
196 lines
8.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import os
import json
import sys
import uuid
from collections import Counter
from .abstract import AbstractMISP
from .exceptions import UnknownMISPObjectTemplate, InvalidMISPObject
import six # Remove that import when discarding python2 support.
if six.PY2:
import warnings
warnings.warn("You're using python 2, it is strongly recommended to use python >=3.5")
class MISPObjectReference(AbstractMISP):
attributes = ['source_uuid', 'destination_uuid', 'relationship_type', 'comment', 'uuid', 'deleted']
def __init__(self):
super(MISPObjectReference, self).__init__()
def from_dict(self, source_uuid, destination_uuid, relationship_type, comment=None, **kwargs):
self.source_uuid = source_uuid
self.destination_uuid = destination_uuid
self.relationship_type = relationship_type
self.comment = comment
for k, v in kwargs:
setattr(self, k, v)
class MISPObjectAttribute(AbstractMISP):
# This list is very limited and hardcoded to fit the current needs (file/pe/pesection creation): MISPAttriute will follow the
# same spec and just add one attribute: object_relation
attributes = ['object_relation', 'value', 'type', 'category', 'disable_correlation', 'to_ids',
'data', 'encrypt', 'distribution', 'comment', 'uuid', 'event_id']
def __init__(self, definition):
super(MISPObjectAttribute, self).__init__()
self.definition = definition
def from_dict(self, object_relation, value, **kwargs):
from .mispevent import MISPAttribute
self.object_relation = object_relation
self.value = value
# Initialize the new MISPAttribute
# Get the misp attribute type from the definition
self.type = kwargs.pop('type', None)
if self.type is None:
self.type = self.definition.get('misp-attribute')
self.disable_correlation = kwargs.pop('disable_correlation', None)
if self.disable_correlation is None:
# The correlation can be disabled by default in the object definition.
# Use this value if it isn't overloaded by the object
self.disable_correlation = self.definition.get('disable_correlation')
self.to_ids = kwargs.pop('to_ids', None)
if self.to_ids is None:
# Same for the to_ids flag
self.to_ids = self.definition.get('to_ids')
# FIXME: dirty hack until all the classes are ported to the new format but we get the default values
# Initialise rest of the values
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
temp_attribute = MISPAttribute()
# Update default values
for k, v in temp_attribute.to_dict().items():
setattr(self, k, v)
class MISPObject(AbstractMISP):
attributes = ['name', 'meta-category', 'uuid', 'description', 'template_version', 'template_uuid', 'Attribute']
def __init__(self, name, strict=True):
super(MISPObject, self).__init__()
self.strict = strict = name
self.misp_objects_path = os.path.join(
'data', 'misp-objects', 'objects')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.misp_objects_path,, 'definition.json')):
self.known_template = True
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('{} is unknown in the MISP object directory.')
self.known_template = False
if self.known_template:
with open(os.path.join(self.misp_objects_path,, 'definition.json'), 'r') as f:
self.definition = json.load(f)
setattr(self, 'meta-category', self.definition['meta-category'])
self.template_uuid = self.definition['uuid']
self.description = self.definition['description']
self.template_version = self.definition['version']
# FIXME We need to set something for meta-category, template_uuid, description and template_version
self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.Attribute = []
self.ObjectReference = []
def from_dict(self, **kwargs):
if self.known_template:
if kwargs.get('template_uuid') and kwargs['template_uuid'] != self.template_uuid:
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('UUID of the object is different from the one of the template.')
self.known_template = False
if kwargs.get('template_version') and int(kwargs['template_version']) != self.template_version:
if self.strict:
raise UnknownMISPObjectTemplate('Version of the object ({}) is different from the one of the template ({}).'.format(kwargs['template_version'], self.template_version))
self.known_template = False
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == 'Attribute':
for v in value:
elif key == 'ObjectReference':
for v in value:
setattr(self, key, value)
def to_dict(self, strict=True):
if strict or self.strict and self.known_template:
return super(MISPObject, self).to_dict()
def to_json(self, strict=True):
if strict or self.strict and self.known_template:
return super(MISPObject, self).to_json()
def _validate(self):
"""Make sure the object we're creating has the required fields"""
all_object_relations = []
for a in self.Attribute:
count_relations = dict(Counter(all_object_relations))
for key, counter in count_relations.items():
if counter == 1:
if not self.definition['attributes'][key].get('multiple'):
raise InvalidMISPObject('Multiple occurrences of {} is not allowed'.format(key))
all_attribute_names = set(count_relations.keys())
if self.definition.get('requiredOneOf'):
if not set(self.definition['requiredOneOf']) & all_attribute_names:
raise InvalidMISPObject('At least one of the following attributes is required: {}'.format(', '.join(self.definition['requiredOneOf'])))
if self.definition.get('required'):
for r in self.definition.get('required'):
if r not in all_attribute_names:
raise InvalidMISPObject('{} is required'.format(r))
return True
def add_reference(self, destination_uuid, relationship_type, comment=None, **kwargs):
"""Add a link (uuid) to an other object"""
if kwargs.get('source_uuid'):
# Load existing object
source_uuid = kwargs.get('source_uuid')
# New reference
source_uuid = self.uuid
reference = MISPObjectReference()
reference.from_dict(source_uuid=source_uuid, destination_uuid=destination_uuid,
relationship_type=relationship_type, comment=comment, **kwargs)
def add_attribute(self, object_relation, **value):
if value.get('value') is None:
return None
if self.known_template:
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute(self.definition['attributes'][object_relation])
attribute = MISPObjectAttribute({})
attribute.from_dict(object_relation, **value)
return attribute
@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) # Remove that line when discarding python2 support.
# Python3 way: class MISPObjectGenerator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
class AbstractMISPObjectGenerator(MISPObject):
def generate_attributes(self):
"""Contains the logic where all the values of the object are gathered"""