import importlib import inspect from antlr4 import CommonTokenStream, InputStream import six from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternLexer import STIXPatternLexer from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternParser import ( STIXPatternParser, TerminalNode, ) from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternVisitor import STIXPatternVisitor from stix2patterns.validator import STIXPatternErrorListener from .patterns import * from .patterns import _BooleanExpression # flake8: noqa F405 def collapse_lists(lists): result = [] for c in lists: if isinstance(c, list): result.extend(c) else: result.append(c) return result def remove_terminal_nodes(parse_tree_nodes): values = [] for x in parse_tree_nodes: if not isinstance(x, TerminalNode): values.append(x) return values # This class defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser. class STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2(STIXPatternVisitor): classes = {} def __init__(self, module_suffix, module_name): if module_suffix and module_name: self.module_suffix = module_suffix if not STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) for k, c in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass): STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes[k] = c else: self.module_suffix = None super(STIXPatternVisitor, self).__init__() def get_class(self, class_name): if class_name in STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes: return STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes[class_name] else: return None def instantiate(self, klass_name, *args): klass_to_instantiate = None if self.module_suffix: klass_to_instantiate = self.get_class(klass_name + "For" + self.module_suffix) if not klass_to_instantiate: # use the classes in python_stix2 klass_to_instantiate = globals()[klass_name] return klass_to_instantiate(*args) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#pattern. def visitPattern(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return children[0] # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressions. def visitObservationExpressions(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) if len(children) == 1: return children[0] else: return FollowedByObservationExpression([children[0], children[2]]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionOr. def visitObservationExpressionOr(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) if len(children) == 1: return children[0] else: return self.instantiate("OrObservationExpression", [children[0], children[2]]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionAnd. def visitObservationExpressionAnd(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) if len(children) == 1: return children[0] else: return self.instantiate("AndObservationExpression", [children[0], children[2]]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionRepeated. def visitObservationExpressionRepeated(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionSimple. def visitObservationExpressionSimple(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("ObservationExpression", children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionCompound. def visitObservationExpressionCompound(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("ObservationExpression", children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionWithin. def visitObservationExpressionWithin(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionStartStop. def visitObservationExpressionStartStop(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#comparisonExpression. def visitComparisonExpression(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) if len(children) == 1: return children[0] else: if isinstance(children[0], _BooleanExpression): children[0].operands.append(children[2]) return children[0] else: return self.instantiate("OrBooleanExpression", [children[0], children[2]]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#comparisonExpressionAnd. def visitComparisonExpressionAnd(self, ctx): # TODO: NOT children = self.visitChildren(ctx) if len(children) == 1: return children[0] else: if isinstance(children[0], _BooleanExpression): children[0].operands.append(children[2]) return children[0] else: return self.instantiate("AndBooleanExpression", [children[0], children[2]]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestEqual. def visitPropTestEqual(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) operator = children[1].symbol.type negated = operator != STIXPatternParser.EQ return self.instantiate( "EqualityComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], negated, ) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestOrder. def visitPropTestOrder(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) operator = children[1].symbol.type if operator == STIXPatternParser.GT: return self.instantiate( "GreaterThanComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False, ) elif operator == STIXPatternParser.LT: return self.instantiate( "LessThanComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False, ) elif operator == STIXPatternParser.GE: return self.instantiate( "GreaterThanEqualComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False, ) elif operator == STIXPatternParser.LE: return self.instantiate( "LessThanEqualComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False, ) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestSet. def visitPropTestSet(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("InComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestLike. def visitPropTestLike(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("LikeComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestRegex. def visitPropTestRegex(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate( "MatchesComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False, ) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestIsSubset. def visitPropTestIsSubset(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("IsSubsetComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestIsSuperset. def visitPropTestIsSuperset(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("IsSupersetComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestParen. def visitPropTestParen(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("ParentheticalExpression", children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#startStopQualifier. def visitStartStopQualifier(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return StartStopQualifier(children[1], children[3]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#withinQualifier. def visitWithinQualifier(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return WithinQualifier(children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#repeatedQualifier. def visitRepeatedQualifier(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return RepeatQualifier(children[1]) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#objectPath. def visitObjectPath(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) flat_list = collapse_lists(children[2:]) property_path = [] i = 0 while i < len(flat_list): current = flat_list[i] if i == len(flat_list)-1: property_path.append(current) break next = flat_list[i+1] if isinstance(next, TerminalNode): property_path.append(self.instantiate("ListObjectPathComponent", current.property_name, next.getText())) i += 2 else: property_path.append(current) i += 1 return self.instantiate("ObjectPath", children[0].getText(), property_path) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#objectType. def visitObjectType(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return children[0] # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#firstPathComponent. def visitFirstPathComponent(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) step = children[0].getText() # if step.endswith("_ref"): # return stix2.ReferenceObjectPathComponent(step) # else: return self.instantiate("BasicObjectPathComponent", step, False) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#indexPathStep. def visitIndexPathStep(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return children[1] # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#pathStep. def visitPathStep(self, ctx): return collapse_lists(self.visitChildren(ctx)) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#keyPathStep. def visitKeyPathStep(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) if isinstance(children[1], StringConstant): # special case for hashes return children[1].value else: return self.instantiate("BasicObjectPathComponent", children[1].getText(), True) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#setLiteral. def visitSetLiteral(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return self.instantiate("ListConstant", remove_terminal_nodes(children)) # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#primitiveLiteral. def visitPrimitiveLiteral(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return children[0] # Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#orderableLiteral. def visitOrderableLiteral(self, ctx): children = self.visitChildren(ctx) return children[0] def visitTerminal(self, node): if node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.IntPosLiteral or node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.IntNegLiteral: return IntegerConstant(node.getText()) elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.FloatPosLiteral or node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.FloatNegLiteral: return FloatConstant(node.getText()) elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.HexLiteral: return HexConstant(node.getText(), from_parse_tree=True) elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.BinaryLiteral: return BinaryConstant(node.getText(), from_parse_tree=True) elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.StringLiteral: return StringConstant(node.getText().strip('\''), from_parse_tree=True) elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.BoolLiteral: return BooleanConstant(node.getText()) elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.TimestampLiteral: return TimestampConstant(node.getText()) else: return node def aggregateResult(self, aggregate, nextResult): if aggregate: aggregate.append(nextResult) elif nextResult: aggregate = [nextResult] return aggregate def create_pattern_object(pattern, module_suffix="", module_name=""): """ Validates a pattern against the STIX Pattern grammar. Error messages are returned in a list. The test passed if the returned list is empty. """ start = '' if isinstance(pattern, six.string_types): start = pattern[:2] pattern = InputStream(pattern) if not start: start = pattern.readline()[:2] parseErrListener = STIXPatternErrorListener() lexer = STIXPatternLexer(pattern) # it always adds a console listener by default... remove it. lexer.removeErrorListeners() stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = STIXPatternParser(stream) parser.buildParseTrees = True # it always adds a console listener by default... remove it. parser.removeErrorListeners() parser.addErrorListener(parseErrListener) # To improve error messages, replace "" in the literal # names with symbolic names. This is a hack, but seemed like # the simplest workaround. for i, lit_name in enumerate(parser.literalNames): if lit_name == u"": parser.literalNames[i] = parser.symbolicNames[i] tree = parser.pattern() builder = STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2(module_suffix, module_name) return builder.visit(tree)