mirror of https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP
604 lines
24 KiB
604 lines
24 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import time
import json
from json import JSONEncoder
import os
import warnings
import base64
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import hashlib
from dateutil.parser import parse
except ImportError:
import jsonschema
except ImportError:
# pyme renamed to gpg the 2016-10-28
import gpg
from gpg.constants.sig import mode
has_pyme = True
except ImportError:
# pyme renamed to gpg the 2016-10-28
import pyme as gpg
from pyme.constants.sig import mode
has_pyme = True
except ImportError:
has_pyme = False
from .exceptions import PyMISPError, NewEventError, NewAttributeError
# Least dirty way to support python 2 and 3
warnings.warn("You're using python 2, it is strongly recommended to use python >=3.4")
except NameError:
basestring = str
unicode = str
class MISPAttribute(object):
def __init__(self, describe_types):
self.categories = describe_types['categories']
self.types = describe_types['types']
self.category_type_mapping = describe_types['category_type_mappings']
self.sane_default = describe_types['sane_defaults']
def _reinitialize_attribute(self):
# Default values
self.category = None
self.type = None
self.value = None
self.to_ids = False
self.comment = ''
self.distribution = 5
# other possible values
self.data = None
self.encrypt = False
self.id = None
self.uuid = None
self.timestamp = None
self.sharing_group_id = None
self.deleted = None
self.sig = None
self.SharingGroup = []
self.ShadowAttribute = []
self.disable_correlation = False
self.RelatedAttribute = []
self.Tag = []
def _serialize(self):
return '{type}{category}{to_ids}{uuid}{timestamp}{comment}{deleted}{value}'.format(
type=self.type, category=self.category, to_ids=self.to_ids, uuid=self.uuid, timestamp=self.timestamp,
comment=self.comment, deleted=self.deleted, value=self.value).encode()
def sign(self, gpg_uid, passphrase=None):
if not has_pyme:
raise PyMISPError('pyme is required, please install: pip install --pre pyme3. You will also need libgpg-error-dev and libgpgme11-dev.')
to_sign = self._serialize()
with gpg.Context() as c:
keys = list(c.keylist(gpg_uid))
c.signers = keys[:1]
if passphrase:
c.set_passphrase_cb(lambda *args: passphrase)
signed, _ = c.sign(to_sign, mode=mode.DETACH)
self.sig = base64.b64encode(signed).decode()
def delete(self):
self.deleted = True
def add_tag(self, tag):
self.Tag.append({'name': tag})
def verify(self, gpg_uid):
if not has_pyme:
raise PyMISPError('pyme is required, please install: pip install --pre pyme3. You will also need libgpg-error-dev and libgpgme11-dev.')
signed_data = self._serialize()
with gpg.Context() as c:
keys = list(c.keylist(gpg_uid))
c.verify(signed_data, signature=base64.b64decode(self.sig), verify=keys[:1])
return {self.uuid: True}
return {self.uuid: False}
def set_all_values(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('type') and kwargs.get('category'):
if kwargs['type'] not in self.category_type_mapping[kwargs['category']]:
raise NewAttributeError('{} and {} is an invalid combination, type for this category has to be in {}'.format(kwargs.get('type'), kwargs.get('category'), (', '.join(self.category_type_mapping[kwargs['category']]))))
# Required
if kwargs.get('type'):
self.type = kwargs['type']
if self.type not in self.types:
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, type has to be in {}'.format(self.type, (', '.join(self.types))))
elif not self.type:
raise NewAttributeError('The type of the attribute is required.')
type_defaults = self.sane_default[self.type]
self.value = kwargs.get('value')
if self.value is None:
raise NewAttributeError('The value of the attribute is required.')
# Default values
if kwargs.get('category'):
self.category = kwargs['category']
if self.category not in self.categories:
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, category has to be in {}'.format(self.category, (', '.join(self.categories))))
self.category = type_defaults['default_category']
self.to_ids = kwargs.get('to_ids')
if self.to_ids is None:
self.to_ids = bool(int(type_defaults['to_ids']))
if not isinstance(self.to_ids, bool):
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, to_ids has to be True or False'.format(self.to_ids))
if kwargs.get('comment'):
self.comment = kwargs['comment']
if kwargs.get('distribution') is not None:
self.distribution = int(kwargs['distribution'])
if self.distribution not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
raise NewAttributeError('{} is invalid, the distribution has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5'.format(self.distribution))
# other possible values
if kwargs.get('data'):
self.data = kwargs['data']
if kwargs.get('id'):
self.id = int(kwargs['id'])
if kwargs.get('uuid'):
self.uuid = kwargs['uuid']
if kwargs.get('timestamp'):
self.timestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(kwargs['timestamp']))
if kwargs.get('sharing_group_id'):
self.sharing_group_id = int(kwargs['sharing_group_id'])
if kwargs.get('deleted'):
self.deleted = kwargs['deleted']
if kwargs.get('SharingGroup'):
self.SharingGroup = kwargs['SharingGroup']
if kwargs.get('ShadowAttribute'):
self.ShadowAttribute = kwargs['ShadowAttribute']
if kwargs.get('sig'):
self.sig = kwargs['sig']
if kwargs.get('Tag'):
self.Tag = [t for t in kwargs['Tag'] if t]
