import datetime import errno import json import os import pytz import shutil import stat import pytest from stix2 import (Bundle, Campaign, CustomObject, FileSystemSink, FileSystemSource, FileSystemStore, Filter, Identity, Indicator, Malware, Relationship, parse, properties) from stix2.datastore.filesystem import (AuthSet, _find_search_optimizations, _get_matching_dir_entries, _timestamp2filename) from stix2.test.constants import (CAMPAIGN_ID, CAMPAIGN_KWARGS, IDENTITY_ID, IDENTITY_KWARGS, INDICATOR_ID, INDICATOR_KWARGS, MALWARE_ID, MALWARE_KWARGS, RELATIONSHIP_IDS) FS_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "stix2_data") @pytest.fixture def fs_store(): # create yield FileSystemStore(FS_PATH) # remove campaign dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) @pytest.fixture def fs_source(): # create fs = FileSystemSource(FS_PATH) assert fs.stix_dir == FS_PATH yield fs # remove campaign dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) @pytest.fixture def fs_sink(): # create fs = FileSystemSink(FS_PATH) assert fs.stix_dir == FS_PATH yield fs # remove campaign dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) @pytest.fixture def bad_json_files(): # create erroneous JSON files for tests to make sure handled gracefully with open(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-json.txt"), "w+") as f: f.write("Im not a JSON file") with open(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-bad-json.json"), "w+") as f: f.write("Im not a JSON formatted file") yield True # dummy yield so can have teardown os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-json.txt")) os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-bad-json.json")) @pytest.fixture def bad_stix_files(): # create erroneous STIX JSON files for tests to make sure handled correctly # bad STIX object stix_obj = { "id": "intrusion-set--test-bad-stix", "spec_version": "2.0" # no "type" field } with open(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-stix.json"), "w+") as f: f.write(json.dumps(stix_obj)) yield True # dummy yield so can have teardown os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "intrusion-set", "intrusion-set--test-non-stix.json")) @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def rel_fs_store(): cam = Campaign(id=CAMPAIGN_ID, **CAMPAIGN_KWARGS) idy = Identity(id=IDENTITY_ID, **IDENTITY_KWARGS) ind = Indicator(id=INDICATOR_ID, **INDICATOR_KWARGS) mal = Malware(id=MALWARE_ID, **MALWARE_KWARGS) rel1 = Relationship(ind, 'indicates', mal, id=RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0]) rel2 = Relationship(mal, 'targets', idy, id=RELATIONSHIP_IDS[1]) rel3 = Relationship(cam, 'uses', mal, id=RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2]) stix_objs = [cam, idy, ind, mal, rel1, rel2, rel3] fs = FileSystemStore(FS_PATH) for o in stix_objs: fs.add(o) yield fs for o in stix_objs: filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, o.type,, _timestamp2filename(o.modified) + '.json') # Some test-scoped fixtures (e.g. fs_store) delete all campaigns, so by # the time this module-scoped fixture tears itself down, it may find # its campaigns already gone, which causes not-found errors. try: os.remove(filepath) except OSError as e: # 3 is the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND windows error code. Which has an # errno symbolic value, but not the windows meaning... if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, 3): continue raise e def test_filesystem_source_nonexistent_folder(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: FileSystemSource('nonexistent-folder') assert "for STIX data does not exist" in str(excinfo) def test_filesystem_sink_nonexistent_folder(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: FileSystemSink('nonexistent-folder') assert "for STIX data does not exist" in str(excinfo) def test_filesystem_source_bad_json_file(fs_source, bad_json_files): # this tests the handling of two bad json files # - one file should just be skipped (silently) as its a ".txt" extension # - one file should be parsed and raise Exception bc its not JSON try: fs_source.get("intrusion-set--test-bad-json") except