"""Classes to aid in working with the STIX2 patterning language.""" import base64 import binascii import datetime import re import six from .utils import parse_into_datetime def escape_quotes_and_backslashes(s): return s.replace(u'\\', u'\\\\').replace(u"'", u"\\'") def quote_if_needed(x): if isinstance(x, six.string_types): if x.find("-") != -1: if not x.startswith("'"): return "'" + x + "'" return x class _Constant(object): pass class StringConstant(_Constant): """Pattern string constant Args: value (str): string value """ def __init__(self, value, from_parse_tree=False): self.needs_to_be_quoted = not from_parse_tree self.value = value def __str__(self): return "'%s'" % (escape_quotes_and_backslashes(self.value) if self.needs_to_be_quoted else self.value) class TimestampConstant(_Constant): """Pattern timestamp constant Args: value (datetime.datetime OR str): if string, must be a timestamp string """ def __init__(self, value): try: self.value = parse_into_datetime(value) except Exception: raise ValueError("Must be a datetime object or timestamp string.") def __str__(self): return "t%s" % repr(self.value) class IntegerConstant(_Constant): """Pattern interger constant Args: value (int): integer value """ def __init__(self, value): try: self.value = int(value) except Exception: raise ValueError("must be an integer.") def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.value class FloatConstant(_Constant): def __init__(self, value): try: self.value = float(value) except Exception: raise ValueError("must be a float.") def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.value class BooleanConstant(_Constant): """Pattern boolean constant Args: value (str OR int): (str) 'true', 't' for True; 'false', 'f' for False (int) 1 for True; 0 for False """ def __init__(self, value): if isinstance(value, bool): self.value = value return trues = ['true', 't', '1'] falses = ['false', 'f', '0'] try: if value.lower() in trues: self.value = True return elif value.lower() in falses: self.value = False return except AttributeError: if value == 1: self.value = True return elif value == 0: self.value = False return raise ValueError("must be a boolean value.") def __str__(self): return str(self.value).lower() _HASH_REGEX = { "MD5": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$", "MD5"), "MD6": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}|[a-fA-F0-9]{40}|[a-fA-F0-9]{56}|[a-fA-F0-9]{64}|[a-fA-F0-9]{96}|[a-fA-F0-9]{128}$", "MD6"), "RIPEMD160": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", "RIPEMD-160"), "SHA1": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", "SHA-1"), "SHA224": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{56}$", "SHA-224"), "SHA256": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$", "SHA-256"), "SHA384": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{96}$", "SHA-384"), "SHA512": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{128}$", "SHA-512"), "SHA3224": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{56}$", "SHA3-224"), "SHA3256": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$", "SHA3-256"), "SHA3384": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{96}$", "SHA3-384"), "SHA3512": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{128}$", "SHA3-512"), "SSDEEP": (r"^[a-zA-Z0-9/+:.]{1,128}$", "SSDEEP"), "WHIRLPOOL": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{128}$", "WHIRLPOOL"), "TLSH": (r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{70}$", "TLSH"), } class HashConstant(StringConstant): """Pattern hash constant Args: value (str): hash value type (str): hash algorithm name. Supported hash algorithms: "MD5", "MD6", RIPEMD160", "SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "SHA3224", "SHA3256", "SHA3384", "SHA3512", "SSDEEP", "WHIRLPOOL" """ def __init__(self, value, type): key = type.upper().replace('-', '') if key in _HASH_REGEX: vocab_key = _HASH_REGEX[key][1] if not re.match(_HASH_REGEX[key][0], value): raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid %s hash" % (value, vocab_key)) super(HashConstant, self).__init__(value) class BinaryConstant(_Constant): """Pattern binary constant Args: value (str): base64 encoded string value """ def __init__(self, value, from_parse_tree=False): # support with or without a 'b' if from_parse_tree: m = re.match("^b'(.+)'$", value) if m: value = m.group(1) try: base64.b64decode(value) self.value = value except (binascii.Error, TypeError): raise ValueError("must contain a base64 encoded string") def __str__(self): return "b'%s'" % self.value class HexConstant(_Constant): """Pattern hexadecimal constant Args: value (str): hexadecimal value """ def __init__(self, value, from_parse_tree=False): # support with or without an 'h' if not from_parse_tree and re.match('^([a-fA-F0-9]{2})+$', value): self.value = value else: m = re.match("^h'(([a-fA-F0-9]{2})+)'$", value) if m: self.value = m.group(1) else: raise ValueError("must contain an even number of hexadecimal characters") def __str__(self): return "h'%s'" % self.value class ListConstant(_Constant): """Pattern list constant Args: value (list): list of values """ def __init__(self, values): # handle _Constants or make a _Constant self.value = [x if isinstance(x, _Constant) else make_constant(x) for x in values] def __str__(self): return "(" + ", ".join(["%s" % x for x in self.value]) + ")" def make_constant(value): """Convert value to Pattern constant, best effort attempt at determining root value type and corresponding conversion Args: value: value to convert to Pattern constant """ if isinstance(value, _Constant): return value try: return parse_into_datetime(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass if isinstance(value, str): return StringConstant(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): return BooleanConstant(value) elif isinstance(value, int): return IntegerConstant(value) elif isinstance(value, float): return FloatConstant(value) elif isinstance(value, list): return ListConstant(value) else: raise ValueError("Unable to create a constant from %s" % value) class _ObjectPathComponent(object): @staticmethod def create_ObjectPathComponent(component_name): # first case is to handle if component_name was quoted if isinstance(component_name, StringConstant): return BasicObjectPathComponent(component_name.value, False) elif component_name.endswith("_ref"): return ReferenceObjectPathComponent(component_name) elif component_name.find("[") != -1: parse1 = component_name.split("[") return ListObjectPathComponent(parse1[0], parse1[1][:-1]) else: return BasicObjectPathComponent(component_name, False) def __str__(self): return quote_if_needed(self.property_name) class BasicObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent): """Basic object path component (for an observation or expression) By "Basic", implies that the object path component is not a list, object reference or futher referenced property, i.e. terminal component Args: property_name (str): object property name is_key (bool): is dictionary key, default: False """ def __init__(self, property_name, is_key): self.property_name = property_name # TODO: set is_key to True if this component is a dictionary key # self.is_key = is_key class ListObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent): """List object path component (for an observation or expression) Args: property_name (str): list object property name index (int): index of the list property's value that is specified """ def __init__(self, property_name, index): self.property_name = property_name self.index = index def __str__(self): return "%s[%s]" % (quote_if_needed(self.property_name), self.index) class ReferenceObjectPathComponent(_ObjectPathComponent): """Reference object path component (for an observation or expression) Args: reference_property_name (str): reference object property name """ def __init__(self, reference_property_name): self.property_name = reference_property_name class ObjectPath(object): """Pattern operand object (property) path Args: object_type_name (str): name of object type for corresponding object path component property_path (_ObjectPathComponent OR str): object path """ def __init__(self, object_type_name, property_path): self.object_type_name = object_type_name self.property_path = [ x if isinstance(x, _ObjectPathComponent) else _ObjectPathComponent.create_ObjectPathComponent(x) for x in property_path ] def __str__(self): return "%s:%s" % (self.object_type_name, ".".join(["%s" % quote_if_needed(x) for x in self.property_path])) def merge(self, other): """Extend the object property with that of the supplied object property path""" self.property_path.extend(other.property_path) return self @staticmethod def make_object_path(lhs): """Create ObjectPath from string encoded object path Args: lhs (str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression """ path_as_parts = lhs.split(":") return ObjectPath(path_as_parts[0], path_as_parts[1].split(".")) class _PatternExpression(object): pass class _ComparisonExpression(_PatternExpression): """Pattern Comparison Expression Args: operator (str): operator of comparison expression lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, operator, lhs, rhs, negated=False): if operator == "=" and isinstance(rhs, (ListConstant, list)): self.operator = "IN" else: self.operator = operator if isinstance(lhs, ObjectPath): self.lhs = lhs else: self.lhs = ObjectPath.make_object_path(lhs) if isinstance(rhs, _Constant): self.rhs = rhs else: self.rhs = make_constant(rhs) self.negated = negated self.root_types = {self.lhs.object_type_name} def __str__(self): if self.negated: return "%s NOT %s %s" % (self.lhs, self.operator, self.rhs) else: return "%s %s %s" % (self.lhs, self.operator, self.rhs) class EqualityComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """Pattern Equality Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(EqualityComparisonExpression, self).__init__("=", lhs, rhs, negated) class GreaterThanComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """Pattern Greater-than Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(GreaterThanComparisonExpression, self).__init__(">", lhs, rhs, negated) class LessThanComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """Pattern Less-than Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(LessThanComparisonExpression, self).__init__("<", lhs, rhs, negated) class GreaterThanEqualComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """Pattern Greater-Than-or-Equal-to Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(GreaterThanEqualComparisonExpression, self).__init__(">=", lhs, rhs, negated) class LessThanEqualComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """Pattern Less-Than-or-Equal-to Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(LessThanEqualComparisonExpression, self).__init__("<=", lhs, rhs, negated) class InComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """'in' Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(InComparisonExpression, self).__init__("IN", lhs, rhs, negated) class LikeComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """'like' Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(LikeComparisonExpression, self).__init__("LIKE", lhs, rhs, negated) class MatchesComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """'Matches' Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(MatchesComparisonExpression, self).__init__("MATCHES", lhs, rhs, negated) class IsSubsetComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """ 'is subset' Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(IsSubsetComparisonExpression, self).__init__("ISSUBSET", lhs, rhs, negated) class IsSupersetComparisonExpression(_ComparisonExpression): """ 'is super set' Comparison Expression Args: lhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of left-hand-side component of expression rhs (ObjectPath OR str): object path of right-hand-side component of expression negated (bool): comparison expression negated. Default: False """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, negated=False): super(IsSupersetComparisonExpression, self).