"""STIX2 core serialization methods.""" import copy import datetime as dt import simplejson as json from .base import _STIXBase from .utils import find_property_index, format_datetime class STIXJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSONEncoder subclass for serializing Python ``stix2`` objects. If an optional property with a default value specified in the STIX 2 spec is set to that default value, it will be left out of the serialized output. An example of this type of property include the ``revoked`` common property. """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (dt.date, dt.datetime)): return format_datetime(obj) elif isinstance(obj, _STIXBase): tmp_obj = dict(copy.deepcopy(obj)) for prop_name in obj._defaulted_optional_properties: del tmp_obj[prop_name] return tmp_obj else: return super(STIXJSONEncoder, self).default(obj) class STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSONEncoder subclass for serializing Python ``stix2`` objects. Differs from ``STIXJSONEncoder`` in that if an optional property with a default value specified in the STIX 2 spec is set to that default value, it will be included in the serialized output. """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (dt.date, dt.datetime)): return format_datetime(obj) elif isinstance(obj, _STIXBase): return dict(obj) else: return super(STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder, self).default(obj) def serialize(obj, pretty=False, include_optional_defaults=False, **kwargs): """ Serialize a STIX object. Args: obj: The STIX object to be serialized. pretty (bool): If True, output properties following the STIX specs formatting. This includes indentation. Refer to notes for more details. (Default: ``False``) include_optional_defaults (bool): Determines whether to include optional properties set to the default value defined in the spec. **kwargs: The arguments for a json.dumps() call. Returns: str: The serialized JSON object. Note: The argument ``pretty=True`` will output the STIX object following spec order. Using this argument greatly impacts object serialization performance. If your use case is centered across machine-to-machine operation it is recommended to set ``pretty=False``. When ``pretty=True`` the following key-value pairs will be added or overridden: indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), item_sort_key=sort_by. """ if pretty: def sort_by(element): return find_property_index(obj, *element) kwargs.update({'indent': 4, 'separators': (',', ': '), 'item_sort_key': sort_by}) if include_optional_defaults: return json.dumps(obj, cls=STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder, **kwargs) else: return json.dumps(obj, cls=STIXJSONEncoder, **kwargs)