import json import os import shutil import pytest from stix2 import (Bundle, Campaign, CustomObject, FileSystemSink, FileSystemSource, FileSystemStore, Filter, Identity, Indicator, Malware, Relationship, properties) from stix2.test.constants import (CAMPAIGN_ID, CAMPAIGN_KWARGS, IDENTITY_ID, IDENTITY_KWARGS, INDICATOR_ID, INDICATOR_KWARGS, MALWARE_ID, MALWARE_KWARGS, RELATIONSHIP_IDS) FS_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "stix2_data") @pytest.fixture def fs_store(): # create yield FileSystemStore(FS_PATH) # remove campaign dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) @pytest.fixture def fs_source(): # create fs = FileSystemSource(FS_PATH) assert fs.stix_dir == FS_PATH yield fs # remove campaign dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) @pytest.fixture def fs_sink(): # create fs = FileSystemSink(FS_PATH) assert fs.stix_dir == FS_PATH yield fs # remove campaign dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) @pytest.fixture def bad_json_files(): # create erroneous JSON files for tests to make sure handled gracefully with open(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-json.txt"), "w+") as f: f.write("Im not a JSON file") with open(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-bad-json.json"), "w+") as f: f.write("Im not a JSON formatted file") yield True # dummy yield so can have teardown os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-json.txt")) os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-bad-json.json")) @pytest.fixture def bad_stix_files(): # create erroneous STIX JSON files for tests to make sure handled correctly # bad STIX object stix_obj = { "id": "intrusion-set--test-bad-stix", "spec_version": "2.0" # no "type" field } with open(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-stix.json"), "w+") as f: f.write(json.dumps(stix_obj)) yield True # dummy yield so can have teardown os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-stix.json")) @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def rel_fs_store(): cam = Campaign(id=CAMPAIGN_ID, **CAMPAIGN_KWARGS) idy = Identity(id=IDENTITY_ID, **IDENTITY_KWARGS) ind = Indicator(id=INDICATOR_ID, **INDICATOR_KWARGS) mal = Malware(id=MALWARE_ID, **MALWARE_KWARGS) rel1 = Relationship(ind, 'indicates', mal, id=RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0]) rel2 = Relationship(mal, 'targets', idy, id=RELATIONSHIP_IDS[1]) rel3 = Relationship(cam, 'uses', mal, id=RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2]) stix_objs = [cam, idy, ind, mal, rel1, rel2, rel3] fs = FileSystemStore(FS_PATH) for o in stix_objs: fs.add(o) yield fs for o in stix_objs: os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, o.type, + '.json')) def test_filesystem_source_nonexistent_folder(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: FileSystemSource('nonexistent-folder') assert "for STIX data does not exist" in str(excinfo) def test_filesystem_sink_nonexistent_folder(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: FileSystemSink('nonexistent-folder') assert "for STIX data does not exist" in str(excinfo) def test_filesystem_source_bad_json_file(fs_source, bad_json_files): # this tests the handling of two bad json files # - one file should just be skipped (silently) as its a ".txt" extension # - one file should be parsed and raise Exception bc its not JSON try: fs_source.get("intrusion-set--test-bad-json") except TypeError as e: assert "intrusion-set--test-bad-json" in str(e) assert "could either not be parsed to JSON or was not valid STIX JSON" in str(e) def test_filesystem_source_bad_stix_file(fs_source, bad_stix_files): # this tests handling of bad STIX json object try: fs_source.get("intrusion-set--test-non-stix") except TypeError as e: assert "intrusion-set--test-non-stix" in str(e) assert "could either not be parsed to JSON or was not valid STIX JSON" in str(e) def test_filesytem_source_get_object(fs_source): # get object mal = fs_source.get("malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38") assert == "malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38" assert == "Rover" def test_filesytem_source_get_nonexistent_object(fs_source): ind = fs_source.get("indicator--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38") assert ind is None def test_filesytem_source_all_versions(fs_source): # all versions - (currently not a true all versions call as FileSystem cant have multiple versions) id_ = fs_source.get("identity--c78cb6e5-0c4b-4611-8297-d1b8b55e40b5") assert == "identity--c78cb6e5-0c4b-4611-8297-d1b8b55e40b5" assert == "The MITRE Corporation" assert id_.type == "identity" def test_filesytem_source_query_single(fs_source): # query2 is_2 = fs_source.query([Filter("external_references.external_id", '=', "T1027")]) assert len(is_2) == 1 is_2 = is_2[0] assert == "attack-pattern--b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a" assert is_2.type == "attack-pattern" def test_filesytem_source_query_multiple(fs_source): # query intrusion_sets = fs_source.query([Filter("type", '=', "intrusion-set")]) assert len(intrusion_sets) == 2 assert "intrusion-set--a653431d-6a5e-4600-8ad3-609b5af57064" in [ for is_ in intrusion_sets] assert "intrusion-set--f3bdec95-3d62-42d9-a840-29630f6cdc1a" in [ for is_ in intrusion_sets] is_1 = [is_ for is_ in intrusion_sets if == "intrusion-set--f3bdec95-3d62-42d9-a840-29630f6cdc1a"][0] assert "DragonOK" in is_1.aliases assert len(is_1.external_references) == 4 def test_filesystem_sink_add_python_stix_object(fs_sink, fs_source): # add python