""" Python STIX 2.x TAXIICollectionStore """ from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from stix2 import Bundle from stix2.base import _STIXBase from stix2.core import parse from stix2.datastore import (DataSink, DataSource, DataSourceError, DataStoreMixin) from stix2.datastore.filters import Filter, FilterSet, apply_common_filters from stix2.utils import deduplicate try: from taxii2client import ValidationError _taxii2_client = True except ImportError: _taxii2_client = False TAXII_FILTERS = ['added_after', 'id', 'type', 'version'] class TAXIICollectionStore(DataStoreMixin): """Provides an interface to a local/remote TAXII Collection of STIX data. TAXIICollectionStore is a wrapper around a paired TAXIICollectionSink and TAXIICollectionSource. Args: collection (taxii2.Collection): TAXII Collection instance allow_custom (bool): whether to allow custom STIX content to be pushed/retrieved. Defaults to True for TAXIICollectionSource side(retrieving data) and False for TAXIICollectionSink side(pushing data). However, when parameter is supplied, it will be applied to both TAXIICollectionSource/Sink. """ def __init__(self, collection, allow_custom=None): if allow_custom is None: allow_custom_source = True allow_custom_sink = False else: allow_custom_sink = allow_custom_source = allow_custom super(TAXIICollectionStore, self).__init__( source=TAXIICollectionSource(collection, allow_custom=allow_custom_source), sink=TAXIICollectionSink(collection, allow_custom=allow_custom_sink) ) class TAXIICollectionSink(DataSink): """Provides an interface for pushing STIX objects to a local/remote TAXII Collection endpoint. Args: collection (taxii2.Collection): TAXII2 Collection instance allow_custom (bool): Whether to allow custom STIX content to be added to the TAXIICollectionSink. Default: False """ def __init__(self, collection, allow_custom=False): super(TAXIICollectionSink, self).__init__() if not _taxii2_client: raise ImportError("taxii2client library is required for usage of TAXIICollectionSink") try: if collection.can_write: self.collection = collection else: raise DataSourceError("The TAXII Collection object provided does not have write access" " to the underlying linked Collection resource") except (HTTPError, ValidationError) as e: raise DataSourceError("The underlying TAXII Collection resource defined in the supplied TAXII" " Collection object provided could not be reached. Receved error:", e) self.allow_custom = allow_custom def add(self, stix_data, version=None): """Add/push STIX content to TAXII Collection endpoint Args: stix_data (STIX object OR dict OR str OR list): valid STIX 2.0 content in a STIX object (or Bundle), STIX onject dict (or Bundle dict), or a STIX 2.0 json encoded string, or list of any of the following version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. """ if isinstance(stix_data, _STIXBase): # adding python STIX object if stix_data["type"] == "bundle": bundle = stix_data.serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: bundle = Bundle(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom).serialize(encoding="utf-8") elif isinstance(stix_data, dict): # adding python dict (of either Bundle or STIX obj) if stix_data["type"] == "bundle": bundle = parse(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version).serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: bundle = Bundle(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom).serialize(encoding="utf-8") elif isinstance(stix_data, list): # adding list of something - recurse on each for obj in stix_data: self.add(obj, version=version) return elif isinstance(stix_data, str): # adding json encoded string of STIX content stix_data = parse(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) if stix_data["type"] == "bundle": bundle = stix_data.serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: bundle = Bundle(stix_data, allow_custom=self.allow_custom).serialize(encoding="utf-8") else: raise TypeError("stix_data must be as STIX object(or list of),json formatted STIX (or list of), or a json formatted STIX bundle") self.collection.add_objects(bundle) class TAXIICollectionSource(DataSource): """Provides an interface for searching/retrieving STIX objects from a local/remote TAXII Collection endpoint. Args: collection (taxii2.Collection): TAXII Collection instance allow_custom (bool): Whether to allow custom STIX content to be added to the FileSystemSink. Default: True """ def __init__(self, collection, allow_custom=True): super(TAXIICollectionSource, self).