"""Python APIs for STIX 2 Object-based Semantic Equivalence.""" import logging import time from ...datastore import Filter from ...utils import STIXdatetime, parse_into_datetime logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def semantically_equivalent(obj1, obj2, prop_scores={}, **weight_dict): """This method verifies if two objects of the same type are semantically equivalent. Args: obj1: A stix2 object instance obj2: A stix2 object instance prop_scores: A dictionary that can hold individual property scores, weights, contributing score, matching score and sum of weights. weight_dict: A dictionary that can be used to override settings in the semantic equivalence process Returns: float: A number between 0.0 and 100.0 as a measurement of equivalence. Warning: Object types need to have property weights defined for the equivalence process. Otherwise, those objects will not influence the final score. The WEIGHTS dictionary under `stix2.equivalence.object` can give you an idea on how to add new entries and pass them via the `weight_dict` argument. Similarly, the values or methods can be fine tuned for a particular use case. Note: Default weights_dict: .. include:: ../../object_default_sem_eq_weights.rst Note: This implementation follows the Semantic Equivalence Committee Note. see `the Committee Note `__. """ weights = WEIGHTS.copy() if weight_dict: weights.update(weight_dict) type1, type2 = obj1["type"], obj2["type"] ignore_spec_version = weights["_internal"]["ignore_spec_version"] if type1 != type2: raise ValueError('The objects to compare must be of the same type!') if ignore_spec_version is False and obj1.get("spec_version", "2.0") != obj2.get("spec_version", "2.0"): raise ValueError('The objects to compare must be of the same spec version!') try: weights[type1] except KeyError: logger.warning("'%s' type has no 'weights' dict specified & thus no semantic equivalence method to call!", type1) sum_weights = matching_score = 0 else: try: method = weights[type1]["method"] except KeyError: logger.debug("Starting semantic equivalence process between: '%s' and '%s'", obj1["id"], obj2["id"]) matching_score = 0.0 sum_weights = 0.0 for prop in weights[type1]: if check_property_present(prop, obj1, obj2): w = weights[type1][prop][0] comp_funct = weights[type1][prop][1] if comp_funct == partial_timestamp_based: contributing_score = w * comp_funct(obj1[prop], obj2[prop], weights[type1]["tdelta"]) elif comp_funct == partial_location_distance: threshold = weights[type1]["threshold"] contributing_score = w * comp_funct(obj1["latitude"], obj1["longitude"], obj2["latitude"], obj2["longitude"], threshold) elif comp_funct == reference_check or comp_funct == list_reference_check: max_depth = weights["_internal"]["max_depth"] if max_depth < 0: continue # prevent excessive recursion else: weights["_internal"]["max_depth"] -= 1 ds1, ds2 = weights["_internal"]["ds1"], weights["_internal"]["ds2"] contributing_score = w * comp_funct(obj1[prop], obj2[prop], ds1, ds2, **weights) else: contributing_score = w * comp_funct(obj1[prop], obj2[prop]) sum_weights += w matching_score += contributing_score prop_scores[prop] = { "weight": w, "contributing_score": contributing_score, } logger.debug("'%s' check -- weight: %s, contributing score: %s", prop, w, contributing_score) prop_scores["matching_score"] = matching_score prop_scores["sum_weights"] = sum_weights logger.debug("Matching Score: %s, Sum of Weights: %s", matching_score, sum_weights) else: logger.debug("Starting semantic equivalence process between: '%s' and '%s'", obj1["id"], obj2["id"]) try: matching_score, sum_weights = method(obj1, obj2, prop_scores, **weights[type1]) except TypeError: # method doesn't support detailed output with prop_scores matching_score, sum_weights = method(obj1, obj2, **weights[type1]) logger.debug("Matching Score: %s, Sum of Weights: %s", matching_score, sum_weights) if sum_weights <= 0: return 0 equivalence_score = (matching_score / sum_weights) * 100.0 return equivalence_score def check_property_present(prop, obj1, obj2): """Helper method checks if a property is present on both objects.""" if prop == "longitude_latitude": if all(x in obj1 and x in obj2 for x in ['latitude', 'longitude']): return True elif prop in obj1 and prop in obj2: return True return False def partial_timestamp_based(t1, t2, tdelta): """Performs a timestamp-based matching via checking how close one timestamp is to another. Args: t1: A datetime string or STIXdatetime object. t2: A datetime string or