import datetime as dt import re import pytest import pytz import stix2 from .constants import CAMPAIGN_ID, NOTE_ID CONTENT = ( 'This note indicates the various steps taken by the threat' ' analyst team to investigate this specific campaign. Step' ' 1) Do a scan 2) Review scanned results for identified ' 'hosts not known by external intel... etc' ) EXPECTED_NOTE = """{ "type": "note", "spec_version": "2.1", "id": "note--0c7b5b88-8ff7-4a4d-aa9d-feb398cd0061", "created": "2016-05-12T08:17:27.000Z", "modified": "2016-05-12T08:17:27.000Z", "abstract": "Tracking Team Note#1", "content": "%s", "authors": [ "John Doe" ], "object_refs": [ "campaign--8e2e2d2b-17d4-4cbf-938f-98ee46b3cd3f" ], "external_references": [ { "source_name": "job-tracker", "external_id": "job-id-1234" } ] }""" % CONTENT EXPECTED_OPINION_REPR = "Note(" + " ".join(( """ type='note', spec_version='2.1', id='note--0c7b5b88-8ff7-4a4d-aa9d-feb398cd0061', created='2016-05-12T08:17:27.000Z', modified='2016-05-12T08:17:27.000Z', abstract='Tracking Team Note#1', content='%s', authors=['John Doe'], object_refs=['campaign--8e2e2d2b-17d4-4cbf-938f-98ee46b3cd3f'], external_references=[ExternalReference(source_name='job-tracker', external_id='job-id-1234')] """ % CONTENT ).split()) + ")" def test_note_with_required_properties(): now = dt.datetime(2016, 5, 12, 8, 17, 27, tzinfo=pytz.utc) note = stix2.v21.Note( type='note', id=NOTE_ID, created=now, modified=now, abstract='Tracking Team Note#1', object_refs=[CAMPAIGN_ID], authors=['John Doe'], content=CONTENT, external_references=[ { 'source_name': 'job-tracker', 'external_id': 'job-id-1234', }, ], ) assert note.serialize(pretty=True) == EXPECTED_NOTE rep = re.sub(r"(\[|=| )u('|\"|\\\'|\\\")", r"\g<1>\g<2>", repr(note)) assert rep == EXPECTED_OPINION_REPR @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ EXPECTED_NOTE, { "type": "note", "spec_version": "2.1", "id": NOTE_ID, "created": "2016-05-12T08:17:27.000Z", "modified": "2016-05-12T08:17:27.000Z", "abstract": "Tracking Team Note#1", "content": CONTENT, "authors": [ "John Doe", ], "object_refs": [ CAMPAIGN_ID, ], "external_references": [ { "source_name": "job-tracker", "external_id": "job-id-1234", }, ], }, ], ) def test_parse_note(data): note = stix2.parse(data, version="2.1") assert note.type == 'note' assert note.spec_version == '2.1' assert == NOTE_ID assert note.created == dt.datetime(2016, 5, 12, 8, 17, 27, tzinfo=pytz.utc) assert note.modified == dt.datetime(2016, 5, 12, 8, 17, 27, tzinfo=pytz.utc) assert note.object_refs[0] == CAMPAIGN_ID assert note.authors[0] == 'John Doe' assert note.abstract == 'Tracking Team Note#1' assert note.content == CONTENT rep = re.sub(r"(\[|=| )u('|\"|\\\'|\\\")", r"\g<1>\g<2>", repr(note)) assert rep == EXPECTED_OPINION_REPR