Simplify README with link to ReadTheDocs

Chris Lenk 2017-10-02 13:22:07 -04:00
parent d737670210
commit 33bf4fc8e3
1 changed files with 18 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -28,11 +28,9 @@ Install with `pip <>`__:
Creating STIX Domain Objects
To create a STIX object, provide keyword arguments to the type's
constructor. Certain required attributes of all objects, such as ``type`` or
``id``, will be set automatically if not provided as keyword arguments.
.. code:: python
@ -42,147 +40,27 @@ constructor:
pattern="[file:hashes.md5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e']")
Certain required attributes of all objects will be set automatically if
not provided as keyword arguments:
- If not provided, ``type`` will be set automatically to the correct
type. You can also provide the type explicitly, but this is not
To parse a STIX JSON string into a Python STIX object, use ``parse()``:
.. code:: python
indicator = Indicator(type='indicator', ...)
from stix2 import parse
Passing a value for ``type`` that does not match the class being
constructed will cause an error:
indicator = parse("""{
"type": "indicator",
"id": "indicator--dbcbd659-c927-4f9a-994f-0a2632274394",
"created": "2017-09-26T23:33:39.829Z",
"modified": "2017-09-26T23:33:39.829Z",
"labels": [
"name": "File hash for malware variant",
"pattern": "[file:hashes.md5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e']",
"valid_from": "2017-09-26T23:33:39.829952Z"
.. code:: python
>>> indicator = Indicator(type='xxx', ...)
stix2.exceptions.InvalidValueError: Invalid value for Indicator 'type': must equal 'indicator'.
- If not provided, ``id`` will be generated randomly. If you provide an
``id`` argument, it must begin with the correct prefix:
.. code:: python
>>> indicator = Indicator(id="campaign--63ce9068-b5ab-47fa-a2cf-a602ea01f21a")
stix2.exceptions.InvalidValueError: Invalid value for Indicator 'id': must start with 'indicator--'.
- If not provided, ``created`` and ``modified`` will be set to the
(same) current time.
For indicators, ``labels`` and ``pattern`` are required and cannot be
set automatically. Trying to create an indicator that is missing one of
these properties will result in an error:
.. code:: python
>>> indicator = Indicator()
stix2.exceptions.MissingPropertiesError: No values for required properties for Indicator: (labels, pattern).
However, the required ``valid_from`` attribute on Indicators will be set
to the current time if not provided as a keyword argument.
Once created, the object acts like a frozen dictionary. Properties can
be accessed using the standard Python dictionary syntax:
.. code:: python
>>> indicator['name']
'File hash for malware variant'
TBD: Should we allow property access using the standard Python attribute
.. code:: python
'File hash for malware variant'
Attempting to modify any attributes will raise an error:
.. code:: python
>>> indicator['name'] = "This is a revised name"
TypeError: 'Indicator' object does not support item assignment
>>> = "This is a revised name"
stix2.exceptions.ImmutableError: Cannot modify properties after creation.
To update the properties of an object, see `Versioning <#versioning>`__
Creating a Malware object follows the same pattern:
.. code:: python
from stix2 import Malware
malware = Malware(name="Poison Ivy",
As with indicators, the ``type``, ``id``, ``created``, and ``modified``
properties will be set automatically if not provided. For Malware
objects, the ``labels`` and ``name`` properties must be provided.
Creating Relationships
STIX 2 Relationships are separate objects, not properties of the object
on either side of the relationship. They are constructed similarly to
other STIX objects. The ``type``, ``id``, ``created``, and ``modified``
properties are added automatically if not provided. Callers must provide
the ``relationship_type``, ``source_ref``, and ``target_ref``
.. code:: python
from stix2 import Relationship
relationship = Relationship(relationship_type='indicates',,
The ``source_ref`` and ``target_ref`` properties can be either the ID's
of other STIX objects, or the STIX objects themselves. For readability,
Relationship objects can also be constructed with the ``source_ref``,
``relationship_type``, and ``target_ref`` as positional (non-keyword)
.. code:: python
relationship = Relationship(indicator, 'indicates', malware)
Creating Bundles
STIX Bundles can be created by passing objects as arguments to the
Bundle constructor. All required properties (``type``, ``id``, and
``spec_version``) will be set automatically if not provided, or can be
provided as keyword arguments:
.. code:: python
from stix2 import bundle
bundle = Bundle(indicator, malware, relationship)
Serializing STIX objects
The string representation of all STIX classes is a valid STIX JSON
.. code:: python
indicator = Indicator(...)
For more in-depth documentation, please see ([].