# If the user wants to disable correlation, let them. Defaults to False.
self.disable_correlation = kwargs.get("disable_correlation", False)
if self.disable_correlation is None:
self.disable_correlation = False
def _prepare_new_malware_sample(self):
if '|' in self.value:
# Get the filename, ignore the md5, because humans.
self.malware_filename, md5 = self.value.split('|')
# Assuming the user only passed the filename
self.malware_filename = self.value
m = hashlib.md5()
md5 = m.hexdigest()
self.value = '{}|{}'.format(self.malware_filename, md5)
self.malware_binary = self.data
self.encrypt = True
def _load_data(self):
if not isinstance(self.data, BytesIO):
self.data = BytesIO(base64.b64decode(self.data))
if self.type == 'malware-sample':
with ZipFile(self.data) as f:
for name in f.namelist():
if name.endswith('.txt'):
with f.open(name, pwd=b'infected') as unpacked:
self.malware_filename = unpacked.read().decode()
with f.open(name, pwd=b'infected') as unpacked:
self.malware_binary = BytesIO(unpacked.read())
# not a encrypted zip file, assuming it is a new malware sample
def _json(self):
to_return = {'type': self.type, 'category': self.category, 'to_ids': self.to_ids,
'distribution': self.distribution, 'value': self.value,
'comment': self.comment, 'disable_correlation': self.disable_correlation}
if self.uuid:
to_return['uuid'] = self.uuid
if self.sig:
to_return['sig'] = self.sig
if self.sharing_group_id:
to_return['sharing_group_id'] = self.sharing_group_id
if self.Tag:
to_return['Tag'] = self.Tag
if self.data:
to_return['data'] = base64.b64encode(self.data.getvalue()).decode()
if self.encrypt:
to_return['encrypt'] = self.encrypt
to_return = _int_to_str(to_return)
return to_return
def _json_full(self):
to_return = self._json()
if self.id:
to_return['id'] = self.id
if self.timestamp:
# Should never be set on an update, MISP will automatically set it to now
to_return['timestamp'] = int(time.mktime(self.timestamp.timetuple()))
if self.deleted is not None:
to_return['deleted'] = self.deleted
if self.ShadowAttribute:
to_return['ShadowAttribute'] = self.ShadowAttribute
if self.SharingGroup:
to_return['SharingGroup'] = self.SharingGroup
to_return = _int_to_str(to_return)
return to_return
class EncodeUpdate(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
return obj._json()
except AttributeError:
return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class EncodeFull(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
return obj._json_full()
except AttributeError:
return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def _int_to_str(d):
# transform all integer back to string
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, (int, float)) and not isinstance(v, bool):
d[k] = str(v)
return d
class MISPEvent(object):
def __init__(self, describe_types=None, strict_validation=False):
self.ressources_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data')
if strict_validation:
with open(os.path.join(self.ressources_path, 'schema.json'), 'r') as f:
self.json_schema = json.load(f)
with open(os.path.join(self.ressources_path, 'schema-lax.json'), 'r') as f:
self.json_schema = json.load(f)
if not describe_types:
with open(os.path.join(self.ressources_path, 'describeTypes.json'), 'r') as f:
t = json.load(f)
describe_types = t['result']
self.describe_types = describe_types
self.categories = describe_types['categories']
self.types = describe_types['types']
self.category_type_mapping = describe_types['category_type_mappings']
self.sane_default = describe_types['sane_defaults']
self.new = True
self.dump_full = False
def _reinitialize_event(self):
# Default values for a valid event to send to a MISP instance
self.distribution = 3
self.threat_level_id = 2
self.analysis = 0
self.info = None
self.published = False
self.date = datetime.date.today()
self.attributes = []
# All other keys
self.sig = None
self.global_sig = None
self.id = None
self.orgc_id = None
self.org_id = None
self.uuid = None
self.attribute_count = None
self.timestamp = None
self.proposal_email_lock = None
self.locked = None
self.publish_timestamp = None
self.sharing_group_id = None
self.Org = None
self.Orgc = None
self.ShadowAttribute = []
self.RelatedEvent = []
self.Tag = []
self.Galaxy = None
def _serialize(self):
return '{date}{threat_level_id}{info}{uuid}{analysis}{timestamp}'.format(
date=self.date, threat_level_id=self.threat_level_id, info=self.info,
uuid=self.uuid, analysis=self.analysis, timestamp=self.timestamp).encode()
def _serialize_sigs(self):
all_sigs = self.sig
for a in self.attributes:
all_sigs += a.sig
return all_sigs.encode()
def sign(self, gpg_uid, passphrase=None):
if not has_pyme:
raise PyMISPError('pyme is required, please install: pip install --pre pyme3. You will also need libgpg-error-dev and libgpgme11-dev.')