STIXdatetime object. tdelta (float): A given time delta. This number is multiplied by 86400 (1 day) to extend or shrink your time change tolerance. Returns: float: Number between 0.0 and 1.0 depending on match criteria. """ if not isinstance(t1, STIXdatetime): t1 = parse_into_datetime(t1) if not isinstance(t2, STIXdatetime): t2 = parse_into_datetime(t2) t1, t2 = time.mktime(t1.timetuple()), time.mktime(t2.timetuple()) result = 1 - min(abs(t1 - t2) / (86400 * tdelta), 1) logger.debug("--\t\tpartial_timestamp_based '%s' '%s' tdelta: '%s'\tresult: '%s'", t1, t2, tdelta, result) return result def partial_list_based(l1, l2): """Performs a partial list matching via finding the intersection between common values. Args: l1: A list of values. l2: A list of values. Returns: float: 1.0 if the value matches exactly, 0.0 otherwise. """ l1_set, l2_set = set(l1), set(l2) result = len(l1_set.intersection(l2_set)) / max(len(l1_set), len(l2_set)) logger.debug("--\t\tpartial_list_based '%s' '%s'\tresult: '%s'", l1, l2, result) return result def exact_match(val1, val2): """Performs an exact value match based on two values Args: val1: A value suitable for an equality test. val2: A value suitable for an equality test. Returns: float: 1.0 if the value matches exactly, 0.0 otherwise. """ result = 0.0 if val1 == val2: result = 1.0 logger.debug("--\t\texact_match '%s' '%s'\tresult: '%s'", val1, val2, result) return result def partial_string_based(str1, str2): """Performs a partial string match using the Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm. Args: str1: A string value to check. str2: A string value to check. Returns: float: Number between 0.0 and 1.0 depending on match criteria. """ from rapidfuzz import fuzz result = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(str1, str2) logger.debug("--\t\tpartial_string_based '%s' '%s'\tresult: '%s'", str1, str2, result) return result / 100.0 def custom_pattern_based(pattern1, pattern2): """Performs a matching on Indicator Patterns. Args: pattern1: An Indicator pattern pattern2: An Indicator pattern Returns: float: Number between 0.0 and 1.0 depending on match criteria. """ logger.warning("Indicator pattern equivalence is not fully defined; will default to zero if not completely identical") return exact_match(pattern1, pattern2) # TODO: Implement pattern based equivalence def partial_external_reference_based(refs1, refs2): """Performs a matching on External References. Args: refs1: A list of external references. refs2: A list of external references. Returns: float: Number between 0.0 and 1.0 depending on matches. """ allowed = {"veris", "cve", "capec", "mitre-attack"} matches = 0 if len(refs1) >= len(refs2): l1 = refs1 l2 = refs2 else: l1 = refs2 l2 = refs1 for ext_ref1 in l1: for ext_ref2 in l2: sn_match = False ei_match = False url_match = False source_name = None if check_property_present("source_name", ext_ref1, ext_ref2): if ext_ref1["source_name"] == ext_ref2["source_name"]: source_name = ext_ref1["source_name"] sn_match = True if check_property_present("external_id", ext_ref1, ext_ref2): if ext_ref1["external_id"] == ext_ref2["external_id"]: ei_match = True if check_property_present("url", ext_ref1, ext_ref2): if ext_ref1["url"] == ext_ref2["url"]: url_match = True # Special case: if source_name is a STIX defined name and either # external_id or url match then its a perfect match and other entries # can be ignored. if sn_match and (ei_match or url_match) and source_name in allowed: result = 1.0 logger.debug( "--\t\tpartial_external_reference_based '%s' '%s'\tresult: '%s'", refs1, refs2, result, ) return result # Regular check. If the source_name (not STIX-defined) or external_id or # url matches then we consider the entry a match. if (sn_match or ei_match or url_match) and source_name not in allowed: matches += 1 result = matches / max(len(refs1), len(refs2)) logger.debug( "--\t\tpartial_external_reference_based '%s' '%s'\tresult: '%s'", refs1, refs2, result, ) return result def partial_location_distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, threshold): """Given two coordinates perform a matching based on its distance using the Haversine Formula. Args: lat1: Latitude value for first coordinate point. lat2: Latitude value for second coordinate point. long1: Longitude value for first coordinate point. long2: Longitude value for second coordinate point. threshold (float): A kilometer measurement for the threshold distance between these two points. Returns: float: Number between 0.0 and 