__init__("ISSUPERSET", lhs, rhs, negated) class _BooleanExpression(_PatternExpression): """Boolean Pattern Expression Args: operator (str): boolean operator operands (list): boolean operands """ def __init__(self, operator, operands): self.operator = operator self.operands = list(operands) for arg in operands: if not hasattr(self, "root_types"): self.root_types = arg.root_types elif operator == "AND": self.root_types &= arg.root_types else: self.root_types |= arg.root_types if not self.root_types: raise ValueError("All operands to an 'AND' expression must be satisfiable with the same object type") def __str__(self): sub_exprs = [] for o in self.operands: sub_exprs.append(str(o)) return (" " + self.operator + " ").join(sub_exprs) class AndBooleanExpression(_BooleanExpression): """'AND' Boolean Pattern Expression. Only use if both operands are of the same root object. Args: operands (list): AND operands """ def __init__(self, operands): super(AndBooleanExpression, self).__init__("AND", operands) class OrBooleanExpression(_BooleanExpression): """'OR' Boolean Pattern Expression. Only use if both operands are of the same root object Args: operands (list): OR operands """ def __init__(self, operands): super(OrBooleanExpression, self).__init__("OR", operands) class ObservationExpression(_PatternExpression): """Observation Expression Args: operand (str): observation expression operand """ def __init__(self, operand): self.operand = operand def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.operand if isinstance(self.operand, (ObservationExpression, _CompoundObservationExpression)) else "[%s]" % self.operand class _CompoundObservationExpression(_PatternExpression): """Compound Observation Expression Args: operator (str): compound observation operator operands (str): compound observation operands """ def __init__(self, operator, operands): self.operator = operator self.operands = operands def __str__(self): sub_exprs = [] for o in self.operands: sub_exprs.append("%s" % o) return (" " + self.operator + " ").join(sub_exprs) class AndObservationExpression(_CompoundObservationExpression): """'AND' Compound Observation Pattern Expression Args: operands (str): compound observation operands """ def __init__(self, operands): super(AndObservationExpression, self).__init__("AND", operands) class OrObservationExpression(_CompoundObservationExpression): """Pattern 'OR' Compound Observation Expression Args: operands (str): compound observation operands """ def __init__(self, operands): super(OrObservationExpression, self).__init__("OR", operands) class FollowedByObservationExpression(_CompoundObservationExpression): """Pattern 'Followed by' Compound Observation Expression Args: operands (str): compound observation operands """ def __init__(self, operands): super(FollowedByObservationExpression, self).__init__("FOLLOWEDBY", operands) class ParentheticalExpression(_PatternExpression): """Pattern Parenthetical Observation Expression Args: exp (str): observation expression """ def __init__(self, exp): self.expression = exp if hasattr(exp, "root_types"): self.root_types = exp.root_types def __str__(self): return "(%s)" % self.expression class _ExpressionQualifier(_PatternExpression): pass class RepeatQualifier(_ExpressionQualifier): """Pattern Repeat Qualifier Args: times_to_repeat (int): times the qualifiers is repeated """ def __init__(self, times_to_repeat): if isinstance(times_to_repeat, IntegerConstant): self.times_to_repeat = times_to_repeat elif isinstance(times_to_repeat, int): self.times_to_repeat = IntegerConstant(times_to_repeat) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid argument for a Repeat Qualifier" % times_to_repeat) def __str__(self): return "REPEATS %s TIMES" % self.times_to_repeat class WithinQualifier(_ExpressionQualifier): """Pattern 'Within' Qualifier Args: number_of_seconds (int): seconds value for 'within' qualifier """ def __init__(self, number_of_seconds): if isinstance(number_of_seconds, IntegerConstant): self.number_of_seconds = number_of_seconds elif isinstance(number_of_seconds, int): self.number_of_seconds = IntegerConstant(number_of_seconds) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid argument for a Within Qualifier" % number_of_seconds) def __str__(self): return "WITHIN %s SECONDS" % self.number_of_seconds class StartStopQualifier(_ExpressionQualifier): """Pattern Start/Stop Qualifier Args: start_time (TimestampConstant OR datetime.date): start timestamp for qualifier stop_time (TimestampConstant OR datetime.date): stop timestamp for qualifier """ def __init__(self, start_time, stop_time): if isinstance(start_time, TimestampConstant): self.start_time = start_time elif isinstance(start_time, datetime.date): self.start_time = TimestampConstant(start_time) elif isinstance(start_time, StringConstant): self.start_time = StringConstant(start_time.value) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid argument for a Start/Stop Qualifier" % start_time) if isinstance(stop_time, TimestampConstant): self.stop_time = stop_time elif isinstance(stop_time, datetime.date): self.stop_time = TimestampConstant(stop_time) elif isinstance(stop_time, StringConstant): self.stop_time = StringConstant(stop_time.value) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid argument for a Start/Stop Qualifier" % stop_time) def __str__(self): return "START %s STOP %s" % (self.start_time, self.stop_time) class QualifiedObservationExpression(_PatternExpression): """Pattern Qualified Observation Expression Args: observation_expression (PatternExpression OR _CompoundObservationExpression OR ): pattern expression qualifier (_ExpressionQualifier): pattern expression qualifier """ def __init__(self, observation_expression, qualifier): self.observation_expression = observation_expression self.qualifier = qualifier def __str__(self): return "%s %s" % (self.observation_expression, self.qualifier)