__init__() if not _taxii2_client: raise ImportError("taxii2client library is required for usage of TAXIICollectionSource") try: if collection.can_read: self.collection = collection else: raise DataSourceError("The TAXII Collection object provided does not have read access" " to the underlying linked Collection resource") except (HTTPError, ValidationError) as e: raise DataSourceError("The underlying TAXII Collection resource defined in the supplied TAXII" " Collection object provided could not be reached. Recieved error:", e) self.allow_custom = allow_custom def get(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None): """Retrieve STIX object from local/remote STIX Collection endpoint. Args: stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX object to be retrieved. _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the parent CompositeDataSource, not user supplied version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. Returns: (STIX object): STIX object that has the supplied STIX ID. The STIX object is received from TAXII has dict, parsed into a python STIX object and then returned """ # combine all query filters query = FilterSet() if self.filters: query.add(self.filters) if _composite_filters: query.add(_composite_filters) # dont extract TAXII filters from query (to send to TAXII endpoint) # as directly retrieveing a STIX object by ID try: stix_objs = self.collection.get_object(stix_id)["objects"] stix_obj = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, query)) except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: # if resource not found or access is denied from TAXII server, return None stix_obj = [] else: raise DataSourceError("TAXII Collection resource returned error", e) if len(stix_obj): stix_obj = parse(stix_obj[0], allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) if stix_obj.id != stix_id: # check - was added to handle erroneous TAXII servers stix_obj = None else: stix_obj = None return stix_obj def all_versions(self, stix_id, version=None, _composite_filters=None): """Retrieve STIX object from local/remote TAXII Collection endpoint, all versions of it Args: stix_id (str): The STIX ID of the STIX objects to be retrieved. _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the parent CompositeDataSource, not user supplied version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. Returns: (see query() as all_versions() is just a wrapper) """ # make query in TAXII query format since 'id' is TAXII field query = [ Filter("id", "=", stix_id), Filter("version", "=", "all") ] all_data = self.query(query=query, _composite_filters=_composite_filters) # parse STIX objects from TAXII returned json all_data = [parse(stix_obj, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) for stix_obj in all_data] # check - was added to handle erroneous TAXII servers all_data_clean = [stix_obj for stix_obj in all_data if stix_obj.id == stix_id] return all_data_clean def query(self, query=None, version=None, _composite_filters=None): """Search and retreive STIX objects based on the complete query A "complete query" includes the filters from the query, the filters attached to MemorySource, and any filters passed from a CompositeDataSource (i.e. _composite_filters) Args: query (list): list of filters to search on _composite_filters (FilterSet): collection of filters passed from the CompositeDataSource, not user supplied version (str): Which STIX2 version to use. (e.g. "2.0", "2.1"). If None, use latest version. Returns: (list): list of STIX objects that matches the supplied query. The STIX objects are received from TAXII as dicts, parsed into python STIX objects and then returned. """ query = FilterSet(query) # combine all query filters if self.filters: query.add(self.filters) if _composite_filters: query.add(_composite_filters) # parse taxii query params (that can be applied remotely) taxii_filters = self._parse_taxii_filters(query) # taxii2client requires query params as keywords taxii_filters_dict = dict((f.property, f.value) for f in taxii_filters) # query TAXII collection try: all_data = self.collection.get_objects(**taxii_filters_dict)["objects"] # deduplicate data (before filtering as reduces wasted filtering) all_data = deduplicate(all_data) # apply local (CompositeDataSource, TAXIICollectionSource and query) filters query.remove(taxii_filters) all_data = list(apply_common_filters(all_data, query)) except HTTPError as e: # if resources not found or access is denied from TAXII server, return empty list if e.response.status_code == 404: raise DataSourceError("The requested STIX objects for the TAXII Collection resource defined in" " the supplied TAXII Collection object are either not found or access is" " denied. Received error: ", e) # parse python STIX objects from the STIX object dicts stix_objs = [parse(stix_obj_dict, allow_custom=self.allow_custom, version=version) for stix_obj_dict in all_data] return stix_objs def _parse_taxii_filters(self, query): """Parse out TAXII filters that the TAXII server can filter on Does not put in TAXII spec format as the TAXII2Client (that we use) does this for us. Notes: Currently, the TAXII2Client can handle TAXII filters where the filter value is list, as both a comma-seperated string or python list For instance - "?match[type]=indicator,sighting" can be in a filter in any of these formats: Filter("type", "", "indicator,sighting") Filter("type", "", ["indicator", "sighting"]) Args: query (list): list of filters to extract which ones are TAXII specific. Returns: A list of TAXII filters that meet the TAXII filtering parameters. """ taxii_filters = [] for filter_ in query: if filter_.property in TAXII_FILTERS: taxii_filters.append(filter_) return taxii_filters