stix object camp1 = Campaign(name="Hannibal", objective="Targeting Italian and Spanish Diplomat internet accounts", aliases=["War Elephant"]) fs_sink.add(camp1) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) camp1_r = fs_source.get( assert == assert == "Hannibal" assert "War Elephant" in camp1_r.aliases os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) def test_filesystem_sink_add_stix_object_dict(fs_sink, fs_source): # add stix object dict camp2 = { "name": "Aurelius", "type": "campaign", "objective": "German and French Intelligence Services", "aliases": ["Purple Robes"], "id": "campaign--8e2e2d2b-17d4-4cbf-938f-98ee46b3cd3f", "created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z" } fs_sink.add(camp2) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp2["id"] + ".json")) camp2_r = fs_source.get(camp2["id"]) assert == camp2["id"] assert == camp2["name"] assert "Purple Robes" in camp2_r.aliases os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) def test_filesystem_sink_add_stix_bundle_dict(fs_sink, fs_source): # add stix bundle dict bund = { "type": "bundle", "id": "bundle--040ae5ec-2e91-4e94-b075-bc8b368e8ca3", "spec_version": "2.0", "objects": [ { "name": "Atilla", "type": "campaign", "objective": "Bulgarian, Albanian and Romanian Intelligence Services", "aliases": ["Huns"], "id": "campaign--b8f86161-ccae-49de-973a-4ca320c62478", "created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z" } ] } fs_sink.add(bund) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", bund["objects"][0]["id"] + ".json")) camp3_r = fs_source.get(bund["objects"][0]["id"]) assert == bund["objects"][0]["id"] assert == bund["objects"][0]["name"] assert "Huns" in camp3_r.aliases os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) def test_filesystem_sink_add_json_stix_object(fs_sink, fs_source): # add json-encoded stix obj camp4 = '{"type": "campaign", "id":"campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d",'\ ' "created":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z", "name": "Ghengis Khan", "objective": "China and Russian infrastructure"}' fs_sink.add(camp4) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d" + ".json")) camp4_r = fs_source.get("campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d") assert == "campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d" assert == "Ghengis Khan" os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) def test_filesystem_sink_json_stix_bundle(fs_sink, fs_source): # add json-encoded stix bundle bund2 = '{"type": "bundle", "id": "bundle--3d267103-8475-4d8f-b321-35ec6eccfa37",' \ ' "spec_version": "2.0", "objects": [{"type": "campaign", "id": "campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b",' \ ' "created":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z", "name": "Spartacus", "objective": "Oppressive regimes of Africa and Middle East"}]}' fs_sink.add(bund2) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b" + ".json")) camp5_r = fs_source.get("campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b") assert == "campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b" assert == "Spartacus" os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) def test_filesystem_sink_add_objects_list(fs_sink, fs_source): # add list of objects camp6 = Campaign(name="Comanche", objective="US Midwest manufacturing firms, oil refineries, and businesses", aliases=["Horse Warrior"]) camp7 = { "name": "Napolean", "type": "campaign", "objective": "Central and Eastern Europe military commands and departments", "aliases": ["The Frenchmen"], "id": "campaign--122818b6-1112-4fb0-b11b-b111107ca70a", "created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z" } fs_sink.add([camp6, camp7]) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--122818b6-1112-4fb0-b11b-b111107ca70a" + ".json")) camp6_r = fs_source.get( assert == assert "Horse Warrior" in camp6_r.aliases camp7_r = fs_source.get(camp7["id"]) assert == camp7["id"] assert "The Frenchmen" in camp7_r.aliases # remove all added objects os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) def test_filesystem_store_get_stored_as_bundle(fs_store): coa = fs_store.get("course-of-action--95ddb356-7ba0-4bd9-a889-247262b8946f") assert == "course-of-action--95ddb356-7ba0-4bd9-a889-247262b8946f" assert coa.type == "course-of-action" def test_filesystem_store_get_stored_as_object(fs_store): coa = fs_store.get("course-of-action--d9727aee-48b8-4fdb-89e2-4c49746ba4dd") assert == "course-of-action--d9727aee-48b8-4fdb-89e2-4c49746ba4dd" assert coa.type == "course-of-action" def test_filesystem_store_all_versions(fs_store): # all versions() - (note at this time, all_versions() is still not applicable to FileSystem, as only one version is ever stored) rel = fs_store.all_versions("relationship--70dc6b5c-c524-429e-a6ab-0dd40f0482c1")[0] assert == "relationship--70dc6b5c-c524-429e-a6ab-0dd40f0482c1" assert rel.type == "relationship" def test_filesystem_store_query(fs_store): # query() tools = fs_store.query([Filter("labels", "in", "tool")]) assert len(tools) == 2 assert "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" in [ for tool in tools] assert "tool--03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23" in [ for tool in tools] def test_filesystem_store_query_single_filter(fs_store): query = Filter("labels", "in", "tool") tools = fs_store.query(query) assert len(tools) == 2 assert "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" in [ for tool in tools] assert "tool--03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23" in [ for tool in tools] def test_filesystem_store_empty_query(fs_store): results = fs_store.query() # returns all assert len(results) == 26 assert "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" in [ for obj in results] assert "marking-definition--fa42a846-8d90-4e51-bc29-71d5b4802168" in [ for obj in results] def test_filesystem_store_query_multiple_filters(fs_store): fs_store.source.filters.add(Filter("labels", "in", "tool")) tools = fs_store.query(Filter("id", "=", "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966")) assert len(tools) == 1 assert tools[0].id == "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" def test_filesystem_store_query_dont_include_type_folder(fs_store): results = fs_store.query(Filter("type", "!=", "tool")) assert len(results) == 24 def test_filesystem_store_add(fs_store): # add() camp1 = Campaign(name="Great Heathen Army", objective="Targeting the government of United Kingdom and insitutions affiliated with the Church Of England", aliases=["Ragnar"]) fs_store.add(camp1) camp1_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert == # remove os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) def test_filesystem_store_add_as_bundle(): fs_store = FileSystemStore(FS_PATH, bundlify=True) camp1 = Campaign(name="Great Heathen Army", objective="Targeting the government of United Kingdom and insitutions affiliated with the Church Of England", aliases=["Ragnar"]) fs_store.add(camp1) with open(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", + ".json")) as bundle_file: assert '"type": "bundle"' in camp1_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert == shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) def test_filesystem_add_bundle_object(fs_store): bundle = Bundle() fs_store.add(bundle) def test_filesystem_store_add_invalid_object(fs_store): ind = ('campaign', 'campaign--8e2e2d2b-17d4-4cbf-938f-98ee46b3cd3f') # tuple isn't valid with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: fs_store.add(ind) assert 'stix_data must be' in str(excinfo.value) assert 'a STIX object' in str(excinfo.value) assert 'JSON formatted STIX' in str(excinfo.value) assert 'JSON formatted STIX bundle' in str(excinfo.value) def test_filesystem_object_with_custom_property(fs_store): camp = Campaign(name="Scipio Africanus", objective="Defeat the Carthaginians", x_empire="Roman", allow_custom=True) fs_store.add(camp, True) camp_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert camp_r.x_empire == camp.x_empire def test_filesystem_object_with_custom_property_in_bundle(fs_store): camp = Campaign(name="Scipio Africanus", objective="Defeat the Carthaginians", x_empire="Roman", allow_custom=True) bundle = Bundle(camp, allow_custom=True) fs_store.add(bundle) camp_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert camp_r.x_empire == camp.x_empire def test_filesystem_custom_object(fs_store): @CustomObject('x-new-obj', [ ('property1', properties.StringProperty(required=True)), ]) class NewObj(): pass newobj = NewObj(property1='something') fs_store.add(newobj) newobj_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert newobj_r.property1 == 'something' # remove dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "x-new-obj"), True) def test_relationships(rel_fs_store): mal = rel_fs_store.get(MALWARE_ID) resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(mal) assert len(resp) == 3 assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0] for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[1] for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2] for x in resp) def test_relationships_by_type(rel_fs_store): mal = rel_fs_store.get(MALWARE_ID) resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(mal, relationship_type='indicates') assert len(resp) == 1 assert resp[0]['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0] def test_relationships_by_source(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, source_only=True) assert len(resp) == 1 assert resp[0]['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[1] def test_relationships_by_target(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, target_only=True) assert len(resp) == 2 assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0] for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2] for x in resp) def test_relationships_by_target_and_type(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, relationship_type='uses', target_only=True) assert len(resp) == 1 assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2] for x in resp) def test_relationships_by_target_and_source(rel_fs_store): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, target_only=True, source_only=True) assert 'not both' in str(excinfo.value) def test_related_to(rel_fs_store): mal = rel_fs_store.get(MALWARE_ID) resp = rel_fs_store.related_to(mal) assert len(resp) == 3 assert any(x['id'] == CAMPAIGN_ID for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == INDICATOR_ID for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == IDENTITY_ID for x in resp) def test_related_to_by_source(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.related_to(MALWARE_ID, source_only=True) assert len(resp) == 1 assert any(x['id'] == IDENTITY_ID for x in resp) def test_related_to_by_target(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.related_to(MALWARE_ID, target_only=True) assert len(resp) == 2 assert any(x['id'] == CAMPAIGN_ID for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == INDICATOR_ID for x in resp)