# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime as dt import pytz import stix2 CAMPAIGN_ID = "campaign--12a111f0-b824-4baf-a224-83b80237a094" LANGUAGE_CONTENT_ID = "language-content--b86bd89f-98bb-4fa9-8cb2-9ad421da981d" TEST_CAMPAIGN = """{ "type": "campaign", "spec_version": "2.1", "id": "campaign--12a111f0-b824-4baf-a224-83b80237a094", "lang": "en", "created": "2017-02-08T21:31:22.007Z", "modified": "2017-02-08T21:31:22.007Z", "name": "Bank Attack", "description": "More information about bank attack" }""" TEST_LANGUAGE_CONTENT = u"""{ "type": "language-content", "spec_version": "2.1", "id": "language-content--b86bd89f-98bb-4fa9-8cb2-9ad421da981d", "created": "2017-02-08T21:31:22.007Z", "modified": "2017-02-08T21:31:22.007Z", "object_ref": "campaign--12a111f0-b824-4baf-a224-83b80237a094", "object_modified": "2017-02-08T21:31:22.007Z", "contents": { "de": { "description": "Weitere Informationen über Banküberfall", "name": "Bank Angriff 1" }, "fr": { "description": "Plus d'informations sur la crise bancaire", "name": "Attaque Bank 1" } } }""" def test_language_content_campaign(): now = dt.datetime(2017, 2, 8, 21, 31, 22, microsecond=7000, tzinfo=pytz.utc) lc = stix2.v21.LanguageContent( type='language-content', id=LANGUAGE_CONTENT_ID, created=now, modified=now, object_ref=CAMPAIGN_ID, object_modified=now, contents={ 'de': { 'name': 'Bank Angriff 1', 'description': 'Weitere Informationen über Banküberfall', }, 'fr': { 'name': 'Attaque Bank 1', 'description': 'Plus d\'informations sur la crise bancaire', }, }, ) camp = stix2.parse(TEST_CAMPAIGN, version='2.1') # In order to provide the same representation, we need to disable escaping # in json.dumps(). https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#json.dumps # or https://docs.python.org/2/library/json.html#json.dumps assert lc.serialize(pretty=True, ensure_ascii=False) == TEST_LANGUAGE_CONTENT assert lc.modified == camp.modified def test_object_modified_optional(): """ object_modified is now optional in STIX 2.1. """ stix2.v21.LanguageContent( object_ref=CAMPAIGN_ID, contents={ "en": { "name": "the english text", }, }, )