Merge branch 'master' of into 1.1.0-release

Emmanuelle Vargas-Gonzalez 2018-12-11 13:03:42 -05:00
commit c75a0857ec
4 changed files with 419 additions and 19 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -68,3 +68,31 @@ cache.sqlite
# PyCharm
### macOS template
# General
# Icon must end with two \r
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
skip =
not_skip =
known_third_party =

stix2/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
import importlib
import inspect
from antlr4 import CommonTokenStream, InputStream
import six
from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternLexer import STIXPatternLexer
from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternParser import (STIXPatternParser,
from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternVisitor import STIXPatternVisitor
from stix2patterns.validator import STIXPatternErrorListener
from .patterns import *
from .patterns import _BooleanExpression
# flake8: noqa F405
def collapse_lists(lists):
result = []
for c in lists:
if isinstance(c, list):
return result
def remove_terminal_nodes(parse_tree_nodes):
values = []
for x in parse_tree_nodes:
if not isinstance(x, TerminalNode):
return values
# This class defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser.
class STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2(STIXPatternVisitor):
classes = {}
def __init__(self, module_suffix, module_name):
if module_suffix and module_name:
self.module_suffix = module_suffix
if not STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes:
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
for k, c in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass):
STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes[k] = c
self.module_suffix = None
super(STIXPatternVisitor, self).__init__()
def get_class(self, class_name):
if class_name in STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes:
return STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes[class_name]
return None
def instantiate(self, klass_name, *args):
klass_to_instantiate = None
if self.module_suffix:
klass_to_instantiate = self.get_class(klass_name + "For" + self.module_suffix)
if not klass_to_instantiate:
# use the classes in python_stix2
klass_to_instantiate = globals()[klass_name]
return klass_to_instantiate(*args)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#pattern.
def visitPattern(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressions.
def visitObservationExpressions(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
return FollowedByObservationExpression([children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionOr.
def visitObservationExpressionOr(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("OrObservationExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionAnd.
def visitObservationExpressionAnd(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("AndObservationExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionRepeated.
def visitObservationExpressionRepeated(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionSimple.
def visitObservationExpressionSimple(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ObservationExpression", children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionCompound.
def visitObservationExpressionCompound(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ObservationExpression", children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionWithin.
def visitObservationExpressionWithin(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionStartStop.
def visitObservationExpressionStartStop(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#comparisonExpression.
def visitComparisonExpression(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
if isinstance(children[0], _BooleanExpression):
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("OrBooleanExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#comparisonExpressionAnd.
def visitComparisonExpressionAnd(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
if isinstance(children[0], _BooleanExpression):
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("AndBooleanExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestEqual.
def visitPropTestEqual(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
operator = children[1].symbol.type
negated = operator != STIXPatternParser.EQ
return self.instantiate("EqualityComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2],
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestOrder.
def visitPropTestOrder(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
operator = children[1].symbol.type
if operator == STIXPatternParser.GT:
return self.instantiate("GreaterThanComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
elif operator == STIXPatternParser.LT:
return self.instantiate("LessThanComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
elif operator == STIXPatternParser.GE:
return self.instantiate("GreaterThanEqualComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
elif operator == STIXPatternParser.LE:
return self.instantiate("LessThanEqualComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestSet.
def visitPropTestSet(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("InComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestLike.
def visitPropTestLike(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("LikeComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestRegex.
def visitPropTestRegex(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("MatchesComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2],
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestIsSubset.
def visitPropTestIsSubset(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("IsSubsetComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestIsSuperset.
def visitPropTestIsSuperset(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("IsSupersetComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestParen.
def visitPropTestParen(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ParentheticalExpression", children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#startStopQualifier.
def visitStartStopQualifier(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return StartStopQualifier(children[1], children[3])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#withinQualifier.
def visitWithinQualifier(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return WithinQualifier(children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#repeatedQualifier.
def visitRepeatedQualifier(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return RepeatQualifier(children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#objectPath.
def visitObjectPath(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
flat_list = collapse_lists(children[2:])
property_path = []
i = 0
while i < len(flat_list):
current = flat_list[i]
if i == len(flat_list)-1:
next = flat_list[i+1]
if isinstance(next, TerminalNode):
property_path.append(self.instantiate("ListObjectPathComponent", current.property_name, next.getText()))
i += 2
i += 1
return self.instantiate("ObjectPath", children[0].getText(), property_path)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#objectType.
def visitObjectType(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#firstPathComponent.
def visitFirstPathComponent(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
step = children[0].getText()
# if step.endswith("_ref"):
# return stix2.ReferenceObjectPathComponent(step)
# else:
return self.instantiate("BasicObjectPathComponent", step, False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#indexPathStep.
def visitIndexPathStep(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[1]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#pathStep.
def visitPathStep(self, ctx):
return collapse_lists(self.visitChildren(ctx))
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#keyPathStep.
def visitKeyPathStep(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if isinstance(children[1], StringConstant):
# special case for hashes
return children[1].value
return self.instantiate("BasicObjectPathComponent", children[1].getText(), True)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#setLiteral.
def visitSetLiteral(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ListConstant", remove_terminal_nodes(children))
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#primitiveLiteral.
def visitPrimitiveLiteral(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#orderableLiteral.
