added remove_custom_stix() utility; tweaked new_version() to make it a little safer
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ from .exceptions import (InvalidValueError, RevokeError,
# timestamps in a single object, the timestamps will vary by a few microseconds.
NOW = object()
# STIX object properties that cannot be modified
STIX_UNMOD_PROPERTIES = ["created", "created_by_ref", "id", "type"]
class STIXdatetime(dt.datetime):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ def new_version(data, **kwargs):
properties_to_change = kwargs.keys()
# Make sure certain properties aren't trying to change
for prop in ["created", "created_by_ref", "id", "type"]:
if prop in properties_to_change:
if unchangable_properties:
@ -227,8 +230,11 @@ def new_version(data, **kwargs):
elif 'modified' in data:
old_modified_property = parse_into_datetime(data.get('modified'), precision='millisecond')
new_modified_property = parse_into_datetime(kwargs['modified'], precision='millisecond')
if new_modified_property < old_modified_property:
raise InvalidValueError(cls, 'modified', "The new modified datetime cannot be before the current modified datatime.")
if new_modified_property <= old_modified_property:
raise InvalidValueError(cls, 'modified',
"The new modified datetime cannot be before the current modified datetime. The new modified time can "
"also not be equal to the current modified datetime because if a consumer receives two objects that are "
"different, but have the same id and modified timestamp, it is not defined how the consumer handles the objects.")
# Exclude properties with a value of 'None' in case data is not an instance of a _STIXBase subclass
return cls(**{k: v for k, v in new_obj_inner.items() if v is not None})
@ -255,3 +261,47 @@ def get_class_hierarchy_names(obj):
for cls in obj.__class__.__mro__:
return names
def remove_custom_stix(stix_obj):
"""remove any custom STIX objects or properties
stix_obj (dict OR python-stix obj): a single python-stix object
or dict of a STIX object
if stix_obj["type"].startswith("x_"):
# if entire object is custom, discard
return None
custom_props = []
for prop in stix_obj.items():
if prop[0].startswith("x_"):
# for every custom property, record it and set value to None
# (so we can pass it to new_version() and it will be dropped)
custom_props.append((prop[0], None))
if custom_props:
# obtain set of object properties that can be transferred
# to a new object version. This is 1)custom props with their
# values set to None, and 2)any properties left that are not
# unmodifiable STIX properties or the "modified" property
# set of properties that are not supplied to new_version()
# to be used for updating properties. This includes unmodifiable
# properties (properties that new_version() just re-uses from the
# existing STIX object) and the "modified" property. We dont supply the
# "modified" property so that new_version() creates a new datetime
# value for this property
non_supplied_props = STIX_UNMOD_PROPERTIES + ["modified"]
props = [(prop, stix_obj[prop]) for prop in stix_obj if prop not in non_supplied_props]
# add to set the custom properties we want to get rid of (with their value=None)
return new_version(stix_obj, **(dict(props)))
return stix_obj
Reference in New Issue