#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from json import JSONDecoder import random import pygal from pygal.style import Style import pandas from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from dateutil.parser import parse import numpy from scipy import stats from pytaxonomies import Taxonomies import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import pylab import os class DateError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) # ############### Date Tools ################ def dateInRange(datetimeTested, begin=None, end=None): if begin is None: begin = datetime(1970, 1, 1) if end is None: end = datetime.now() return begin <= datetimeTested <= end def toDatetime(date): return parse(date) def checkDateConsistancy(begindate, enddate, lastdate): if begindate is not None and enddate is not None: if begindate > enddate: raise DateError('begindate ({}) cannot be after enddate ({})'.format(begindate, enddate)) if enddate is not None: if toDatetime(enddate) < lastdate: raise DateError('enddate ({}) cannot be before lastdate ({})'.format(enddate, lastdate)) if begindate is not None: if toDatetime(begindate) > datetime.now(): raise DateError('begindate ({}) cannot be after today ({})'.format(begindate, datetime.now().date())) def setBegindate(begindate, lastdate): return max(begindate, lastdate) def setEnddate(enddate): return min(enddate, datetime.now()) def getLastdate(last): return (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=int(last))).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) def getNDaysBefore(date, days): return (date - timedelta(days=days)).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) def getToday(): return (datetime.now()).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) # ############### Tools ################ def getTaxonomies(dataframe): taxonomies = Taxonomies() taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) notInTaxo = [] count = 0 for taxonomy in taxonomies: empty = True for it in dataframe.iterrows(): if it[0].startswith(taxonomy): empty = False dataframe = dataframe.drop([it[0]]) count = count + 1 if empty is True: notInTaxo.append(taxonomy) if dataframe.empty: emptyOther = True else: emptyOther = False for taxonomy in notInTaxo: taxonomies.remove(taxonomy) return taxonomies, emptyOther def buildDoubleIndex(index1, index2, datatype): it = -1 newindex1 = [] for index in index2: if index == 0: it += 1 newindex1.append(index1[it]) arrays = [newindex1, index2] tuples = list(zip(*arrays)) return pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['event', datatype]) def buildNewColumn(index2, column): it = -1 newcolumn = [] for index in index2: if index == 0: it += 1 newcolumn.append(column[it]) return newcolumn def addColumn(dataframe, columnList, columnName): dataframe.loc[:, columnName] = pandas.Series(columnList, index=dataframe.index) def concat(data): return pandas.concat(data, axis=1) def createFakeEmptyTagsSeries(): return pandas.Series({'Faketag': 0}) def removeFaketagRow(dataframe): return dataframe.drop(['Faketag']) def getCopyDataframe(dataframe): return dataframe.copy() def createDictTagsColour(colourDict, tags): temp = tags.groupby(['name', 'colour']).count()['id'] levels_name = temp.index.levels[0] levels_colour = temp.index.levels[1] labels_name = temp.index.labels[0] labels_colour = temp.index.labels[1] for i in range(len(labels_name)): colourDict[levels_name[labels_name[i]]] = levels_colour[labels_colour[i]] def createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict, taxonomy=None): colours = [] if taxonomy is not None: for it in dataframe.iterrows(): if it[0].startswith(taxonomy): colours.append(colourDict[it[0]]) else: for it in dataframe.iterrows(): colours.append(colourDict[it[0]]) style = Style(background='transparent', plot_background='#eeeeee', foreground='#111111', foreground_strong='#111111', foreground_subtle='#111111', opacity='.6', opacity_hover='.9', transition='400ms ease-in', colors=tuple(colours)) return style # ############### Formatting ################ def eventsListBuildFromList(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as myfile: s = myfile.read().replace('\n', '') decoder = JSONDecoder() s_len = len(s) Events = [] end = 0 while end != s_len: Event, end = decoder.raw_decode(s, idx=end) Events.append(Event) data = [] for e in Events: data.append(pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(e, orient='index')) Events = pandas.concat(data) for it in range(Events['attribute_count'].size): if Events['attribute_count'][it] is None: Events['attribute_count'][it] = '0' else: Events['attribute_count'][it] = int(Events['attribute_count'][it]) Events = Events.set_index('id') return Events def eventsListBuildFromArray(jdata): ''' returns a structure listing all primary events in the sample ''' data = [pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(e, orient='index') for e in jdata['response']] events = pandas.concat(data) events = events.set_index(['id']) return events def attributesListBuild(events): attributes = [pandas.DataFrame(attribute) for attribute in events['Attribute']] return pandas.concat(attributes) def tagsListBuild(Events): Tags = [] if 'Tag' in Events.columns: for Tag in Events['Tag']: if type(Tag) is not list: continue Tags.append(pandas.DataFrame(Tag)) if Tags: Tags = pandas.concat(Tags) columnDate = buildNewColumn(Tags.index, Events['date']) addColumn(Tags, columnDate, 'date') index = buildDoubleIndex(Events.index, Tags.index, 'tag') Tags = Tags.set_index(index) else: Tags = None return Tags def selectInRange(Events, begin=None, end=None): inRange = [] for i, Event in Events.iterrows(): if dateInRange(parse(Event['date']), begin, end): inRange.append(Event.tolist()) inRange = pandas.DataFrame(inRange) temp = Events.columns.tolist() if inRange.empty: return None inRange.columns = temp return inRange def isTagIn(dataframe, tag): temp = dataframe[dataframe['name'].str.contains(tag)].index.tolist() index = [] for i in range(len(temp)): if temp[i][0] not in index: index.append(temp[i][0]) return index def renameColumns(dataframe, namelist): dataframe.columns = namelist return dataframe def replaceNaN(dataframe, value): return dataframe.fillna(value) # ############### Basic Stats ################ def getNbitems(dataframe): return len(dataframe.index) def getNbAttributePerEventCategoryType(attributes): return attributes.groupby(['event_id', 'category', 'type']).count()['id'] def getNbOccurenceTags(Tags): return Tags.groupby('name').count()['id'] # ############### Charts ################ def createTable(colors, categ_types_hash, tablename='attribute_table.html'): with open(tablename, 'w') as target: target.write('\n\n\n\n\n') for categ_name, types in categ_types_hash.items(): table = pygal.Treemap(pretty_print=True) target.write('\n


\n'.format(colors[categ_name], categ_name)) for d in types: table.add(d['label'], d['value']) target.write(table.render_table(transpose=True)) target.write('\n\n') def createTreemap(data, title, treename='attribute_treemap.svg', tablename='attribute_table.html'): labels_categ = data.index.labels[0] labels_types = data.index.labels[1] names_categ = data.index.levels[0] names_types = data.index.levels[1] categ_types_hash = {} for categ_id, type_val, total in zip(labels_categ, labels_types, data): if not categ_types_hash.get(names_categ[categ_id]): categ_types_hash[names_categ[categ_id]] = [] dict_to_print = {'label': names_types[type_val], 'value': total} categ_types_hash[names_categ[categ_id]].append(dict_to_print) colors = {categ: "#%06X" % random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF) for categ in categ_types_hash.keys()} style = Style(background='transparent', plot_background='#FFFFFF', foreground='#111111', foreground_strong='#111111', foreground_subtle='#111111', opacity='.6', opacity_hover='.9', transition='400ms ease-in', colors=tuple(colors.values())) treemap = pygal.Treemap(pretty_print=True, legend_at_bottom=True, style=style) treemap.title = title treemap.print_values = True treemap.print_labels = True for categ_name, types in categ_types_hash.items(): treemap.add(categ_name, types) createTable(colors, categ_types_hash) treemap.render_to_file(treename) def tagsToLineChart(dataframe, title, dates, colourDict): style = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict) line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=style, show_legend=False) line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = dates for it in dataframe.iterrows(): line_chart.add(it[0], it[1].tolist()) line_chart.render_to_file('tags_repartition_plot.svg') def tagstrendToLineChart(dataframe, title, dates, split, colourDict): style = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict) line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=style, show_legend=False) line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = dates xi = numpy.arange(split) for it in dataframe.iterrows(): slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(xi, it[1]) line = slope * xi + intercept line_chart.add(it[0], line, show_dots=False) line_chart.render_to_file('tags_repartition_trend_plot.svg') def tagsToTaxoLineChart(dataframe, title, dates, colourDict, taxonomies, emptyOther): style = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict) line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=style) line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = dates for taxonomy in taxonomies: taxoStyle = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict, taxonomy) taxo_line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=taxoStyle) taxo_line_chart.title = title + ': ' + taxonomy taxo_line_chart.x_labels = dates for it in dataframe.iterrows(): if it[0].startswith(taxonomy): taxo_line_chart.add(re.sub(taxonomy + ':', '', it[0]), it[1].tolist()) dataframe = dataframe.drop([it[0]]) taxo_line_chart.render_to_file('plot/' + taxonomy + '.svg') if not emptyOther: taxoStyle = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict) taxo_line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=taxoStyle) taxo_line_chart.title = title + ': other' taxo_line_chart.x_labels = dates for it in dataframe.iterrows(): taxo_line_chart.add(it[0], it[1].tolist()) taxo_line_chart.render_to_file('plot/other.svg') def tagstrendToTaxoLineChart(dataframe, title, dates, split, colourDict, taxonomies, emptyOther): style = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict) line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=style) line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = dates xi = numpy.arange(split) for taxonomy in taxonomies: taxoStyle = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict, taxonomy) taxo_line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=taxoStyle) taxo_line_chart.title = title + ': ' + taxonomy taxo_line_chart.x_labels = dates for it in dataframe.iterrows(): if it[0].startswith(taxonomy): slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(xi, it[1]) line = slope * xi + intercept taxo_line_chart.add(re.sub(taxonomy + ':', '', it[0]), line, show_dots=False) dataframe = dataframe.drop([it[0]]) taxo_line_chart.render_to_file('plot/' + taxonomy + '_trend.svg') if not emptyOther: taxoStyle = createTagsPlotStyle(dataframe, colourDict) taxo_line_chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, style=taxoStyle) taxo_line_chart.title = title + ': other' taxo_line_chart.x_labels = dates for it in dataframe.iterrows(): slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(xi, it[1]) line = slope * xi + intercept taxo_line_chart.add(it[0], line, show_dots=False) taxo_line_chart.render_to_file('plot/other_trend.svg') def tagsToPolyChart(dataframe, split, colourDict, taxonomies, emptyOther, order): for taxonomy in taxonomies: for it in dataframe.iterrows(): if it[0].startswith(taxonomy): points = [] for i in range(split): points.append((i, it[1][i])) color = colourDict[it[0]] label = re.sub(taxonomy + ':', '', it[0]) points = numpy.array(points) dataframe = dataframe.drop([it[0]]) # get x and y vectors x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] # calculate polynomial z = numpy.polyfit(x, y, order) f = numpy.poly1d(z) # calculate new x's and y's x_new = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 50) y_new = f(x_new) plt.plot(x, y, '.', color=color) plt.plot(x_new, y_new, color=color, label=label + 'trend') pylab.title('Polynomial Fit with Matplotlib: ' + taxonomy) pylab.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) ax = plt.gca() # ax.set_facecolor((0.898, 0.898, 0.898)) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0 - 0.01, box.y0, box.width * 0.78, box.height]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(20, 15) fig.savefig('plotlib/' + taxonomy + '.png') fig.clf() if not emptyOther: for it in dataframe.iterrows(): points = [] for i in range(split): points.append((i, it[1][i])) color = colourDict[it[0]] label = it[0] points = numpy.array(points) # get x and y vectors x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] # calculate polynomial z = numpy.polyfit(x, y, order) f = numpy.poly1d(z) # calculate new x's and y's x_new = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 50) y_new = f(x_new) plt.plot(x, y, '.', color=color, label=label) plt.plot(x_new, y_new, color=color, label=label + 'trend') pylab.title('Polynomial Fit with Matplotlib: other') pylab.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) ax = plt.gca() #cax.set_facecolor((0.898, 0.898, 0.898)) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0 - 0.01, box.y0, box.width * 0.78, box.height]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(20, 15) fig.savefig('plotlib/other.png') def createVisualisation(taxonomies): chain = '\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t' chain = chain + '' for taxonomy in taxonomies: chain = chain + '\n' chain = chain + '\n' chain = chain + '
' chain = chain + '\n\t\n' with open('test_tags_trend.html', 'w') as target: target.write(chain)