1.0 depending on match. """ from haversine import Unit, haversine distance = haversine((lat1, long1), (lat2, long2), unit=Unit.KILOMETERS) result = 1 - (distance / threshold) logger.debug( "--\t\tpartial_location_distance '%s' '%s' threshold: '%s'\tresult: '%s'", (lat1, long1), (lat2, long2), threshold, result, ) return result def _versioned_checks(ref1, ref2, ds1, ds2, **weights): """Checks multiple object versions if present in graph. Maximizes for the semantic equivalence score of a particular version.""" results = {} objects1 = ds1.query([Filter("id", "=", ref1)]) objects2 = ds2.query([Filter("id", "=", ref2)]) if len(objects1) > 0 and len(objects2) > 0: for o1 in objects1: for o2 in objects2: result = semantically_equivalent(o1, o2, **weights) if ref1 not in results: results[ref1] = {"matched": ref2, "value": result} elif result > results[ref1]["value"]: results[ref1] = {"matched": ref2, "value": result} result = results.get(ref1, {}).get("value", 0.0) logger.debug( "--\t\t_versioned_checks '%s' '%s'\tresult: '%s'", ref1, ref2, result, ) return result def reference_check(ref1, ref2, ds1, ds2, **weights): """For two references, de-reference the object and perform object-based semantic equivalence. The score influences the result of an edge check.""" type1, type2 = ref1.split("--")[0], ref2.split("--")[0] result = 0.0 if type1 == type2: if weights["_internal"]["versioning_checks"]: result = _versioned_checks(ref1, ref2, ds1, ds2, **weights) / 100.0 else: o1, o2 = ds1.get(ref1), ds2.get(ref2) if o1 and o2: result = semantically_equivalent(o1, o2, **weights) / 100.0 logger.debug( "--\t\treference_check '%s' '%s'\tresult: '%s'", ref1, ref2, result, ) return result def list_reference_check(refs1, refs2, ds1, ds2, **weights): """For objects that contain multiple references (i.e., object_refs) perform the same de-reference procedure and perform object-based semantic equivalence. The score influences the objects containing these references. The result is weighted on the amount of unique objects that could 1) be de-referenced 2) """ results = {} if len(refs1) >= len(refs2): l1 = refs1 l2 = refs2 b1 = ds1 b2 = ds2 else: l1 = refs2 l2 = refs1 b1 = ds2 b2 = ds1 l1.sort() l2.sort() for ref1 in l1: for ref2 in l2: type1, type2 = ref1.split("--")[0], ref2.split("--")[0] if type1 == type2: score = reference_check(ref1, ref2, b1, b2, **weights) * 100.0 if ref1 not in results: results[ref1] = {"matched": ref2, "value": score} elif score > results[ref1]["value"]: results[ref1] = {"matched": ref2, "value": score} result = 0.0 total_sum = sum(x["value"] for x in results.values()) max_score = len(results) * 100.0 if max_score > 0: result = total_sum / max_score logger.debug( "--\t\tlist_reference_check '%s' '%s'\ttotal_sum: '%s'\tmax_score: '%s'\tresult: '%s'", refs1, refs2, total_sum, max_score, result, ) return result # default weights used for the semantic equivalence process WEIGHTS = { "attack-pattern": { "name": (30, partial_string_based), "external_references": (70, partial_external_reference_based), }, "campaign": { "name": (60, partial_string_based), "aliases": (40, partial_list_based), }, "course-of-action": { "name": (60, partial_string_based), "external_references": (40, partial_external_reference_based), }, "identity": { "name": (60, partial_string_based), "identity_class": (20, exact_match), "sectors": (20, partial_list_based), }, "indicator": { "indicator_types": (15, partial_list_based), "pattern": (80, custom_pattern_based), "valid_from": (5, partial_timestamp_based), "tdelta": 1, # One day interval }, "intrusion-set": { "name": (20, partial_string_based), "external_references": (60, partial_external_reference_based), "aliases": (20, partial_list_based), }, "location": { "longitude_latitude": (34, partial_location_distance), "region": (33, exact_match), "country": (33, exact_match), "threshold": 1000.0, }, "malware": { "malware_types": (20, partial_list_based), "name": (80, partial_string_based), }, "marking-definition": { "name": (20, exact_match), "definition": (60, exact_match), "definition_type": (20, exact_match), }, "threat-actor": { "name": (60, partial_string_based), "threat_actor_types": (20, partial_list_based), "aliases": (20, partial_list_based), }, "tool": { "tool_types": (20, partial_list_based), "name": (80, partial_string_based), }, "vulnerability": { "name": (30, partial_string_based), "external_references": (70, partial_external_reference_based), }, "_internal": { "ignore_spec_version": False, }, } # :autodoc-skip: