"""Base classes for type definitions in the STIX2 library.""" import collections import copy import datetime as dt import simplejson as json from .exceptions import ( AtLeastOnePropertyError, CustomContentError, DependentPropertiesError, ExtraPropertiesError, ImmutableError, InvalidObjRefError, InvalidValueError, MissingPropertiesError, MutuallyExclusivePropertiesError, ) from .markings.utils import validate from .utils import NOW, find_property_index, format_datetime, get_timestamp from .utils import new_version as _new_version from .utils import revoke as _revoke __all__ = ['STIXJSONEncoder', '_STIXBase'] DEFAULT_ERROR = "{type} must have {property}='{expected}'." class STIXJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSONEncoder subclass for serializing Python ``stix2`` objects. If an optional property with a default value specified in the STIX 2 spec is set to that default value, it will be left out of the serialized output. An example of this type of property include the ``revoked`` common property. """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (dt.date, dt.datetime)): return format_datetime(obj) elif isinstance(obj, _STIXBase): tmp_obj = dict(copy.deepcopy(obj)) for prop_name in obj._defaulted_optional_properties: del tmp_obj[prop_name] return tmp_obj else: return super(STIXJSONEncoder, self).default(obj) class STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSONEncoder subclass for serializing Python ``stix2`` objects. Differs from ``STIXJSONEncoder`` in that if an optional property with a default value specified in the STIX 2 spec is set to that default value, it will be included in the serialized output. """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (dt.date, dt.datetime)): return format_datetime(obj) elif isinstance(obj, _STIXBase): return dict(obj) else: return super(STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder, self).default(obj) def get_required_properties(properties): return (k for k, v in properties.items() if v.required) class _STIXBase(collections.Mapping): """Base class for STIX object types""" def object_properties(self): props = set(self._properties.keys()) custom_props = list(set(self._inner.keys()) - props) custom_props.sort() all_properties = list(self._properties.keys()) all_properties.extend(custom_props) # Any custom properties to the bottom return all_properties def _check_property(self, prop_name, prop, kwargs): if prop_name not in kwargs: if hasattr(prop, 'default'): value = prop.default() if value == NOW: value = self.__now kwargs[prop_name] = value if prop_name in kwargs: try: kwargs[prop_name] = prop.clean(kwargs[prop_name]) except ValueError as exc: if self.__allow_custom and isinstance(exc, CustomContentError): return raise InvalidValueError(self.__class__, prop_name, reason=str(exc)) # interproperty constraint methods def _check_mutually_exclusive_properties(self, list_of_properties, at_least_one=True): current_properties = self.properties_populated() count = len(set(list_of_properties).intersection(current_properties)) # at_least_one allows for xor to be checked if count > 1 or (at_least_one and count == 0): raise MutuallyExclusivePropertiesError(self.__class__, list_of_properties) def _check_at_least_one_property(self, list_of_properties=None): if not list_of_properties: list_of_properties = sorted(list(self.__class__._properties.keys())) if 'type' in list_of_properties: list_of_properties.remove('type') current_properties = self.properties_populated() list_of_properties_populated = set(list_of_properties).intersection(current_properties) if list_of_properties and (not list_of_properties_populated or list_of_properties_populated == set(['extensions'])): raise AtLeastOnePropertyError(self.__class__, list_of_properties) def _check_properties_dependency(self, list_of_properties, list_of_dependent_properties): failed_dependency_pairs = [] for p in list_of_properties: for dp in list_of_dependent_properties: if not self.get(p) and self.get(dp): failed_dependency_pairs.append((p, dp)) if failed_dependency_pairs: raise DependentPropertiesError(self.__class__, failed_dependency_pairs) def _check_object_constraints(self): for m in self.get('granular_markings', []): validate(self, m.get('selectors')) def __init__(self, allow_custom=False, **kwargs): cls = self.__class__ self.__allow_custom = allow_custom # Use the same timestamp for any auto-generated datetimes self.__now = get_timestamp() # Detect any keyword arguments not allowed for a specific type custom_props = kwargs.pop('custom_properties', {}) if custom_props and not isinstance(custom_props, dict): raise ValueError("'custom_properties' must be a dictionary") if not self.__allow_custom: extra_kwargs = list(set(kwargs) - set(self._properties)) if extra_kwargs: raise ExtraPropertiesError(cls, extra_kwargs) if custom_props: self.