WIP: Start transforming properties.

Greg Back 2017-02-24 09:28:53 -06:00
parent e5610ff81b
commit cf688c3851
3 changed files with 219 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,16 @@ class STIXJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
return super(STIXJSONEncoder, self).default(obj)
def get_required_properties(properties):
for k, v in properties.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
if v.get('required'):
yield k
else: # This is a Property subclass
if v.required:
yield k
class _STIXBase(collections.Mapping):
"""Base class for STIX object types"""
@ -30,19 +40,53 @@ class _STIXBase(collections.Mapping):
def _make_id(cls):
return cls._type + "--" + str(uuid.uuid4())
# TODO: remove this
def _handle_old_style_property(self, prop_name, prop_metadata, kwargs):
cls = self.__class__
class_name = cls.__name__
if prop_name not in kwargs:
if prop_metadata.get('default'):
default = prop_metadata['default']
if default == NOW:
kwargs[prop_name] = self.__now
kwargs[prop_name] = default(cls)
elif prop_metadata.get('fixed'):
kwargs[prop_name] = prop_metadata['fixed']
if prop_metadata.get('validate'):
if (prop_name in kwargs and
not prop_metadata['validate'](cls, kwargs[prop_name])):
msg = prop_metadata.get('error_msg', DEFAULT_ERROR).format(
prop_metadata.get('default', lambda x: ''))(cls),
raise ValueError(msg)
elif prop_metadata.get('fixed'):
if kwargs[prop_name] != prop_metadata['fixed']:
msg = prop_metadata.get('error_msg', DEFAULT_ERROR).format(
raise ValueError(msg)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
cls = self.__class__
class_name = cls.__name__
# Use the same timestamp for any auto-generated datetimes
now = get_timestamp()
self.__now = get_timestamp()
# Detect any keyword arguments not allowed for a specific type
extra_kwargs = list(set(kwargs) - set(cls._properties))
if extra_kwargs:
raise TypeError("unexpected keyword arguments: " + str(extra_kwargs))
required_fields = [k for k, v in cls._properties.items() if v.get('required')]
required_fields = get_required_properties(cls._properties)
missing_kwargs = set(required_fields) - set(kwargs)
if missing_kwargs:
msg = "Missing required field(s) for {type}: ({fields})."
@ -50,34 +94,12 @@ class _STIXBase(collections.Mapping):
raise ValueError(msg.format(type=class_name, fields=field_list))
for prop_name, prop_metadata in cls._properties.items():
if prop_name not in kwargs:
if prop_metadata.get('default'):
default = prop_metadata['default']
if default == NOW:
kwargs[prop_name] = now
kwargs[prop_name] = default(cls)
elif prop_metadata.get('fixed'):
kwargs[prop_name] = prop_metadata['fixed']
if prop_metadata.get('validate'):
if (prop_name in kwargs and
not prop_metadata['validate'](cls, kwargs[prop_name])):
msg = prop_metadata.get('error_msg', DEFAULT_ERROR).format(
prop_metadata.get('default', lambda x: ''))(cls),
raise ValueError(msg)
elif prop_metadata.get('fixed'):
if kwargs[prop_name] != prop_metadata['fixed']:
msg = prop_metadata.get('error_msg', DEFAULT_ERROR).format(
raise ValueError(msg)
if isinstance(prop_metadata, dict):
self._handle_old_style_property(prop_name, prop_metadata, kwargs)
else: # This is a Property Subclasses
# self.check_property(prop_name, prop_metadata, kwargs)
self._inner = kwargs
@ -92,10 +114,13 @@ class _STIXBase(collections.Mapping):
# Handle attribute access just like key access
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('_'):
return super(_STIXBase, self).__getattr__(name)
return self.get(name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name != '_inner':
if name != '_inner' and not name.startswith("_STIXBase__"):
raise ValueError("Cannot modify properties after creation.")
super(_STIXBase, self).__setattr__(name, value)

stix2/properties.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import uuid
class Property(object):
"""Represent a property of STIX data type.
Subclasses can define the following attributes as keyword arguments to
- `required` - If `True`, the property must be provided when creating an
object with that property. No default value exists for these properties.
(Default: `False`)
- `fixed` - This provides a constant default value. Users are free to
provide this value explicity when constructing an object (which allows
you to copy *all* values from an existing object to a new object), but
if the user provides a value other than the `fixed` value, it will raise
an error. This is semantically equivalent to defining both:
- a `validate()` function that checks if the value matches the fixed
value, and
- a `default()` function that returns the fixed value.
(Default: `None`)
Subclasses can also define the following functions.
- `def clean(self, value) -> any:`
- Transform `value` into a valid value for this property. This should
raise a ValueError if such no such transformation is possible.
- `def validate(self, value) -> any:`
- check that `value` is valid for this property. This should return
a valid value (possibly modified) for this property, or raise a
ValueError if the value is not valid.
(Default: if `clean` is defined, it will attempt to call `clean` and
return the result or pass on a ValueError that `clean` raises. If
`clean` is not defined, this will return `value` unmodified).
- `def default(self):`
- provide a default value for this property.
- `default()` can return the special value `NOW` to use the current
time. This is useful when several timestamps in the same object need
to use the same default value, so calling now() for each field--
likely several microseconds apart-- does not work.
Subclasses can instead provide lambda functions for `clean`, and `default`
as keyword arguments. `validate` should not be provided as a lambda since
lambdas cannot raise their own exceptions.
def __init__(self, required=False, fixed=None, clean=None, validate=None, default=None):
self.required = required
if fixed:
self.validate = lambda x: x == fixed
self.default = lambda: fixed
if clean:
self.clean = clean
if validate:
self.validate = validate
if default:
self.default = default
def clean(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError
def validate(self, value):
value = self.clean(value)
except NotImplemetedError:
return value
class TypeProperty(Property):
def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type
def validate(self, value):
if value != self.type:
raise ValueError("Invalid type value")
def default(self):
return self.type
class List(Property):
def __init__(self, contained):
contained should be a type whose constructor creates an object from the value
self.contained = contained
def validate(self, value):
# TODO: ensure iterable
for item in value:
def clean(self, value):
return [self.contained(x) for x in value]
class IDProperty(Property):
def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type
def validate(self, value):
# TODO: validate GUID as well
return value.startswith(self.type + "--")
def default(self):
return self.type + "--" + str(uuid.uuid4())

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import pytest
from stix2.properties import Property, IDProperty
def test_property():
p = Property()
assert p.required is False
def test_basic_validate():
class Prop(Property):
def validate(self, value):
if value == 42:
return value
raise ValueError("Must be 42")
p = Prop()
assert p.validate(42) == 42
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_default_field():
class Prop(Property):
def default(self):
return 77
p = Prop()
assert p.default() == 77
def test_fixed_property():
p = Property(fixed="2.0")
assert p.validate("2.0") is True
assert p.validate("x") is False
assert p.validate(2.0) is False
assert p.default() == "2.0"
def test_id_property():
idprop = IDProperty('my-type')
assert idprop.validate('my-type--90aaca8a-1110-5d32-956d-ac2f34a1bd8c') is True
assert idprop.validate('not-my-type--90aaca8a-1110-5d32-956d-ac2f34a1bd8c') is False
assert idprop.validate(idprop.default())