Improve customization detection in the face of

toplevel-property-extension style extensions.  If an unregistered
extension of that type is encountered, all unrecognized toplevel
props will now be considered extension properties (not custom).
It will no longer turn on the allow_custom flag, which would
allow customizations everywhere.

Also, if all extensions of the aforementioned type are registered,
their properties are now used to properly distinguish between
extension and custom properties.  There need not be any ambiguity
in that case.
Michael Chisholm 2021-06-30 20:20:29 -04:00
parent d87718c15c
commit ac8e46f491
2 changed files with 36 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from .exceptions import (
from .markings import _MarkingsMixin
from .markings.utils import validate
from .registry import class_for_type
from .serialization import STIXJSONEncoder, fp_serialize, serialize
from .utils import NOW, PREFIX_21_REGEX, get_timestamp
from .versioning import new_version as _new_version
@ -126,46 +127,51 @@ class _STIXBase(
# Use the same timestamp for any auto-generated datetimes
self.__now = get_timestamp()
# Detect any keyword arguments not allowed for a specific type
custom_props = kwargs.pop('custom_properties', {})
if custom_props and not isinstance(custom_props, dict):
raise ValueError("'custom_properties' must be a dictionary")
# Detect any keyword arguments not allowed for a specific type.
# In STIX 2.1, this is complicated by "toplevel-property-extension"
# type extensions, which can add extra properties which are *not*
# considered custom.
extra_kwargs = kwargs.keys() - self._properties.keys()
if extra_kwargs and not allow_custom:
ext_found = False
# This section performs a check on top-level objects that support extensions.
# If extra_kwargs is not empty, allow_custom False, and the extension_type is not
# toplevel then we raise the ExtraPropertiesError regardless.
for key_id, ext_def in kwargs.get('extensions', {}).items():
if (
key_id.startswith('extension-definition--') and
ext_def.get('extension_type') == 'toplevel-property-extension'
ext_found = True
if ext_found is False:
raise ExtraPropertiesError(cls, extra_kwargs)
extensions = kwargs.get("extensions")
if extensions:
has_unregistered_toplevel_extension = False
registered_toplevel_extension_props = set()
extension_toplevel_properties = set()
unregistered_top_level_extension = False
if 'extensions' in kwargs and not isinstance(self, stix2.v20._STIXBase20):
for ext_name, ext in kwargs['extensions'].items():
if ext.get('extension_type', '') == 'toplevel-property-extension':
registered_extensions = stix2.registry.STIX2_OBJ_MAPS['2.1'].get('extensions', {})
if ext_name in registered_extensions:
registered_ext_properties = registered_extensions[ext_name]._properties.keys()
for ext_id, ext in extensions.items():
if ext.get("extension_type") == "toplevel-property-extension":
registered_ext_class = class_for_type(
ext_id, "2.1", "extensions"
if registered_ext_class:
registered_toplevel_extension_props |= \
unregistered_top_level_extension = True
has_unregistered_toplevel_extension = True
if custom_props or unregistered_top_level_extension:
# loophole for custom_properties and unregistered top-level extensions...
if has_unregistered_toplevel_extension:
# Must assume all extras are extension properties, not custom.
# All toplevel property extensions (if any) have been
# registered. So we can tell what their properties are and
# treat only those as not custom.
extra_kwargs -= registered_toplevel_extension_props
if extra_kwargs and not allow_custom:
raise ExtraPropertiesError(cls, extra_kwargs)
if custom_props:
# loophole for custom_properties...
allow_custom = True
all_custom_prop_names = (extra_kwargs | custom_props.keys()) - \
self._properties.keys() - extension_toplevel_properties
if all_custom_prop_names:
if not isinstance(self, stix2.v20._STIXBase20):
for prop_name in all_custom_prop_names:

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@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ def class_for_type(stix_type, stix_version, category=None):
Get the registered class which implements a particular STIX type for a
particular STIX version.
:param stix_type: A STIX type as a string
:param stix_type: A STIX type as a string, or for extension-definition
style extensions, the STIX ID of the definition.
:param stix_version: A STIX version as a string, e.g. "2.1"
:param category: An optional "category" value, which is just used directly
as a second key after the STIX version, and depends on how the types