@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import json
from stix2.sources.taxii import TAXIIDataSource
# Flask TAXII server - developmental
ROOT = 'http://localhost:5000'
AUTH = {'user': 'mk', 'pass': 'Pass'}
def main():
# instantiate TAXII data source
taxii = TAXIIDataSource(api_root=ROOT, auth=AUTH)
# get (file watch indicator)
indicator_fw = taxii.get(id_="indicator--a932fcc6-e032-176c-126f-cb970a5a1ade")
print("\n\n-------Queried for Indicator - got:")
print(json.dumps(indicator_fw, indent=4))
# all versions (file watch indicator - currently only 1. maybe Emmanuelle can add a version)
indicator_fw_versions = taxii.get(id_="indicator--a932fcc6-e032-176c-126f-cb970a5a1ade")
print("\n\n------Queried for indicator (all_versions()) - got:")
print(json.dumps(indicator_fw_versions, indent=4))
# add TAXII filter (ie filter should be passed to TAXII)
taxii_filter_ids, status = taxii.add_filter(
"field": "type",
"op": "in",
"value": "malware"
print("\n\n-------Added filter:")
print("Filter ID: {0}".format(taxii_filter_ids[0]))
print("Filter status: \n")
print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
print("filters: \n")
print(json.dumps(taxii.get_filters(), indent=4))
# get() - but with filter attached
malware = taxii.query()
print("\n\n\n--------Queried for Malware string (with above filter attached) - got:")
print(json.dumps(malware, indent=4))
# remove TAXII filter
print("\n\n-------Removed filter(TAXII filter):")
print("filters: \n")
print(json.dumps(taxii.get_filters(), indent=4))
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
Python STIX 2.0 Composite Data Source and Data Source (classes)
-Test everything
-add_filter(), remove_filter(), deduplicate() - if these functions remain
the exact same for both CompositeDataSource and DataSource, they just
inherit/have module access to
import abc
import copy
import uuid
from six import iteritems
def make_id():
return str(uuid.uuid4())
# STIX 2.0 fields used to denote object version
STIX_VERSION_FIELDS = ['id', 'modified']
# Currently, only STIX 2.0 common SDO fields (that are not compex objects)
# are supported for filtering on
# 'external_references', # list of external references object type - not supported for filtering
# 'granular_markings' # list of granular-marking type - not supported for filtering
# Required fields in filter(dict)
FILTER_FIELDS = ['field', 'op', 'value']
# Supported filter operations
FILTER_OPS = ['=', '!=', 'in', '>', '<', '>=', '<=']
# Supported filter value types
FILTER_VALUE_TYPES = [bool, dict, float, int, list, str, tuple]
class CompositeDataSource(object):
"""Composite Data Source
Acts as a controller for all the defined/configured STIX Data Sources
e.g. a user can defined n Data Sources - creating Data Source (objects)
for each. There is only one instance of this for any python STIX 2.0
def __init__(self, name="CompositeDataSource"):
Creates a new STIX Data Source.
'data_sources' (dict): a dict of DataSource objects; to be
controlled and used by the Data Source Controller object
filters :
name :
self.id_ = make_id()
| = name
self.data_sources = {}
self.filters = {}
self.filter_allowed = {}
def get(self, id_):
"""Retrieve STIX object by 'id'
federated retrieve method-iterates through all STIX data sources
defined in the "data_sources" parameter. Each data source has a
specific API retrieve-like function and associated parameters. This
function does a federated retrieval and consolidation of the data
returned from all the STIX data sources.
