""" Python STIX 2.x TAXIICollectionStore """ from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from stix2.base import _STIXBase from stix2.core import Bundle, parse from stix2.datastore import DataSink, DataSource, DataStoreMixin from stix2.datastore.filters import Filter, apply_common_filters from stix2.utils import deduplicate TAXII_FILTERS = ['added_after', 'id', 'type', 'version'] class TAXIICollectionStore(DataStoreMixin): """Provides an interface to a local/remote TAXII Collection of STIX data. TAXIICollectionStore is a wrapper around a paired TAXIICollectionSink and TAXIICollectionSource. Args: collection (taxii2.Collection): TAXII Collection instance allow_custom (bool): whether to allow custom STIX content to be pushed/retrieved. Defaults to True for TAXIICollectionSource side(retrieving data) and False for TAXIICollectionSink side(pushing data). However, when parameter is supplied, it will be applied to both TAXIICollectionSource/Sink. """ def __init__(self, collection, allow_custom=None): if allow_custom is None: allow_custom_source = True allow_custom_sink = False else: allow_custom_sink = allow_custom_source = allow_custom super(TAXIICollectionStore, self).__init__( source=TAXIICollectionSource(collection, allow_custom=allow_custom_source), sink=TAXIICollectionSink(collection, allow_custom=allow_custom_sink) ) class TAXIICollectionSink(DataSink): """Provides an interface for pushing STIX objects to a local/remote TAXII Collection endpoint. Args: collection (taxii2.Collection): TAXII2 Collection instance allow_custom (bool): Whether to allow custom STIX content to be added to the TAXIICollectionSink. Default: False """ def __init__(self, collection, allow_custom=False): super(TAXIICollectionSink, self).__init__() self.collection = collection self.allow_custom = allow_custom def add(self, stix_data, version=None): """Add/push STIX content to TAXII Collection endpoint Args: stix_data (STIX object OR dict OR str OR list): valid STIX 2.0 content in a STIX object (or Bundle), STIX onject dict (or Bundle dict), or a STIX 2.0 json encoded string, or list of any of the following version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. """ if isinstance(stix_data, _STIXBase): # adding python STIX object if stix_data["type"] == "bundle": bundle = stix_data.serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: bundle = Bundle(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom).serialize(encoding="utf-8") elif isinstance(stix_data, dict): # adding python dict (of either Bundle or STIX obj) if stix_data["type"] == "bundle": bundle = parse(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version).serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: bundle = Bundle(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom).serialize(encoding="utf-8") elif isinstance(stix_data, list): # adding list of something - recurse on each for obj in stix_data: self.add(obj, version=version) return elif isinstance(stix_data, str): # adding json encoded string of STIX content stix_data = parse(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) if stix_data["type"] == "bundle": bundle = stix_data.serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: bundle = Bundle(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom).serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: raise TypeError("stix_data must be as STIX object(or list of),json formatted STIX (or list of), or a json formatted STIX bundle") self.collection.add_objects(bundle) class TAXIICollectionSource(DataSource): """Provides an interface for searching/retrieving STIX objects from a local/remote TAXII Collection endpoint. Args: collection (taxii2.Collection): TAXII Collection instance allow_custom (bool): Whether to allow custom STIX content to be added to the FileSystemSink. Default: True """ def __init__(self, collection, allow_custom=True): super(TAXIICollectionSource, self).__init__() self.collection = collection self.allow_custom = allow_custom def get(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None): """Retrieve STIX object from local/remote STIX Collection endpoint. Args: stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX object to be retrieved. _composite_filters (set): set of filters passed from the parent CompositeDataSource, not user supplied version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. Returns: (STIX object): STIX object that has the supplied STIX ID. The STIX object is received from TAXII has dict, parsed into a python STIX object and then returned """ # combine all query filters query = set() if self.filters: query.update(self.filters) if _composite_filters: query.update(_composite_filters) # dont extract TAXII filters from query (to send to TAXII endpoint) # as directly retrieveing a STIX object by ID try: stix_objs = self.collection.get_object(stix_id)["objects"] stix_obj = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, query)) except HTTPError: # if resource not found or access is denied from TAXII server, return None stix_obj = [] if len(stix_obj): stix_obj = parse(stix_obj[0], allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) if stix_obj.id != stix_id: # check - was added to handle erroneous TAXII servers stix_obj = None else: stix_obj = None return stix_obj def all_versions(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None): """Retrieve STIX object from local/remote TAXII Collection endpoint, all versions of it Args: stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX objects to be retrieved. _composite_filters (set): set of filters passed from the parent CompositeDataSource, not user supplied version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. Returns: (see query() as all_versions() is just a wrapper) """ # make query in TAXII query format since 'id' is TAXII field query = [ Filter("match[id]", "=", stix_id), Filter("match[version]", "=", "all") ] all_data = self.query(query=query, _composite_filters=_composite_filters) # parse STIX objects from TAXII returned json all_data = [parse(stix_obj, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) for stix_obj in all_data] # check - was added to handle erroneous TAXII servers all_data_clean = [stix_obj for stix_obj in all_data if stix_obj.id == stix_id] return all_data_clean def query(self, query=None, version=None, _composite_filters=None): """Search and retreive STIX objects based on the complete query A "complete query" includes the filters from the query, the filters attached to MemorySource, and any filters passed from a CompositeDataSource (i.e. _composite_filters) Args: query (list): list of filters to search on _composite_filters (set): set of filters passed from the CompositeDataSource, not user supplied version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. Returns: (list): list of STIX objects that matches the supplied query. The STIX objects are received from TAXII as dicts, parsed into python STIX objects and then returned. """ if query is None: query = set() else: if not isinstance(query, list): # make sure dont make set from a Filter object, # need to make a set from a list of Filter objects (even if just one Filter) query = [query] query = set(query) # combine all query filters if self.filters: query.update(self.filters) if _composite_filters: query.update(_composite_filters) # parse taxii query params (that can be applied remotely) taxii_filters = self._parse_taxii_filters(query) # taxii2client requires query params as keywords taxii_filters_dict = dict((f.property, f.value) for f in taxii_filters) # query TAXII collection try: all_data = self.collection.get_objects(**taxii_filters_dict)["objects"] # deduplicate data (before filtering as reduces wasted filtering) all_data = deduplicate(all_data) # apply local (CompositeDataSource, TAXIICollectionSource and query) filters all_data = list(apply_common_filters(all_data, (query - taxii_filters))) except HTTPError: # if resources not found or access is denied from TAXII server, return empty list all_data = [] # parse python STIX objects from the STIX object dicts stix_objs = [parse(stix_obj_dict, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) for stix_obj_dict in all_data] return stix_objs def _parse_taxii_filters(self, query): """Parse out TAXII filters that the TAXII server can filter on Does not put in TAXII spec format as the TAXII2Client (that we use) does this for us. NOTE: Currently, the TAXII2Client can handle TAXII filters where the filter value is list, as both a comma-seperated string or python list For instance - "?match[type]=indicator,sighting" can be in a filter in any of these formats: Filter("type", "", "indicator,sighting") Filter("type", "", ["indicator", "sighting"]) Args: query (set): set of filters to extract which ones are TAXII specific. Returns: taxii_filters (set): set of the TAXII filters """ taxii_filters = set() for filter_ in query: if filter_.property in TAXII_FILTERS: taxii_filters.add(filter_) return taxii_filters