__allow_custom = True # Remove any keyword arguments whose value is None setting_kwargs = {} props = kwargs.copy() props.update(custom_props) for prop_name, prop_value in props.items(): if prop_value is not None: setting_kwargs[prop_name] = prop_value # Detect any missing required properties required_properties = set(get_required_properties(self._properties)) missing_kwargs = required_properties - set(setting_kwargs) if missing_kwargs: raise MissingPropertiesError(cls, missing_kwargs) for prop_name, prop_metadata in self._properties.items(): self._check_property(prop_name, prop_metadata, setting_kwargs) # Cache defaulted optional properties for serialization defaulted = [] for name, prop in self._properties.items(): try: if (not prop.required and not hasattr(prop, '_fixed_value') and prop.default() == setting_kwargs[name]): defaulted.append(name) except (AttributeError, KeyError): continue self._defaulted_optional_properties = defaulted self._inner = setting_kwargs self._check_object_constraints() def __getitem__(self, key): return self._inner[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._inner) def __len__(self): return len(self._inner) # Handle attribute access just like key access def __getattr__(self, name): # Pickle-proofing: pickle invokes this on uninitialized instances (i.e. # __init__ has not run). So no "self" attributes are set yet. The # usual behavior of this method reads an __init__-assigned attribute, # which would cause infinite recursion. So this check disables all # attribute reads until the instance has been properly initialized. unpickling = '_inner' not in self.__dict__ if not unpickling and name in self: return self.__getitem__(name) raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if not name.startswith("_"): raise ImmutableError(self.__class__, name) super(_STIXBase, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): return self.serialize(pretty=True) def __repr__(self): props = [(k, self[k]) for k in self.object_properties() if self.get(k)] return '{0}({1})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(['{0!s}={1!r}'.format(k, v) for k, v in props]), ) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Assume: we can ignore the memo argument, because no object will ever contain the same sub-object multiple times. new_inner = copy.deepcopy(self._inner, memo) cls = type(self) if isinstance(self, _Observable): # Assume: valid references in the original object are still valid in the new version new_inner['_valid_refs'] = {'*': '*'} new_inner['allow_custom'] = self.__allow_custom return cls(**new_inner) def properties_populated(self): return list(self._inner.keys()) # Versioning API def new_version(self, **kwargs): return _new_version(self, **kwargs) def revoke(self): return _revoke(self) def serialize(self, pretty=False, include_optional_defaults=False, **kwargs): """ Serialize a STIX object. Args: pretty (bool): If True, output properties following the STIX specs formatting. This includes indentation. Refer to notes for more details. (Default: ``False``) include_optional_defaults (bool): Determines whether to include optional properties set to the default value defined in the spec. **kwargs: The arguments for a json.dumps() call. Examples: >>> import stix2 >>> identity = stix2.Identity(name='Example Corp.', identity_class='organization') >>> print(identity.serialize(sort_keys=True)) {"created": "2018-06-08T19:03:54.066Z", ... "name": "Example Corp.", "type": "identity"} >>> print(identity.serialize(sort_keys=True, indent=4)) { "created": "2018-06-08T19:03:54.066Z", "id": "identity--d7f3e25a-ba1c-447a-ab71-6434b092b05e", "identity_class": "organization", "modified": "2018-06-08T19:03:54.066Z", "name": "Example Corp.", "type": "identity" } Returns: str: The serialized JSON object. Note: The argument ``pretty=True`` will output the STIX object following spec order. Using this argument greatly impacts object serialization performance. If your use case is centered across machine-to-machine operation it is recommended to set ``pretty=False``. When ``pretty=True`` the following key-value pairs will be added or overridden: indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), item_sort_key=sort_by. """ if pretty: def sort_by(element): return find_property_index(self, *element) kwargs.update({'indent': 4, 'separators': (',', ': '), 'item_sort_key': sort_by}) if include_optional_defaults: return json.dumps(self, cls=STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder, **kwargs) else: return json.dumps(self, cls=STIXJSONEncoder, **kwargs) class _Observable(_STIXBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # the constructor might be called independently of an observed data object self._STIXBase__valid_refs = kwargs.pop('_valid_refs', []) self.__allow_custom = kwargs.get('allow_custom', False) self._properties['extensions'].allow_custom = kwargs.get('allow_custom', False) super(_Observable, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _check_ref(self, ref, prop, prop_name): if '*' in self._STIXBase__valid_refs: return # don't check if refs are valid if ref not in self._STIXBase__valid_refs: raise InvalidObjRefError(self.__class__, prop_name, "'%s' is not a valid object in local scope" % ref) try: allowed_types = prop.contained.valid_types except AttributeError: allowed_types = prop.valid_types try: ref_type = self._STIXBase__valid_refs[ref] except TypeError: raise ValueError("'%s' must be created with _valid_refs as a dict, not a list." % self.__class__.__name__) if allowed_types: if ref_type not in allowed_types: raise InvalidObjRefError(self.__class__, prop_name, "object reference '%s' is of an invalid type '%s'" % (ref, ref_type)) def _check_property(self, prop_name, prop, kwargs): super(_Observable, self)._check_property(prop_name, prop, kwargs) if prop_name not in kwargs: return if prop_name.endswith('_ref'): ref = kwargs[prop_name] self._check_ref(ref, prop, prop_name) elif prop_name.endswith('_refs'): for ref in kwargs[prop_name]: self._check_ref(ref, prop, prop_name) class _Extension(_STIXBase): def _check_object_constraints(self): super(_Extension, self)._check_object_constraints() self._check_at_least_one_property() def _cls_init(cls, obj, kwargs): if getattr(cls, '__init__', object.__init__) is not object.__init__: cls.__init__(obj, **kwargs)