note: a composite data source will pass its attached filters to
each configured data source, pushing filtering to them to handle
id_ (str): the id of the STIX object to retrieve
stix_obj (dict): the STIX object to be returned
all_data = []
# for every configured Data Source, call its retrieve handler
for ds_id, ds in iteritems(self.data_sources):
data = ds.get(id_=id_, _composite_filters=self.filters.values())
all_data += data
# remove duplicate versions
if len(all_data) > 0:
all_data = self.deduplicate(all_data)
# reduce to most recent version
stix_obj = sorted(all_data, key=lambda k: k['modified'])[0]
return stix_obj
def all_versions(self, id_):
"""Retrieve STIX objects by 'id'
Federated all_versions retrieve method - iterates through all STIX data
sources defined in "data_sources"
note: a composite data source will pass its attached filters to
each configured data source, pushing filtering to them to handle
id_ (str): id of the STIX objects to retrieve
all_data (list): list of STIX objects that have the specified id
all_data = []
# retrieve STIX objects from all configured data sources
for ds_id, ds in iteritems(self.data_sources):
data = ds.all_versions(id_=id_, _composite_filters=self.filters.values())
all_data += data
# remove exact duplicates (where duplicates are STIX 2.0 objects
# with the same 'id' and 'modified' values)
if len(all_data) > 0:
all_data = self.deduplicate(all_data)
return all_data
def query(self, query=None):
"""composite data source query
Federate the query to all Data Sources attached
to the Composite Data Source
query (list): list of filters to search on
all_data (list): list of STIX objects to be returned
if not query:
query = []
all_data = []
# federate query to all attached data sources,
# pass composite filters to them
for ds_id, ds in iteritems(self.data_sources):
data = ds.query(query=query, _composite_filters=self.filters.values())
all_data += data
# remove exact duplicates (where duplicates are STIX 2.0
# objects with the same 'id' and 'modified' values)
if len(all_data) > 0:
all_data = self.deduplicate(all_data)
return all_data
def add_data_source(self, data_sources):
"""add/attach Data Source to the Composite Data Source instance
data_sources (list): a list of Data Source objects to attach
to the Composite Data Source
for ds in data_sources:
if issubclass(ds, DataSource):
if self.data_sources[ds['id']] in self.data_sources.keys():
# data source already attached to Composite Data Source
# add data source to Composite Data Source
# (its id will be its key identifier)
self.data_sources[ds['id']] = ds
# the Data Source object is not a proper subclass
# of DataSource Abstract Class
# TODO: maybe log error?
def remove_data_source(self, data_source_ids):
"""remove/detach Data Source from the Composite Data Source instance
data_source_ids (list): a list of Data Source
id's(which are strings)
for id_ in data_source_ids:
if self.data_sources[id_]:
del self.data_sources[id_]
except KeyError:
# Data Source 'id' was not found in CompositeDataSource's
# list of data sources
def get_data_sources(self):
"""return all attached Data Sources
TODO: Make this a property?
return copy.deepcopy(self.data_sources.values())
def add_filter(self, filters):
"""add/attach a filter to the Composite Data Source instance
filters (list): list of filters (dict) to add to the Data Source
status (list): list of status/error messages
status = []
errors = []
ids = []
allowed = True
for filter_ in filters:
# check required filter components ("field", "op", "value") exist
for field in FILTER_FIELDS:
if field not in filter_.keys():
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter was missing a required field(key). Each filter requires 'field', 'op', 'value' keys.")
