
204 lines
9.1 KiB

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
from pymisp import ExpandedPyMISP, MISPEvent
from keys import misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert, proofpoint_sp, proofpoint_secret
import urllib3
if proofpoint_secret == '<proofpoint secret>':
print('Set the proofpoint_secret in before running. Exiting...')
# initialize PyMISP and set url for Panorama
misp = ExpandedPyMISP(url=misp_url, key=misp_key, ssl=misp_verifycert)
urlSiem = ""
alertType = ("messagesDelivered", "messagesBlocked", "clicksPermitted", "clicksBlocked")
# max query is 1h, and we want Proofpoint TAP api to return json
queryString = {
"sinceSeconds": "3600",
"format": "json"
responseSiem = requests.request("GET", urlSiem, params=queryString, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(proofpoint_sp, proofpoint_secret))
if 'Credentials authentication failed' in responseSiem.text:
print('Credentials invalid, please edit and try again')
jsonDataSiem = json.loads(responseSiem.text)
for alert in alertType:
for messages in jsonDataSiem[alert]:
# initialize and set MISPEvent()
event = MISPEvent()
if alert == "messagesDelivered" or alert == "messagesBlocked":
if alert == "messagesDelivered": = alert
event.distribution = 0 # Optional, defaults to MISP.default_event_distribution in MISP config
event.threat_level_id = 2 # setting this to 0 breaks the integration
event.analysis = 0 # Optional, defaults to 0 (initial analysis)
else: = alert
event.distribution = 0 # Optional, defaults to MISP.default_event_distribution in MISP config
event.threat_level_id = 2 # BLOCKED = LOW
event.analysis = 0 # Optional, defaults to 0 (initial analysis)
recipient = event.add_attribute('email-dst', messages["recipient"][0])
recipient.comment = 'recipient address'
sender = event.add_attribute('email-src', messages["sender"])
sender.comment = 'sender address'
if messages["fromAddress"] is not None and messages["fromAddress"] != "" :
fromAddress = event.add_attribute('email-src-display-name', messages["fromAddress"])
headerFrom = event.add_attribute('email-header', messages["headerFrom"])
headerFrom.comment = 'email header from'
senderIP = event.add_attribute('ip-src', messages["senderIP"])
senderIP.comment = 'sender IP'
subject = event.add_attribute('email-subject', messages["subject"])
subject.comment = 'email subject'
if messages["quarantineFolder"] is not None and messages["quarantineFolder"] != "":
quarantineFolder = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["quarantineFolder"])
quarantineFolder.comment = 'quarantine folder'
if messages["quarantineRule"] is not None and messages["quarantineRule"] != "":
quarantineRule = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["quarantineRule"])
quarantineRule.comment = 'quarantine rule'
messageSize = event.add_attribute('size-in-bytes', messages["messageSize"])
messageSize.comment = 'size of email in bytes'
malwareScore = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["malwareScore"])
malwareScore.comment = 'malware score'
phishScore = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["phishScore"])
phishScore.comment = 'phish score'
spamScore = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["spamScore"])
spamScore.comment = 'spam score'
imposterScore = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["impostorScore"])
imposterScore.comment = 'impostor score'
completelyRewritten = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["completelyRewritten"])
completelyRewritten.comment = 'proofpoint url defense'
# grab the threat info for each message in TAP
for threatInfo in messages["threatsInfoMap"]:
threat_type = {
"url": "url",
"attachment": "email-attachment",
"message": "email-body"
threat = event.add_attribute(threat_type.get(threatInfo["threatType"]), threatInfo["threat"])
threat.comment = 'threat'
threatUrl = event.add_attribute('link', threatInfo["threatUrl"])
threatUrl.comment = 'link to threat in TAP'
threatStatus = event.add_attribute('comment', threatInfo["threatStatus"])
threatStatus.comment = "proofpoint's threat status"
# get campaignID from each TAP alert and query campaign API
if threatInfo["campaignID"] is not None and threatInfo["campaignID"] != "":
urlCampaign = "" + threatInfo["campaignID"]
responseCampaign = requests.request("GET", urlCampaign, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(proofpoint_sp, proofpoint_secret))
jsonDataCampaign = json.loads(responseCampaign.text)
campaignType = ("actors", "families", "malware", "techniques")
# loop through campaignType and grab tags to add to MISP event
for tagType in campaignType:
for tag in jsonDataCampaign[tagType]:
# grab which policy route the message took
for policy in messages["policyRoutes"]:
policyRoute = event.add_attribute('comment', policy)
policyRoute.comment = 'email policy route'
# was the threat in the body of the email or is it an attachment?
for parts in messages["messageParts"]:
disposition = event.add_attribute('comment', parts["disposition"])
disposition.comment = 'email body or attachment'
# sha256 hash of threat
if parts["sha256"] is not None and parts["sha256"] != "":
sha256 = event.add_attribute('sha256', parts["sha256"])
sha256.comment = 'sha256 hash'
# md5 hash of threat
if parts["md5"] is not None and parts["md5"] != "":
md5 = event.add_attribute('md5', parts["md5"])
md5.comment = 'md5 hash'
# filename of threat
if parts["filename"] is not None and parts["filename"] != "":
filename = event.add_attribute('filename', parts["filename"])
filename.comment = 'filename'
if alert == "clicksPermitted" or alert == "clicksBlocked":
if alert == "clicksPermitted":
print(alert + " is a permitted click") = alert
event.distribution = 0 # Optional, defaults to MISP.default_event_distribution in MISP config
event.threat_level_id = 2 # setting this to 0 breaks the integration
event.analysis = 0 # Optional, defaults to 0 (initial analysis)
print(alert + " is a blocked click") = alert
event.distribution = 0 # Optional, defaults to MISP.default_event_distribution in MISP config
event.threat_level_id = 2 # BLOCKED = LOW
event.analysis = 0 # Optional, defaults to 0 (initial analysis)
campaignId = event.add_attribute('campaign-id', messages["campaignId"][0])
campaignId.comment = 'campaignId'
clickIP = event.add_attribute('ip-src', messages["clickIP"])
clickIP.comment = 'clickIP'
clickTime = event.add_attribute('datetime', messages["clickTime"])
clickTime.comment = 'clicked threat'
threatTime = event.add_attribute('datetime', messages["threatTime"])
threatTime.comment = 'identified threat'
GUID = event.add_attribute('comment', messages["GUID"])
GUID.comment = 'PPS message ID'
recipient = event.add_attribute('email-dst', messages["recipient"][0])
recipient.comment = 'recipient address'
sender = event.add_attribute('email-src', messages["sender"])
sender.comment = 'sender address'
senderIP = event.add_attribute('ip-src', messages["senderIP"])
senderIP.comment = 'sender IP'
threatURL = event.add_attribute('link', messages["threatURL"])
threatURL.comment = 'link to threat in TAP'
url = event.add_attribute('link', messages["url"])
url.comment = 'malicious url clicked'
userAgent = event.add_attribute('user-agent', messages["userAgent"])