= Best Practices in Threat Intelligence :doctype: book :sourcedir: ./best-practices/ :author: MISP Project :toc: :icons: font === Introduction This book objective is to compile the best practices in threat intelligence analysis with the support of the open source threat intelligence platform called https://www.misp-project.org/[MISP]. The best practices described are from information sharing communities (ISAC or CSIRT) which are regularly using MISP to support their work and sharing practices. == Best Practices include::{sourcedir}improving-analysis.adoc[] <<< include::{sourcedir}what-to-share.adoc[] <<< == Authors and Contributors - Alexandre Dulaunoy - Andras Iklody [glossary] == Glossary [glossary] ISAC:: Information Sharing and Analysis Center MISP:: MISP - Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform & Open Standards For Threat Information Sharing