if allowed:
#no need for further checks if filter is missing parameters
# check filter field is a supported STIX 2.0 common field
if filter_['field'] not in STIX_COMMON_FIELDS:
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter 'field' is not a STIX 2.0 common property. Currently only STIX object common properties supported")
# check filter operator is supported
if filter_['op'] not in FILTER_OPS:
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter operation(from 'op' field) not supported")
# check filter value type is supported
if type(filter_['value']) not in FILTER_VALUE_TYPES:
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter 'value' type is not supported. The type(value) must be python immutable type or dictionary")
# Filter is added regardless of whether it fits requirements
# to be a common filter. This is done because some filters
# may be added and used by third party Data Sources, where the
# filtering may be conducted within those plugins, just not here
id_ = make_id()
filter_['id'] = id_
self.filters['id_'] = filter_
if allowed:
self.filter_allowed[id_] = True
"status": "added as a common filter",
"filter": filter_,
"data_source_id": self.id_
self.filter_allowed[id_] = False
"status": "added but is not a common filter",
"filter": filter_,
"errors": errors,
"data_source_id": self.id_
del errors[:]
allowed = True
return ids, status
def remove_filter(self, filter_ids):
"""Remove/detach a filter from the Data Source instance
filter_ids (list): list of filter id's (which are strings)
dettach from the Composite Data Source
for filter_id in filter_ids:
if filter_id in self.filters:
del self.filters[filter_id]
del self.filter_allowed[filter_id]
except KeyError:
# filter id not found in list of filters
# attached to the Composite Data Source
def get_filters(self):
"""return filters attached to Composite Data Source
(list): the list of filters currently attached to the Data Source
return copy.deepcopy(list(self.filters.values()))
def deduplicate(self, stix_obj_list):
"""deduplicate a list fo STIX objects to a unique set
Reduces a set of STIX objects to unique set by looking
at 'id' and 'modified' fields - as a unique object version
is determined by the combination of those fields
stix_obj_list (list): list of STIX objects (dicts)
(list): unique set of the passed list of STIX objects
unique = []
dont_have = False
for i in stix_obj_list:
dont_have = False
for j in unique:
if not i[field] == j[field]:
dont_have = True
if dont_have:
return unique
class DataSource(object):
Abstract Data Source class for STIX 2.0
An implementer will create a concrete subclass from
this abstract class for the specific data source.
The purpose of the concrete subclasses is to then
supply them to a Composite Data Source which calls
the subclass methods when conducting STIX 2.0
data retrievals.
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __init__(self, name="DataSource"):
| = name
self.id_ = make_id()
self.filters = {}
self.filter_allowed = {}
def get(self, id_, _composite_filters=None):
-implement the specific data source API calls, processing,
functionality required for retrieving data from the data source
id_ (str): the id of the STIX 2.0 object to retrieve. Should
return a single object, the most recent version of the object
specified by the "id".
_composite_filters (list): list of filters passed along from
the Composite Data Filter.
stix_obj (dictionary): the STIX object to be returned
raise NotImplementedError()
def all_versions(self, id_, _composite_filters=None):
-Similar to get() except returns list of all object versions of
the specified "id".
-implement the specific data source API calls, processing,
functionality required for retrieving data from the data source
id_ (str): The id of the STIX 2.0 object to retrieve. Should
return a list of objects, all the versions of the object
specified by the "id".
_composite_filters (list): list of filters passed from the
Composite Data Source
stix_objs (list): a list of STIX objects (where each object is a
STIX object)
stix_objs = []
return stix_objs
def query(self, query, _composite_filters=None):
-implement the specific data source API calls, processing,
functionality required for retrieving query from the data source
query (list): a list of filters (which collectively are the query)
to conduct search on
_composite_filters (list): a list of filters passed from the
Composite Data Source
stix_objs = []
return stix_objs
def close(self):
Close, release, shutdown any objects, contexts, variables
(list): list of status/error messages
status = []
return status
def add_filter(self, filters):
"""add/attach a filter to the Data Source instance
filters (list): list of filters (dict) to add to the Data Source
status (list): list of status/error messages
status = []
errors = []
ids = []
allowed = True
for filter_ in filters:
# check required filter components ("field", "op", "value") exist
for field in FILTER_FIELDS:
if field not in filter_.keys():
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter was missing a required field(key). Each filter requires 'field', 'op', 'value' keys.")
if allowed:
#no reason for further checks if missing filter parameters
# check filter field is a supported STIX 2.0 common field
if filter_['field'] not in STIX_COMMON_FIELDS:
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter 'field' is not a STIX 2.0 common property. Currently only STIX object common properties supported")
# check filter operator is supported
if filter_['op'] not in FILTER_OPS:
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter operation(from 'op' field) not supported")
# check filter value type is supported
if type(filter_['value']) not in FILTER_VALUE_TYPES:
allowed = False
errors.append("Filter 'value' type is not supported. The type(value) must be python immutable type or dictionary")
# Filter is added regardless of whether it fits requirements
# to be a common filter. This is done because some filters
# may be added and used by third party Data Sources, where the
# filtering may be conducted within those plugins, just not here
id_ = make_id()
filter_['id'] = id_
self.filters[id_] = filter_
if allowed:
self.filter_allowed[id_] = True
"status": "added as a common filter",
"filter": filter_,
"data_source_id": self.id_
self.filter_allowed[id_] = False
"status": "added but is not a common filter",
"filter": filter_,
"errors": copy.deepcopy(errors),
"data_source_id": self.id_
del errors[:]
allowed = True
return ids, status
def remove_filter(self, filter_ids):
"""remove/detach a filter from the Data Source instance
filter_ids (list): list of filter ids to dettach/remove
from Data Source
for filter_id in filter_ids:
if filter_id in self.filters:
del self.filters[filter_id]
del self.filter_allowed[filter_id]
except KeyError:
# filter 'id' not found list of filters attached to Data Source
def get_filters(self):
"""return copy of all filters currently attached to Data Source
TODO: make this a property?
(list): a copy of all the filters(dict) which are attached
to Data Source
return copy.deepcopy(list(self.filters.values()))
def apply_common_filters(self, stix_objs, query):
"""evaluates filters against a set of STIX 2.0 objects
Supports only STIX 2.0 common property fields
stix_objs (list): list of STIX objects to apply the query to
query (list): list of filters (combined form complete query)
(list): list of STIX objects that successfully evaluate against
the query
filtered_stix_objs = []
# evaluate objects against filter
for stix_obj in stix_objs:
clean = True
for filter_ in query:
# skip filter as filter was identified (when added) as
# not a common filter
if 'id' in filter_ and self.filter_allowed[filter_['id']] is False:
# check filter "field" is in STIX object - if cant be applied
# due to STIX object, STIX object is discarded (i.e. did not
# make it through the filter)
if filter_['field'] not in stix_obj.keys():
if filter_['op'] == '=':
if not stix_obj[filter_['field']] == filter_['value']:
clean = False
elif filter_['op'] == "!=":
if not stix_obj[filter_['field']] != filter_['value']:
clean = False
elif filter_['op'] == "in":
if not stix_obj[filter_['field']] in filter_['value']:
clean = False
# filter operation not supported
# TODO: I think the rest of the operations only
# apply to timestamps, in which case I don't think
# simple operator usage (like below) works
# elif filter_['op'] == ">":
# if not stix_obj[filter_['field']] > filter_['value']:
# clean = False
# break
# elif filter_['op'] == "<":
# if not stix_obj[filter_['field']] < filter_['value']:
# clean = False
# break
# elif filter_['op'] == ">=":
# if not stix_obj[filter_['field']] >= filter_['value']:
# clean = False
# break
# elif filter_['op'] == "<=":
# if not stix_obj[filter_['field']] <= filter_['value']:
# clean = False
# break
except TypeError:
# type mismatch of comparison operands - ignore filter,
# no error raised for now
# if object unmarked after all filter, add it
if clean:
clean = True
return filtered_stix_objs
def deduplicate(self, stix_obj_list):
"""deduplicate a list of STIX objects into a unique set
reduces a set of STIX objects to unique set by looking
at 'id' and 'modified' fields - as a unique object version
is determined by the combination of those fields
stix_obj_list (list): list of STIX objects (dicts)
(list): a unique set of the passed STIX object list
unique = []
have = False
for i in stix_obj_list:
for j in unique:
if i['id'] == j['id'] and i['modified'] == j['modified']:
have = True
if not have:
have = False
return unique
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from stix2.sources import DataSource
# TODO: -Should we make properties for the TAXIIDataSource address and other
# possible variables that are found in "self.taxii_info"
TAXII_FILTERS = ['added_after', 'id', 'type', 'version']
test = True
class TAXIIDataSource(DataSource):
"""STIX 2.0 Data Source - TAXII 2.0 module"""
def __init__(self, api_root=None, auth=None, name="TAXII"):
super(TAXIIDataSource, self).__init__(name=name)
if not api_root:
api_root = "http://localhost:5000"
if not auth:
auth = {"user":"admin", "pass":"taxii"}
self.taxii_info = {
"api_root": {
"url": api_root
"auth": auth
if test:
# check api-root is reachable/exists and grab api collections
coll_url = self.taxii_info['api_root']['url'] + "/collections/"
headers = {}
resp = requests.get(coll_url,
# print("\n-------__init__() ----\n")
# print(resp.text)
# print("\n")
# print(resp.status_code)
# raise http error if request returned error code
resp_json = resp.json()
self.taxii_info['api_root']['collections'] = resp_json['collections']
except KeyError as e:
if e == "collections":
