import datetime as dt import pytest import pytz import stix2 from stix2.exceptions import ExtraPropertiesError, STIXError from import ( BinaryProperty, BooleanProperty, EmbeddedObjectProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, HexProperty, IntegerProperty, ListProperty, Property, StringProperty, TimestampProperty, TypeProperty, ) def test_property(): p = Property() assert p.required is False assert p.clean('foo') == 'foo' assert p.clean(3) == 3 def test_basic_clean(): class Prop(Property): def clean(self, value): if value == 42: return value else: raise ValueError("Must be 42") p = Prop() assert p.clean(42) == 42 with pytest.raises(ValueError): p.clean(41) def test_property_default(): class Prop(Property): def default(self): return 77 p = Prop() assert p.default() == 77 def test_property_fixed(): p = Property(fixed="2.0") assert p.clean("2.0") with pytest.raises(ValueError): assert p.clean("x") is False with pytest.raises(ValueError): assert p.clean(2.0) is False assert p.default() == "2.0" assert p.clean(p.default()) def test_property_fixed_and_required(): with pytest.raises(STIXError): Property(default=lambda: 3, required=True) def test_list_property(): p = ListProperty(StringProperty) assert p.clean(['abc', 'xyz']) with pytest.raises(ValueError): p.clean([]) def test_list_property_property_type_custom(): class TestObj(stix2.base._STIXBase): _type = "test" _properties = { "foo": StringProperty(), } p = ListProperty(EmbeddedObjectProperty(type=TestObj)) objs_custom = [ TestObj(foo="abc", bar=123, allow_custom=True), TestObj(foo="xyz"), ] assert p.clean(objs_custom) dicts_custom = [ {"foo": "abc", "bar": 123}, {"foo": "xyz"}, ] # no opportunity to set allow_custom=True when using dicts with pytest.raises(ExtraPropertiesError): p.clean(dicts_custom) def test_list_property_object_type(): class TestObj(stix2.base._STIXBase): _type = "test" _properties = { "foo": StringProperty(), } p = ListProperty(TestObj) objs = [TestObj(foo="abc"), TestObj(foo="xyz")] assert p.clean(objs) dicts = [{"foo": "abc"}, {"foo": "xyz"}] assert p.clean(dicts) def test_list_property_object_type_custom(): class TestObj(stix2.base._STIXBase): _type = "test" _properties = { "foo": StringProperty(), } p = ListProperty(TestObj) objs_custom = [ TestObj(foo="abc", bar=123, allow_custom=True), TestObj(foo="xyz"), ] assert p.clean(objs_custom) dicts_custom = [ {"foo": "abc", "bar": 123}, {"foo": "xyz"}, ] # no opportunity to set allow_custom=True when using dicts with pytest.raises(ExtraPropertiesError): p.clean(dicts_custom) def test_list_property_bad_element_type(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): ListProperty(1) def test_list_property_bad_value_type(): class TestObj(stix2.base._STIXBase): _type = "test" _properties = { "foo": StringProperty(), } list_prop = ListProperty(TestObj) with pytest.raises(ValueError): list_prop.clean([1]) def test_string_property(): prop = StringProperty() assert prop.clean('foobar') assert prop.clean(1) assert prop.clean([1, 2, 3]) def test_type_property(): prop = TypeProperty('my-type') assert prop.clean('my-type') with pytest.raises(ValueError): prop.clean('not-my-type') assert prop.clean(prop.default()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ 2, -1, 3.14, False, ], ) def test_integer_property_valid(value): int_prop = IntegerProperty() assert int_prop.clean(value) is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ -1, -100, -50 * 6, ], ) def test_integer_property_invalid_min_with_constraints(value): int_prop = IntegerProperty(min=0, max=180) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: int_prop.clean(value) assert "minimum value is" in str(excinfo.value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ 181, 200, 50 * 6, ], ) def test_integer_property_invalid_max_with_constraints(value): int_prop = IntegerProperty(min=0, max=180) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: int_prop.clean(value) assert "maximum value is" in str(excinfo.value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ "something", StringProperty(), ], ) def test_integer_property_invalid(value): int_prop = IntegerProperty() with pytest.raises(ValueError): int_prop.clean(value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ 2, -1, 3.14, False, ], ) def test_float_property_valid(value): int_prop = FloatProperty() assert int_prop.clean(value) is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ "something", StringProperty(), ], ) def test_float_property_invalid(value): int_prop = FloatProperty() with pytest.raises(ValueError): int_prop.clean(value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ True, False, 'True', 'False', 'true', 'false', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'T', 'F', 't', 'f', 1, 0, ], ) def test_boolean_property_valid(value): bool_prop = BooleanProperty() assert bool_prop.clean(value) is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ 'abc', ['false'], {'true': 'true'}, 2, -1, ], ) def test_boolean_property_invalid(value): bool_prop = BooleanProperty() with pytest.raises(ValueError): bool_prop.clean(value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ '2017-01-01T12:34:56Z', ], ) def test_timestamp_property_valid(value): ts_prop = TimestampProperty() assert ts_prop.clean(value) == dt.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 12, 34, 56, tzinfo=pytz.utc) def test_timestamp_property_invalid(): ts_prop = TimestampProperty() with pytest.raises(TypeError): ts_prop.clean(1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ts_prop.clean("someday sometime") def test_binary_property(): bin_prop = BinaryProperty() assert bin_prop.clean("TG9yZW0gSXBzdW0=") with pytest.raises(ValueError): bin_prop.clean("foobar") def test_hex_property(): hex_prop = HexProperty() assert hex_prop.clean("4c6f72656d20497073756d") with pytest.raises(ValueError): hex_prop.clean("foobar") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ ['a', 'b', 'c'], ('a', 'b', 'c'), 'b', ], ) def test_enum_property_valid(value): enum_prop = EnumProperty(value) assert enum_prop.clean('b') def test_enum_property_clean(): enum_prop = EnumProperty(['1']) assert enum_prop.clean(1) == '1' def test_enum_property_invalid(): enum_prop = EnumProperty(['a', 'b', 'c']) with pytest.raises(ValueError): enum_prop.clean('z')