Fix typos in datasources
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
" /STIX2 Domain Object type\n",
"Essentially a master STIX2 content directory where each subdirectory aligns to a STIX2 domain object type (i.e. \"attack-pattern\", \"campaign\", \"malware\" etc..). Within each STIX2 domain object subdirectory are JSON files that are STIX2 domain objects of the specified type. The name of the json files correspond to the ID of the STIX2 domain object found within that file. A real example of the FileSystem directory structure:\n",
"The master STIX2 content directory contains subdirectories, each of which aligns to a STIX2 domain object type (i.e. \"attack-pattern\", \"campaign\", \"malware\", etc.). Within each STIX2 domain object subdirectory are JSON files that are STIX2 domain objects of the specified type. The name of the json files correspond to the ID of the STIX2 domain object found within that file. A real example of the FileSystem directory structure:\n",
@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
"[FileSystemStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemStore) is intended for use cases where STIX2 content is retrieved and pushed to the same file directory. As [FileSystemStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemStore) is just a wrapper around a paired [FileSystemSource](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource) and [FileSystemSink](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSink) that point the same file directory.\n",
"Use cases where STIX2 content will only be retrieved or pushed, then a [FileSystemSource](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource) and [FileSystemSink](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSink) can be used individually. Or for the use case where STIX2 content will be retrieved from one distinct file directory and pushed to another.\n",
"For use cases where STIX2 content will only be retrieved or pushed, then a [FileSystemSource](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource) and [FileSystemSink](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSink) can be used individually. They can also be used individually when STIX2 content will be retrieved from one distinct file directory and pushed to another.\n",
"### FileSystem API\n",
"A note on [get()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource.get), [all_versions()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource.all_versions), and [query()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource.query). The format of the STIX2 content targeted by the FileSystem suite is JSON files. When STIX2 content (in JSON) is retrieved by the [FileSystemStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemStore) from disk, the content will attempt to be parsed into full-featured python STIX2 objects and returned as such. \n",
"A note on [get()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource.get), [all_versions()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource.all_versions), and [query()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSource.query): The format of the STIX2 content targeted by the FileSystem suite is JSON files. When the [FileSystemStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemStore) retrieves STIX2 content (in JSON) from disk, it will attempt to parse the content into full-featured python-stix2 objects and returned as such. \n",
"A note on [add()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filesystem.rst#stix2.sources.filesystem.FileSystemSink.add): When STIX content is added (pushed) to the file system, the STIX content can be supplied in the following forms: Python STIX objects, Python dictionaries (of valid STIX objects or Bundles), JSON-encoded strings (of valid STIX objects or Bundles), or a (Python) list of any of the previously listed types. Any of the previous STIX content forms will be converted to a STIX JSON object (in a STIX Bundle) and written to disk. \n",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"source": [
"from stix2 import FileSystemSource\n",
"Working with FileSystemSource for retrieveing STIX content.\n",
"Working with FileSystemSource for retrieving STIX content.\n",
"# create FileSystemSource\n",
@ -62,11 +62,11 @@
"### Memory API\n",
"A note on adding and retreiving STIX content to the Memory suite. As mentioned, under the hood is an internal, in-memory dictionary. STIX content that is to be added can be in the following forms: python-stix2 objects, (Python) dictionaries (of valid STIX objects or Bundles), JSON-encoded strings (of valid STIX objects or Bundles), or a (Python) list of any of the previously listed types. [MemoryStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore) actually stores STIX content either as python-stix2 objects or as (Python) dictionaries, reducing and converting any of the aforementioned types to one of those. Additionally, whatever form the STIX object is stored as, is how it will be returned when retrieved. python-stix2 objects, and json-encoded strings (of STIX content) are stored as python-stix2 objects. While (Python) dictionaries (of STIX objects) are stored as (Python) dictionaries.\n",
"A note on adding and retreiving STIX content to the Memory suite: As mentioned, under the hood the Memory suite is an internal, in-memory dictionary. STIX content that is to be added can be in the following forms: python-stix2 objects, (Python) dictionaries (of valid STIX objects or Bundles), JSON-encoded strings (of valid STIX objects or Bundles), or a (Python) list of any of the previously listed types. [MemoryStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore) actually stores STIX content either as python-stix2 objects or as (Python) dictionaries, reducing and converting any of the aforementioned types to one of those. Additionally, whatever form the STIX object is stored as, is how it will be returned when retrieved. python-stix2 objects, and json-encoded strings (of STIX content) are stored as python-stix2 objects, while (Python) dictionaries (of STIX objects) are stored as (Python) dictionaries.\n",
"A note on [load_from_file()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore.load_from_file) . For [load_from_file()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore.load_from_file), STIX content is assumed to be in JSON form within the file, as an individual STIX object or in a Bundle. When the JSON is loaded, the STIX objects are parsed into python-stix2 objects before being stored in the in-memory dictionary.\n",
"A note on [load_from_file()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore.load_from_file): For [load_from_file()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore.load_from_file), STIX content is assumed to be in JSON form within the file, as an individual STIX object or in a Bundle. When the JSON is loaded, the STIX objects are parsed into python-stix2 objects before being stored in the in-memory dictionary.\n",
"A note on [save_to_file()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore.save_to_file). This method dumps all STIX content that is in [MemoryStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore) to the specified file. The file format will be JSON, and the STIX content will be within a STIX Bundle. Note also that the the output form will be a JSON STIX Bundle regardless of the form that the individual STIX objects are stored (i.e. supplied) to the [MemoryStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore). \n",
"A note on [save_to_file()](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore.save_to_file): This method dumps all STIX content that is in the [MemoryStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore) to the specified file. The file format will be JSON, and the STIX content will be within a STIX Bundle. Note also that the output form will be a JSON STIX Bundle regardless of the form that the individual STIX objects are stored in (i.e. supplied to) the [MemoryStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.memory.rst#stix2.sources.memory.MemoryStore). \n",
"### Memory Examples\n",
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
"from stix2 import Filter\n",
"# add json formatted string to MemoryStore\n",
"# Again, would NOT manual create json-formatted string\n",
"# Again, would NOT manually create json-formatted string\n",
"# but taken as an output form from another source\n",
"report = '{\"type\": \"report\",\"id\": \"report--2add14d6-bbf3-4308-bb8e-226d314a08e4\",\"labels\": [\"threat-report\"], \"name\": \"The Crusades: Looking into the relentless infiltration of Israels digital infrastructure.\", \"published\": \"2017-05-08T10:24:11.011Z\", \"object_refs\":[\"malware--2daa14d6-cbf3-4308-bb8e-226d324a08e4\"], \"created\": \"2017-05-08T18:34:08.042Z\", \"modified\": \"2017-05-08T18:34:08.042Z\"}'\n",
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
"source": [
"## TAXIICollection\n",
"The TAXIICollection suite contains [TAXIICollectionStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionStore), [TAXIICollectionSource](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSource), and [TAXIICollectionSink](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSink). [TAXIICollectionStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionStore) for pushing and retrieving STIX content to local/remote TAXII Collection(s). [TAXIICollectionSource](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSource) for retrieving STIX content to local/remote TAXII Collection(s). [TAXIICollectionSink](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSink) for pushing STIX content to local/remote TAXII Collection(s). Each of the interfaces is designed to be bound to a Collection from the [taxii2client]( library (taxii2client.Collection), where all [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) API calls will be executed through that Collection instance.\n",
"The TAXIICollection suite contains [TAXIICollectionStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionStore), [TAXIICollectionSource](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSource), and [TAXIICollectionSink](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSink). [TAXIICollectionStore](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionStore) pushes and retrieves STIX content to local/remote TAXII Collection(s). [TAXIICollectionSource](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSource) retrieves STIX content from local/remote TAXII Collection(s). [TAXIICollectionSink](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst#stix2.sources.taxii.TAXIICollectionSink) pushes STIX content to local/remote TAXII Collection(s). Each of the interfaces is designed to be bound to a Collection from the [taxii2client]( library (taxii2client.Collection), where all [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) API calls will be executed through that Collection instance.\n",
"A note on TAXII2 searching/filtering of STIX content. TAXII2 server implementations natively support searching on the STIX2 object properties: id, type and version; API requests made to TAXII2 can contain filter arguments for those 3 properties. However, the [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) suite supports searching on all STIX2 common object properties (see [Filters](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filters.rst) documentation for full listing). This works simply by augmenting the filtering that is done remotely at the TAXII2 server instance. [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) will seperate any supplied queries into TAXII supported filters and non-supported filters. During a [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) API call, TAXII2 supported filters get inserted into the TAXII2 server request (to be evaluated at the server). The rest of the filters are kept locally and then applied to the STIX2 content that is returned from the TAXII2 server, before being returned from the [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) API call. \n",
"A note on TAXII2 searching/filtering of STIX content: TAXII2 server implementations natively support searching on the STIX2 object properties: id, type and version; API requests made to TAXII2 can contain filter arguments for those 3 properties. However, the [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) suite supports searching on all STIX2 common object properties (see [Filters](../api/sources/stix2.sources.filters.rst) documentation for full listing). This works simply by augmenting the filtering that is done remotely at the TAXII2 server instance. [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) will seperate any supplied queries into TAXII supported filters and non-supported filters. During a [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) API call, TAXII2 supported filters get inserted into the TAXII2 server request (to be evaluated at the server). The rest of the filters are kept locally and then applied to the STIX2 content that is returned from the TAXII2 server, before being returned from the [TAXIICollection](../api/sources/stix2.sources.taxii.rst) API call. \n",
"### TAXIICollection API\n",
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class FileSystemStore(DataStore):
def __init__(self, stix_dir, allow_custom=None, bundlify=False):
if not allow_custom:
if allow_custom is None:
allow_custom_source = True
allow_custom_sink = False
@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ class MemorySink(DataSink):
_data (dict): the in-memory dict that holds STIX objects.
If apart of a MemoryStore, dict is shared between with
a MemorySource
If part of a MemoryStore, the dict is shared with a MemorySource
def __init__(self, stix_data=None, allow_custom=True, version=None, _store=False):
@ -171,8 +170,7 @@ class MemorySource(DataSource):
_data (dict): the in-memory dict that holds STIX objects.
If apart of a MemoryStore, dict is shared between with
a MemorySink
If part of a MemoryStore, the dict is shared with a MemorySink
def __init__(self, stix_data=None, allow_custom=True, version=None, _store=False):
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class TAXIICollectionStore(DataStore):
def __init__(self, collection, allow_custom=None):
if not allow_custom:
if allow_custom is None:
allow_custom_source = True
allow_custom_sink = False
Reference in New Issue