import pytest from stix2.confidence.scales import ( admiralty_credibility_to_value, dni_to_value, none_low_med_high_to_value, value_to_admiralty_credibility, value_to_dni, value_to_none_low_medium_high, value_to_wep, value_to_zero_ten, wep_to_value, zero_ten_to_value, ) CONFIDENCE_ERROR_STR = "STIX Confidence value cannot be determined for %s" RANGE_ERROR_STR = "Range of values out of bounds: %s" def _between(x, val, y): return x >= val >= y def test_confidence_range_none_low_med_high(): confidence_range = range(-1, 101) for val in confidence_range: if val < 0 or val > 100: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: value_to_none_low_medium_high(val) assert str(excinfo.value) == RANGE_ERROR_STR % val continue if val == 0: assert value_to_none_low_medium_high(val) == "None" elif _between(29, val, 1): assert value_to_none_low_medium_high(val) == "Low" elif _between(69, val, 30): assert value_to_none_low_medium_high(val) == "Med" elif _between(100, val, 70): assert value_to_none_low_medium_high(val) == "High" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value,result", [ ("None", 0), ("Low", 15), ("Med", 50), ("High", 85), ], ) def test_confidence_scale_valid_none_low_med_high(scale_value, result): val = none_low_med_high_to_value(scale_value) assert val == result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value", [ "Super", "none", "", ], ) def test_confidence_scale_invalid_none_low_med_high(scale_value): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: none_low_med_high_to_value(scale_value) assert str(excinfo.value) == CONFIDENCE_ERROR_STR % scale_value def test_confidence_range_zero_ten(): confidence_range = range(-1, 101) for val in confidence_range: if val < 0 or val > 100: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: value_to_zero_ten(val) assert str(excinfo.value) == RANGE_ERROR_STR % val continue if _between(4, val, 0): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "0" elif _between(14, val, 5): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "1" elif _between(24, val, 15): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "2" elif _between(34, val, 25): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "3" elif _between(44, val, 35): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "4" elif _between(54, val, 45): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "5" elif _between(64, val, 55): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "6" elif _between(74, val, 65): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "7" elif _between(84, val, 75): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "8" elif _between(94, val, 85): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "9" elif _between(100, val, 95): assert value_to_zero_ten(val) == "10" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value,result", [ ("0", 0), ("1", 10), ("2", 20), ("3", 30), ("4", 40), ("5", 50), ("6", 60), ("7", 70), ("8", 80), ("9", 90), ("10", 100), ], ) def test_confidence_scale_valid_zero_ten(scale_value, result): val = zero_ten_to_value(scale_value) assert val == result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value", [ "11", 8, "", ], ) def test_confidence_scale_invalid_zero_ten(scale_value): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: zero_ten_to_value(scale_value) assert str(excinfo.value) == CONFIDENCE_ERROR_STR % scale_value def test_confidence_range_admiralty_credibility(): confidence_range = range(-1, 101) for val in confidence_range: if val < 0 or val > 100: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: value_to_admiralty_credibility(val) assert str(excinfo.value) == RANGE_ERROR_STR % val continue if _between(19, val, 0): assert value_to_admiralty_credibility(val) == "5 - Improbable" elif _between(39, val, 20): assert value_to_admiralty_credibility(val) == "4 - Doubtful" elif _between(59, val, 40): assert value_to_admiralty_credibility(val) == "3 - Possibly True" elif _between(79, val, 60): assert value_to_admiralty_credibility(val) == "2 - Probably True" elif _between(100, val, 80): assert value_to_admiralty_credibility(val) == "1 - Confirmed by other sources" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value,result", [ ("5 - Improbable", 10), ("4 - Doubtful", 30), ("3 - Possibly True", 50), ("2 - Probably True", 70), ("1 - Confirmed by other sources", 90), ], ) def test_confidence_scale_valid_admiralty_credibility(scale_value, result): val = admiralty_credibility_to_value(scale_value) assert val == result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value", [ "5 - improbable", "6 - Truth cannot be judged", "", ], ) def test_confidence_scale_invalid_admiralty_credibility(scale_value): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: admiralty_credibility_to_value(scale_value) assert str(excinfo.value) == CONFIDENCE_ERROR_STR % scale_value def test_confidence_range_wep(): confidence_range = range(-1, 101) for val in confidence_range: if val < 0 or val > 100: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: value_to_wep(val) assert str(excinfo.value) == RANGE_ERROR_STR % val continue if val == 0: assert value_to_wep(val) == "Impossible" elif _between(19, val, 1): assert value_to_wep(val) == "Highly Unlikely/Almost Certainly Not" elif _between(39, val, 20): assert value_to_wep(val) == "Unlikely/Probably Not" elif _between(59, val, 40): assert value_to_wep(val) == "Even Chance" elif _between(79, val, 60): assert value_to_wep(val) == "Likely/Probable" elif _between(99, val, 80): assert value_to_wep(val) == "Highly likely/Almost Certain" elif val == 100: assert value_to_wep(val) == "Certain" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value,result", [ ("Impossible", 0), ("Highly Unlikely/Almost Certainly Not", 10), ("Unlikely/Probably Not", 30), ("Even Chance", 50), ("Likely/Probable", 70), ("Highly likely/Almost Certain", 90), ("Certain", 100), ], ) def test_confidence_scale_valid_wep(scale_value, result): val = wep_to_value(scale_value) assert val == result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value", [ "Unlikely / Probably Not", "Almost certain", "", ], ) def test_confidence_scale_invalid_wep(scale_value): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: wep_to_value(scale_value) assert str(excinfo.value) == CONFIDENCE_ERROR_STR % scale_value def test_confidence_range_dni(): confidence_range = range(-1, 101) for val in confidence_range: if val < 0 or val > 100: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: value_to_dni(val) assert str(excinfo.value) == RANGE_ERROR_STR % val continue if _between(9, val, 0): assert value_to_dni(val) == "Almost No Chance / Remote" elif _between(19, val, 10): assert value_to_dni(val) == "Very Unlikely / Highly Improbable" elif _between(39, val, 20): assert value_to_dni(val) == "Unlikely / Improbable" elif _between(59, val, 40): assert value_to_dni(val) == "Roughly Even Change / Roughly Even Odds" elif _between(79, val, 60): assert value_to_dni(val) == "Likely / Probable" elif _between(89, val, 80): assert value_to_dni(val) == "Very Likely / Highly Probable" elif _between(100, val, 90): assert value_to_dni(val) == "Almost Certain / Nearly Certain" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value,result", [ ("Almost No Chance / Remote", 5), ("Very Unlikely / Highly Improbable", 15), ("Unlikely / Improbable", 30), ("Roughly Even Change / Roughly Even Odds", 50), ("Likely / Probable", 70), ("Very Likely / Highly Probable", 85), ("Almost Certain / Nearly Certain", 95), ], ) def test_confidence_scale_valid_dni(scale_value, result): val = dni_to_value(scale_value) assert val == result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scale_value", [ "Almost Certain/Nearly Certain", "Almost Certain / nearly Certain", "", ], ) def test_confidence_scale_invalid_none_dni(scale_value): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: dni_to_value(scale_value) assert str(excinfo.value) == CONFIDENCE_ERROR_STR % scale_value