# raise type(e), type(e)(e.message +
# "To connect to the TAXII collections, the API root
# resource must contain a collection endpoint URL.
# This was not found in the API root resource received
# from the API root" ), sys.exc_info()[2]
except requests.ConnectionError as e:
# raise type(e), type(e)(e.message +
# "Attempting to connect to %s" % coll_url)
def get(self, id_, _composite_filters=None):
"""Get STIX 2.0 object from TAXII source by specified 'id'
Just pass _composite_filters to the query() as they are applied
there. de-duplication of results is also done within query()
id_ (str): id of STIX object to retrieve
_composite_filters (list): filters passed from a Composite Data
Source (if this data source is attached to one)
# make query in TAXII query format since 'id' is TAXii field
query = [
"field": "match[id]",
"op": "=",
"value": id_
all_data = self.query(query=query, _composite_filters=_composite_filters)
# reduce to most recent version
stix_obj = sorted(all_data, key=lambda k: k['modified'])[0]
return stix_obj
def all_versions(self, id_, _composite_filters=None):
"""Get all versions of STIX 2.0 object from TAXII source by
specified 'id'
Just passes _composite_filters to the query() as they are applied
there. de-duplication of results is also done within query()
id_ (str): id of STIX objects to retrieve
_composite_filters (list): filters passed from a Composite Data
Source (if this data source is attached to one)
The query results with filters applied.
# make query in TAXII query format since 'id' is TAXII field
query = [
"field": "match[id]",
"op": "=",
"value": id_
all_data = self.query(query=query, _composite_filters=_composite_filters)
return all_data
def query(self, query=None, _composite_filters=None):
"""Query the TAXII data source for STIX objects matching the query
The final full query could contain filters from:
-the current API call
-Composite Data source filters (that are passed in via
-TAXII data source filters that are attached
TAXII filters ['added_after', 'match[<>]'] are extracted and sent
to TAXII if they are present
TODO: Authentication for TAXII
query(list): list of filters (dicts) to search on
_composite_filters (list): filters passed from a
Composite Data Source (if this data source is attached to one)
all_data = []
if query is None:
query = []
# combine all query filters
if self.filters:
query += self.filters.values()
if _composite_filters:
query += _composite_filters
# separate taxii query terms (can be done remotely)
taxii_filters = self._parse_taxii_filters(query)
# for each collection endpoint - send query request
for collection in self.taxii_info['api_root']['collections']:
coll_obj_url = "/".join([self.taxii_info['api_root']['url'],
"collections", str(collection['id']),
headers = {}
resp = requests.get(coll_obj_url,
# print("\n-------query() ----\n")
# print("Request that was sent: \n")
# print(resp.url)
# print("Response: \n")
# print(json.dumps(resp.json(),indent=4))
# print("\n")
# print(resp.status_code)
# print("------------------")
# raise http error if request returned error code
resp_json = resp.json()
# grab all STIX 2.0 objects in json response
for stix_obj in resp_json['objects']:
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
# raise type(e), type(e)(e.message +
# "Attempting to connect to %s" % coll_url)
# TODO: Is there a way to collect exceptions while carrying
# on then raise all of them at the end?
# deduplicate data (before filtering as reduces wasted filtering)
all_data = self.deduplicate(all_data)
# apply local (composite and data source filters)
all_data = self.apply_common_filters(all_data, query)
return all_data
def _parse_taxii_filters(self, query):
"""Parse out TAXII filters that the TAXII server can filter on
TAXII filters should be analgous to how they are supplied
in the url to the TAXII endpoint. For instance
"?match[type]=indicator,sighting" should be in a query dict as follows
"field": "match[type]"
"op": "=",
"value": "indicator,sighting"
query (list): list of filters to extract which ones are TAXII
params (dict): dict of the TAXII filters but in format required
for 'requests.get()'.