to_sign = self._serialize()
with gpg.Context() as c:
keys = list(c.keylist(gpg_uid))
c.signers = keys[:1]
if passphrase:
c.set_passphrase_cb(lambda *args: passphrase)
signed, _ = c.sign(to_sign, mode=mode.DETACH)
self.sig = base64.b64encode(signed).decode()
for a in self.attributes:
a.sign(gpg_uid, passphrase)
to_sign_global = self._serialize_sigs()
with gpg.Context() as c:
keys = list(c.keylist(gpg_uid))
c.signers = keys[:1]
if passphrase:
c.set_passphrase_cb(lambda *args: passphrase)
signed, _ = c.sign(to_sign_global, mode=mode.DETACH)
self.global_sig = base64.b64encode(signed).decode()
def verify(self, gpg_uid):
if not has_pyme:
raise PyMISPError('pyme is required, please install: pip install --pre pyme3. You will also need libgpg-error-dev and libgpgme11-dev.')
to_return = {}
signed_data = self._serialize()
with gpg.Context() as c:
keys = list(c.keylist(gpg_uid))
c.verify(signed_data, signature=base64.b64decode(self.sig), verify=keys[:1])
to_return[self.uuid] = True
to_return[self.uuid] = False
for a in self.attributes:
to_verify_global = self._serialize_sigs()
with gpg.Context() as c:
keys = list(c.keylist(gpg_uid))
c.verify(to_verify_global, signature=base64.b64decode(self.global_sig), verify=keys[:1])
to_return['global'] = True
to_return['global'] = False
return to_return
def load_file(self, event_path):
if not os.path.exists(event_path):
raise PyMISPError('Invalid path, unable to load the event.')
with open(event_path, 'r') as f:
def load(self, json_event):
self.new = False
self.dump_full = True
if hasattr(json_event, 'read'):
# python2 and python3 compatible to find if we have a file
json_event = json_event.read()
if isinstance(json_event, basestring):
json_event = json.loads(json_event)
if json_event.get('response'):
event = json_event.get('response')[0]
event = json_event
if not event:
raise PyMISPError('Invalid event')
# Invalid event created by MISP up to 2.4.52 (attribute_count is none instead of '0')
if event.get('Event') and event.get('Event').get('attribute_count') is None:
event['Event']['attribute_count'] = '0'
jsonschema.validate(event, self.json_schema)
e = event.get('Event')
def set_date(self, date, ignore_invalid=False):
if isinstance(date, basestring) or isinstance(date, unicode):
self.date = parse(date).date()
elif isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
self.date = date.date()
elif isinstance(date, datetime.date):
self.date = date
if ignore_invalid:
self.date = datetime.date.today()
raise NewEventError('Invalid format for the date: {} - {}'.format(date, type(date)))
def set_all_values(self, **kwargs):
# Required value
if kwargs.get('info'):
self.info = kwargs['info']
elif not self.info:
raise NewAttributeError('The info field of the new event is required.')