def visitOrderableLiteral(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
def visitTerminal(self, node):
if node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.IntPosLiteral or node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.IntNegLiteral:
return IntegerConstant(node.getText())
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.FloatPosLiteral or node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.FloatNegLiteral:
return FloatConstant(node.getText())
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.HexLiteral:
return HexConstant(node.getText(), from_parse_tree=True)
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.BinaryLiteral:
return BinaryConstant(node.getText(), from_parse_tree=True)
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.StringLiteral:
return StringConstant(node.getText().strip('\''), from_parse_tree=True)
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.BoolLiteral:
return BooleanConstant(node.getText())
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.TimestampLiteral:
return TimestampConstant(node.getText())
return node
def aggregateResult(self, aggregate, nextResult):
if aggregate:
elif nextResult:
aggregate = [nextResult]
return aggregate
def create_pattern_object(pattern, module_suffix="", module_name=""):
Validates a pattern against the STIX Pattern grammar. Error messages are
returned in a list. The test passed if the returned list is empty.
start = ''
if isinstance(pattern, six.string_types):
start = pattern[:2]
pattern = InputStream(pattern)
if not start:
start = pattern.readline()[:2]
parseErrListener = STIXPatternErrorListener()
lexer = STIXPatternLexer(pattern)
# it always adds a console listener by default... remove it.
stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = STIXPatternParser(stream)
parser.buildParseTrees = True
# it always adds a console listener by default... remove it.
# To improve error messages, replace "<INVALID>" in the literal
# names with symbolic names. This is a hack, but seemed like
# the simplest workaround.
for i, lit_name in enumerate(parser.literalNames):
if lit_name == u"<INVALID>":
parser.literalNames[i] = parser.symbolicNames[i]
tree = parser.pattern()
builder = STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2(module_suffix, module_name)
return builder.visit(tree)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import binascii
import datetime
import re
import six
from .utils import parse_into_datetime
@ -12,6 +14,14 @@ def escape_quotes_and_backslashes(s):
return s.replace(u'\\', u'\\\\').replace(u"'", u"\\'")
def quote_if_needed(x):
if isinstance(x, six.string_types):
if x.find("-") != -1:
if not x.startswith("'"):
return "'" + x + "'"
return x
class _Constant(object):
@ -22,11 +32,13 @@ class StringConstant(_Constant):
value (str): string value
def __init__(self, value):
def __init__(self, value, from_parse_tree=False):
self.needs_to_be_quoted = not from_parse_tree
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return "'%s'" % escape_quotes_and_backslashes(self.value)
return "'%s'" % (escape_quotes_and_backslashes(self.value) if self.needs_to_be_quoted else self.value)
class TimestampConstant(_Constant):
@ -151,7 +163,13 @@ class BinaryConstant(_Constant):
value (str): base64 encoded string value
def __init__(self, value):
def __init__(self, value, from_parse_tree=False):
# support with or without a 'b'
if from_parse_tree:
m = re.match("^b'(.+)'$", value)
if m:
value =
self.value = value
@ -168,10 +186,16 @@ class HexConstant(_Constant):
value (str): hexadecimal value
def __init__(self, value):
if not re.match(r'^([a-fA-F0-9]{2})+$', value):
raise ValueError("must contain an even number of hexadecimal characters")
self.value = value
def __init__(self, value, from_parse_tree=False):
# support with or without an 'h'
if not from_parse_tree and re.match('^([a-fA-F0-9]{2})+$', value):
self.value = value
m = re.match("^h'(([a-fA-F0-9]{2})+)'$", value)
if m:
self.value =
raise ValueError("must contain an even number of hexadecimal characters")
def __str__(self):
return "h'%s'" % self.value
@ -184,10 +208,11 @@ class ListConstant(_Constant):
value (list): list of values
def __init__(self, values):
self.value = values
# handle _Constants or make a _Constant
self.value = [x if isinstance(x, _Constant) else make_constant(x) for x in values]
def __str__(self):
return "(" + ", ".join([("%s" % make_constant(x)) for x in self.value]) + ")"
return "(" + ", ".join(["%s" % x for x in self.value]) + ")"
def make_constant(value):
@ -228,7 +253,10 @@ class _ObjectPathComponent(object):
parse1 = component_name.split("[")
return ListObjectPathComponent(parse1[0], parse1[1][:-1])
return BasicObjectPathComponent(component_name)
return BasicObjectPathComponent(component_name, False)
def __str__(self):
return quote_if_needed(self.property_name)
class BasicObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent):
@ -242,14 +270,11 @@ class BasicObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent):
property_name (str): object property name
is_key (bool): is dictionary key, default: False
def __init__(self, property_name, is_key=False):
def __init__(self, property_name, is_key):
self.property_name = property_name
# TODO: set is_key to True if this component is a dictionary key
# self.is_key = is_key
def __str__(self):
return self.property_name
class ListObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent):
"""List object path component (for an observation or expression)
@ -263,7 +288,7 @@ class ListObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent):
self.index = index
def __str__(self):
return "%s[%s]" % (self.property_name, self.index)
return "%s[%s]" % (quote_if_needed(self.property_name), self.index)
class ReferenceObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent):
@ -275,9 +300,6 @@ class ReferenceObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent):
def __init__(self, reference_property_name):
self.property_name = reference_property_name
def __str__(self):
return self.property_name
class ObjectPath(object):
"""Pattern operand object (property) path
@ -295,7 +317,7 @@ class ObjectPath(object):
def __str__(self):
return "%s:%s" % (self.object_type_name, ".".join(["%s" % x for x in self.property_path]))
return "%s:%s" % (self.object_type_name, ".".join(["%s" % quote_if_needed(x) for x in self.property_path]))
def merge(self, other):
"""Extend the object property with that of the supplied object property path"""