP') def build_report(report, timeframe, misp_url): ''' Build the body of the report and optional attachments ''' attachments = {} now = datetime.now() current_date = now.strftime(ts_format) report_body = 'MISP Report %s for last %s on %s\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' % (current_date, timeframe, misp_url) report_body = report_body + '\nNew or updated events: %s' % report['number_of_misp_events'] report_body = report_body + '\nNew or updated attributes: %s' % report['number_of_attributes'] report_body = report_body + '\nNew or updated attributes with IDS flag: %s' % report['number_of_attributes_to_ids'] report_body = report_body + '\n' if 'user_statistics' in report: report_body = report_body + '\nTotal events: %s' % report['user_statistics']['stats']['event_count'] report_body = report_body + '\nTotal attributes: %s' % report['user_statistics']['stats']['attribute_count'] report_body = report_body + '\nTotal users: %s' % report['user_statistics']['stats']['user_count'] report_body = report_body + '\nTotal orgs: %s' % report['user_statistics']['stats']['org_count'] report_body = report_body + '\nTotal correlation: %s' % report['user_statistics']['stats']['correlation_count'] report_body = report_body + '\nTotal proposals: %s' % report['user_statistics']['stats']['proposal_count'] report_body = report_body + '\n\n' if args.mispevent: report_body = report_body + '\nNew or updated events\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' attachments['misp_events'] = 'ID;Title;Date;Updated;Published;ThreatLevel;AnalysisStatus' for el in report['misp_events']: report_body = report_body + '\n #%s %s (%s) \t%s \n\t\t\t\t(Date: %s, Updated: %s, Published: %s)' % (el['id'], el['threat_level'], el['analysis_completion'], el['title'].decode('utf-8'), el['date'], el['timestamp'], el['publish_timestamp']) attachments['misp_events'] = attachments['misp_events'] + '\n%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s' % (el['id'], el['title'].decode('utf-8'), el['date'], el['timestamp'], el['publish_timestamp'], el['threat_level'], el['analysis_completion']) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nNew or updated attributes - Category \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' attr_category_s = sorted(report['attr_category'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['attr_category'] = 'AttributeCategory;Qt' for el in attr_category_s: report_body = report_body + '\n%s \t %s' % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['attr_category'] = attachments['attr_category'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nNew or updated attributes - Type \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' attr_type_s = sorted(report['attr_type'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['attr_type'] = 'AttributeType;Qt' for el in attr_type_s: report_body = report_body + '\n%s \t %s' % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['attr_type'] = attachments['attr_type'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nTLP Codes \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' attachments['tags_tlp'] = 'TLP;Qt' for el in report['tags_tlp']: report_body = report_body + "\n%s \t %s" % (el, report['tags_tlp'][el]) attachments['tags_tlp'] = attachments['tags_tlp'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el, report['tags_tlp'][el]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nTag MISP Galaxy\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' tags_misp_galaxy_s = sorted(report['tags_misp_galaxy'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['tags_misp_galaxy'] = 'MISPGalaxy;Qt' for el in tags_misp_galaxy_s: report_body = report_body + "\n%s \t %s" % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['tags_misp_galaxy'] = attachments['tags_misp_galaxy'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nTag MISP Galaxy Mitre \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' tags_misp_galaxy_mitre_s = sorted(report['tags_misp_galaxy_mitre'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_mitre'] = 'MISPGalaxyMitre;Qt' for el in tags_misp_galaxy_mitre_s: report_body = report_body + "\n%s \t %s" % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_mitre'] = attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_mitre'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nTag MISP Galaxy Threat Actor \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor_s = sorted(report['tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor'] = 'MISPGalaxyThreatActor;Qt' for el in tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor_s: report_body = report_body + "\n%s \t %s" % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor'] = attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nTags \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' tags_type_s = sorted(report['tags_type'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['tags_type'] = 'Tag;Qt' for el in tags_type_s: report_body = report_body + "\n%s \t %s" % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['tags_type'] = attachments['tags_type'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nGalaxies \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' galaxies_s = sorted(report['galaxies'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['galaxies'] = 'Galaxies;Qt' for el in galaxies_s: report_body = report_body + "\n%s \t %s" % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['galaxies'] = attachments['galaxies'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + '\n\n' report_body = report_body + '\nGalaxies Cluster \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' galaxies_cluster_s = sorted(report['galaxies_cluster'].items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) attachments['galaxies_cluster'] = 'Galaxies;Qt' for el in galaxies_cluster_s: report_body = report_body + "\n%s \t %s" % (el[0], el[1]) attachments['galaxies_cluster'] = attachments['galaxies_cluster'] + '\n%s;%s' % (el[0], el[1]) report_body = report_body + "\n\nMISP Reporter Finished\n" return report_body, attachments def msg_attach(content, filename): ''' Return an message attachment object ''' part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload(content) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename) return part def print_report(report_body, attachments, smtp_from, smtp_to, smtp_server, misp_url): ''' Print (or send) the report ''' if args.mail: now = datetime.now() current_date = now.strftime(ts_format) subject = "MISP Report %s for last %s on %s" % (current_date, timeframe, misp_url) msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = smtp_from msg['To'] = smtp_to msg['Subject'] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(report_body, 'text')) if args.mispevent: part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload(attachments['misp_events']) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="misp_events.csv"') msg.attach(part) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['attr_type'], 'attr_type.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['attr_category'], 'attr_category.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['tags_tlp'], 'tags_tlp.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_mitre'], 'tags_misp_galaxy_mitre.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['tags_misp_galaxy'], 'tags_misp_galaxy.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor'], 'tags_misp_galaxy_threat_actor.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['tags_type'], 'tags_type.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['galaxies'], 'galaxies.csv')) msg.attach(msg_attach(attachments['galaxies_cluster'], 'galaxies_cluster.csv')) server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server) server.sendmail(smtp_from, smtp_to, msg.as_string()) else: print(report_body) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate a report of your MISP statistics.') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('-t', '--timeframe',action='store', help='Timeframe to include in the report') group.add_argument('-f', '--date_from',action='store', help='Start date of query (YYYY-MM-DD)') parser.add_argument('-u', '---date-to', action='store', help='End date of query (YYYY-MM-DD)') parser.add_argument('-e', '--mispevent', action='store_true', help='Include MISP event titles') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mail', action='store_true', help='Mail the report') parser.add_argument('-o', '--mailoptions', action='store', help='mailoptions: \'smtp_from=INSERT_FROM;smtp_to=INSERT_TO;smtp_server=localhost\'') args = parser.parse_args() misp = init(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert) timeframe = args.timeframe if not timeframe: date_from = args.date_from if not args.date_to: today = date.today() date_to = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: date_to = args.date_to else: date_from = None date_to = None ts_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' threat_levels = ['High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'Undef'] analysis_completion = ['Initial', 'Ongoing', 'Complete'] smtp_from = 'INSERT_FROM' smtp_to = 'INSERT_TO' smtp_server = 'localhost' if args.mailoptions: mailoptions = args.mailoptions.split(';') for s in mailoptions: if s.split('=')[0] == 'smtp_from': smtp_from = s.split('=')[1] if s.split('=')[0] == 'smtp_to': smtp_to = s.split('=')[1] if s.split('=')[0] == 'smtp_server': smtp_server = s.split('=')[1] report = get_data(misp, timeframe, date_from, date_to) if(report): report_body, attachments = build_report(report, timeframe, misp_url) print_report(report_body, attachments, smtp_from, smtp_to, smtp_server, misp_url)