params = {}
for q in query:
if q['field'] in TAXII_FILTERS:
if q['field'] == 'added_after':
params[q['field']] = q['value']
taxii_field = 'match[' + q['field'] + ']'
params[taxii_field] = q['value']
return params
def close(self):
"""Close down the Data Source - if any clean up is required.
# TODO: - getters/setters (properties) for TAXII config info
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
from stix2.sources import taxii
def test_ds_taxii():
ds = taxii.TAXIIDataSource()
assert == 'TAXII'
def test_ds_taxii_name():
ds = taxii.TAXIIDataSource(name='My Data Source Name')
assert == "My Data Source Name"
def test_ds_params():
url = ""
creds = {"username": "Wade", "password": "Wilson"}
ds = taxii.TAXIIDataSource(api_root=url, auth=creds)
assert ds.taxii_info['api_root']['url'] == url
assert ds.taxii_info['auth'] == creds
def test_parse_taxii_filters():
query = [
"field": "added_after",
"op": "=",
"value": "2016-02-01T00:00:01.000Z"
"field": "id",
"op": "=",
"value": "taxii stix object ID"
"field": "type",
"op": "=",
"value": "taxii stix object ID"
"field": "version",
"op": "=",
"value": "first"
"field": "created_by_ref",
"op": "=",
"value": "Bane"
expected_params = {
"added_after": "2016-02-01T00:00:01.000Z",
"match[id]": "taxii stix object ID",
"match[type]": "taxii stix object ID",
"match[version]": "first"
ds = taxii.TAXIIDataSource()
taxii_filters = ds._parse_taxii_filters(query)
assert taxii_filters == expected_params
def test_add_get_remove_filter():
class dummy(object):
x = 4
obj_1 = dummy()
# First 3 filters are valid, remaining fields are erroneous in some way
filters = [
"field": "type",
"op": '=',
"value": "malware"
"field": "id",
"op": "!=",
"value": "stix object id"
"field": "labels",
"op": "in",
"value": ["heartbleed", "malicious-activity"]
"field": "revoked",
"value": "filter missing \'op\' field"
"field": "granular_markings",
"op": "=",
"value": "not supported field - just place holder"
"field": "modified",
"op": "*",
"value": "not supported operator - just place holder"
"field": "created",
"op": "=",
"value": obj_1
expected_errors = [
"Filter was missing a required field(key). Each filter requires 'field', 'op', 'value' keys.",
"Filter 'field' is not a STIX 2.0 common property. Currently only STIX object common properties supported",
"Filter operation(from 'op' field) not supported",
"Filter 'value' type is not supported. The type(value) must be python immutable type or dictionary"
ds = taxii.TAXIIDataSource()
# add
ids, statuses = ds.add_filter(filters)
# 7 filters should have been successfully added
assert len(ids) == 7
# all filters added to data source
for idx, status in enumerate(statuses):
assert status['filter'] == filters[idx]
# proper status warnings were triggered
assert statuses[3]['errors'][0] == expected_errors[0]
assert statuses[4]['errors'][0] == expected_errors[1]
assert statuses[5]['errors'][0] == expected_errors[2]
assert statuses[6]['errors'][0] == expected_errors[3]
# def test_data_source_file():
# ds = file.FileDataSource()
# assert == "DataSource"
# def test_data_source_name():
# ds = file.FileDataSource(name="My File Data Source")
# assert == "My File Data Source"
# def test_data_source_get():
# ds = file.FileDataSource(name="My File Data Source")
# with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
# ds.get("foo")
# #filter testing
# def test_add_filter():
# ds = file.FileDataSource()
Reference in New Issue