# Default values for a valid event to send to a MISP instance
if kwargs.get('distribution') is not None:
self.distribution = int(kwargs['distribution'])
if self.distribution not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the distribution has to be in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4'.format(self.distribution))
if kwargs.get('threat_level_id') is not None:
self.threat_level_id = int(kwargs['threat_level_id'])
if self.threat_level_id not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the threat_level has to be in 1, 2, 3, 4'.format(self.threat_level_id))
if kwargs.get('analysis') is not None:
self.analysis = int(kwargs['analysis'])
if self.analysis not in [0, 1, 2]:
raise NewEventError('{} is invalid, the analysis has to be in 0, 1, 2'.format(self.analysis))
if kwargs.get('published') is not None:
if kwargs.get("published") is True:
if kwargs.get('date'):
if kwargs.get('Attribute'):
for a in kwargs['Attribute']:
attribute = MISPAttribute(self.describe_types)
# All other keys
if kwargs.get('id'):
self.id = int(kwargs['id'])
if kwargs.get('orgc_id'):
self.orgc_id = int(kwargs['orgc_id'])
if kwargs.get('org_id'):
self.org_id = int(kwargs['org_id'])
if kwargs.get('uuid'):
self.uuid = kwargs['uuid']
if kwargs.get('attribute_count'):
self.attribute_count = int(kwargs['attribute_count'])
if kwargs.get('timestamp'):
self.timestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(kwargs['timestamp']))
if kwargs.get('proposal_email_lock'):
self.proposal_email_lock = kwargs['proposal_email_lock']
if kwargs.get('locked'):
self.locked = kwargs['locked']
if kwargs.get('publish_timestamp'):
self.publish_timestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(kwargs['publish_timestamp']))
if kwargs.get('sharing_group_id'):
self.sharing_group_id = int(kwargs['sharing_group_id'])
if kwargs.get('Org'):
self.Org = kwargs['Org']
if kwargs.get('Orgc'):
self.Orgc = kwargs['Orgc']
if kwargs.get('ShadowAttribute'):
self.ShadowAttribute = kwargs['ShadowAttribute']
if kwargs.get('RelatedEvent'):
self.RelatedEvent = []
for rel_event in kwargs['RelatedEvent']:
sub_event = MISPEvent()
if kwargs.get('Galaxy'):
self.Galaxy = kwargs['Galaxy']
if kwargs.get('Tag'):
self.Tag = [t for t in kwargs['Tag'] if t]
if kwargs.get('sig'):
self.sig = kwargs['sig']
if kwargs.get('global_sig'):
self.global_sig = kwargs['global_sig']
def _json(self):
to_return = {'Event': {}}
to_return['Event'] = {'distribution': self.distribution, 'info': self.info,
'date': self.date.isoformat(), 'published': self.published,
'threat_level_id': self.threat_level_id,
'analysis': self.analysis, 'Attribute': []}
if self.sig:
to_return['Event']['sig'] = self.sig
if self.global_sig:
to_return['Event']['global_sig'] = self.global_sig
if self.uuid:
to_return['Event']['uuid'] = self.uuid
if self.Tag:
to_return['Event']['Tag'] = self.Tag
if self.Orgc:
to_return['Event']['Orgc'] = self.Orgc
if self.Galaxy:
to_return['Event']['Galaxy'] = self.Galaxy
if self.sharing_group_id:
to_return['Event']['sharing_group_id'] = self.sharing_group_id
to_return['Event'] = _int_to_str(to_return['Event'])
if self.attributes:
to_return['Event']['Attribute'] = [a._json() for a in self.attributes]
jsonschema.validate(to_return, self.json_schema)
return to_return
def _json_full(self):
to_return = self._json()
if self.id:
to_return['Event']['id'] = self.id
if self.orgc_id:
to_return['Event']['orgc_id'] = self.orgc_id
if self.org_id:
to_return['Event']['org_id'] = self.org_id
if self.locked is not None:
to_return['Event']['locked'] = self.locked
if self.attribute_count is not None:
to_return['Event']['attribute_count'] = self.attribute_count
if self.RelatedEvent:
to_return['Event']['RelatedEvent'] = []
for rel_event in self.RelatedEvent:
if self.Org:
to_return['Event']['Org'] = self.Org
if self.sharing_group_id:
to_return['Event']['sharing_group_id'] = self.sharing_group_id
if self.ShadowAttribute:
to_return['Event']['ShadowAttribute'] = self.ShadowAttribute
if self.proposal_email_lock is not None:
to_return['Event']['proposal_email_lock'] = self.proposal_email_lock
if self.locked is not None:
to_return['Event']['locked'] = self.locked
if self.publish_timestamp:
to_return['Event']['publish_timestamp'] = int(time.mktime(self.publish_timestamp.timetuple()))
if self.timestamp:
# Should never be set on an update, MISP will automatically set it to now
to_return['Event']['timestamp'] = int(time.mktime(self.timestamp.timetuple()))
to_return['Event'] = _int_to_str(to_return['Event'])
if self.attributes:
to_return['Event']['Attribute'] = [a._json_full() for a in self.attributes]
jsonschema.validate(to_return, self.json_schema)
return to_return
def add_tag(self, tag):
self.Tag.append({'name': tag})
def add_attribute_tag(self, tag, attribute_identifier):
attribute = None
for a in self.attributes:
if a.id == attribute_identifier or a.uuid == attribute_identifier or attribute_identifier in a.value:
attribute = a
if not attribute:
raise Exception('No attribute with identifier {} found.'.format(attribute_identifier))
return attribute
def publish(self):
self.published = True
def unpublish(self):
self.published = False
def delete_attribute(self, attribute_id):
found = False
for a in self.attributes:
if a.id == attribute_id or a.uuid == attribute_id:
found = True
if not found:
raise Exception('No attribute with UUID/ID {} found.'.format(attribute_id))
def add_attribute(self, type, value, **kwargs):
attribute = MISPAttribute(self.describe_types)
if isinstance(value, list):
for a in value:
self.add_attribute(type, a, **kwargs)
attribute.set_all_values(type=type, value=value, **kwargs)