TypeError as e: assert "intrusion-set--test-bad-json" in str(e) assert "could either not be parsed to JSON or was not valid STIX JSON" in str(e) def test_filesystem_source_bad_stix_file(fs_source, bad_stix_files): # this tests handling of bad STIX json object try: fs_source.get("intrusion-set--test-non-stix") except TypeError as e: assert "intrusion-set--test-non-stix" in str(e) assert "could either not be parsed to JSON or was not valid STIX JSON" in str(e) def test_filesytem_source_get_object(fs_source): # get object mal = fs_source.get("malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38") assert == "malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38" assert == "Rover" def test_filesytem_source_get_nonexistent_object(fs_source): ind = fs_source.get("indicator--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38") assert ind is None def test_filesytem_source_all_versions(fs_source): # all versions - (currently not a true all versions call as FileSystem cant have multiple versions) id_ = fs_source.get("identity--c78cb6e5-0c4b-4611-8297-d1b8b55e40b5") assert == "identity--c78cb6e5-0c4b-4611-8297-d1b8b55e40b5" assert == "The MITRE Corporation" assert id_.type == "identity" def test_filesytem_source_query_single(fs_source): # query2 is_2 = fs_source.query([Filter("external_references.external_id", '=', "T1027")]) assert len(is_2) == 1 is_2 = is_2[0] assert == "attack-pattern--b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a" assert is_2.type == "attack-pattern" def test_filesytem_source_query_multiple(fs_source): # query intrusion_sets = fs_source.query([Filter("type", '=', "intrusion-set")]) assert len(intrusion_sets) == 2 assert "intrusion-set--a653431d-6a5e-4600-8ad3-609b5af57064" in [ for is_ in intrusion_sets] assert "intrusion-set--f3bdec95-3d62-42d9-a840-29630f6cdc1a" in [ for is_ in intrusion_sets] is_1 = [is_ for is_ in intrusion_sets if == "intrusion-set--f3bdec95-3d62-42d9-a840-29630f6cdc1a"][0] assert "DragonOK" in is_1.aliases assert len(is_1.external_references) == 4 def test_filesystem_sink_add_python_stix_object(fs_sink, fs_source): # add python stix object camp1 = Campaign(name="Hannibal", objective="Targeting Italian and Spanish Diplomat internet accounts", aliases=["War Elephant"]) fs_sink.add(camp1) filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign",, _timestamp2filename(camp1.modified) + ".json") assert os.path.exists(filepath) camp1_r = fs_source.get( assert == assert == "Hannibal" assert "War Elephant" in camp1_r.aliases os.remove(filepath) def test_filesystem_sink_add_stix_object_dict(fs_sink, fs_source): # add stix object dict camp2 = { "name": "Aurelius", "type": "campaign", "objective": "German and French Intelligence Services", "aliases": ["Purple Robes"], "id": "campaign--8e2e2d2b-17d4-4cbf-938f-98ee46b3cd3f", "created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z", "modified": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z" } fs_sink.add(camp2) # Need to get the exact "modified" timestamp which would have been # in effect at the time the object was saved to the sink, which determines # the filename it would have been saved as. It may not be exactly the same # as what's in the dict, since the parsing process can enforce a precision # constraint (e.g. truncate to milliseconds), which results in a slightly # different name. camp2obj = parse(camp2) filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp2obj["id"], _timestamp2filename(camp2obj["modified"]) + ".json") assert os.path.exists(filepath) camp2_r = fs_source.get(camp2["id"]) assert == camp2["id"] assert == camp2["name"] assert "Purple Robes" in camp2_r.aliases os.remove(filepath) def test_filesystem_sink_add_stix_bundle_dict(fs_sink, fs_source): # add stix bundle dict bund = { "type": "bundle", "id": "bundle--040ae5ec-2e91-4e94-b075-bc8b368e8ca3", "spec_version": "2.0", "objects": [ { "name": "Atilla", "type": "campaign", "objective": "Bulgarian, Albanian and Romanian Intelligence Services", "aliases": ["Huns"], "id": "campaign--b8f86161-ccae-49de-973a-4ca320c62478", "created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z", "modified": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z" } ] } fs_sink.add(bund) camp_obj = parse(bund["objects"][0]) filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp_obj["id"], _timestamp2filename(camp_obj["modified"]) + ".json") assert os.path.exists(filepath) camp3_r = fs_source.get(bund["objects"][0]["id"]) assert == bund["objects"][0]["id"] assert == bund["objects"][0]["name"] assert "Huns" in camp3_r.aliases os.remove(filepath) def test_filesystem_sink_add_json_stix_object(fs_sink, fs_source): # add json-encoded stix obj camp4 = '{"type": "campaign", "id":"campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d",'\ ' "created":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z",'\ ' "modified":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z",'\ ' "name": "Ghengis Khan", "objective": "China and Russian infrastructure"}' fs_sink.add(camp4) camp4obj = parse(camp4) filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d", _timestamp2filename(camp4obj["modified"]) + ".json") assert os.path.exists(filepath) camp4_r = fs_source.get("campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d") assert == "campaign--6a6ca372-ba07-42cc-81ef-9840fc1f963d" assert == "Ghengis Khan" os.remove(filepath) def test_filesystem_sink_json_stix_bundle(fs_sink, fs_source): # add json-encoded stix bundle bund2 = '{"type": "bundle", "id": "bundle--3d267103-8475-4d8f-b321-35ec6eccfa37",' \ ' "spec_version": "2.0", "objects": [{"type": "campaign", "id": "campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b",' \ ' "created":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z",'\ ' "modified":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z",'\ ' "name": "Spartacus", "objective": "Oppressive regimes of Africa and Middle East"}]}' fs_sink.add(bund2) bund2obj = parse(bund2) camp_obj = bund2obj["objects"][0] filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b", _timestamp2filename(camp_obj["modified"]) + ".json") assert os.path.exists(filepath) camp5_r = fs_source.get("campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b") assert == "campaign--2c03b8bf-82ee-433e-9918-ca2cb6e9534b" assert == "Spartacus" os.remove(filepath) def test_filesystem_sink_add_objects_list(fs_sink, fs_source): # add list of objects camp6 = Campaign(name="Comanche", objective="US Midwest manufacturing firms, oil refineries, and businesses", aliases=["Horse Warrior"]) camp7 = { "name": "Napolean", "type": "campaign", "objective": "Central and Eastern Europe military commands and departments", "aliases": ["The Frenchmen"], "id": "campaign--122818b6-1112-4fb0-b11b-b111107ca70a", "created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z", "modified": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z" } fs_sink.add([camp6, camp7]) camp7obj = parse(camp7) camp6filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign",, _timestamp2filename(camp6["modified"]) + ".json") camp7filepath = os.path.join( FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--122818b6-1112-4fb0-b11b-b111107ca70a", _timestamp2filename(camp7obj["modified"]) + ".json") assert os.path.exists(camp6filepath) assert os.path.exists(camp7filepath) camp6_r = fs_source.get( assert == assert "Horse Warrior" in camp6_r.aliases camp7_r = fs_source.get(camp7["id"]) assert == camp7["id"] assert "The Frenchmen" in camp7_r.aliases # remove all added objects os.remove(camp6filepath) os.remove(camp7filepath) def test_filesystem_store_get_stored_as_bundle(fs_store): coa = fs_store.get("course-of-action--95ddb356-7ba0-4bd9-a889-247262b8946f") assert == "course-of-action--95ddb356-7ba0-4bd9-a889-247262b8946f" assert coa.type == "course-of-action" def test_filesystem_store_get_stored_as_object(fs_store): coa = fs_store.get("course-of-action--d9727aee-48b8-4fdb-89e2-4c49746ba4dd") assert == "course-of-action--d9727aee-48b8-4fdb-89e2-4c49746ba4dd" assert coa.type == "course-of-action" def test_filesystem_store_all_versions(fs_store): # all versions() - (note at this time, all_versions() is still not applicable to FileSystem, as only one version is ever stored) rel = fs_store.all_versions("relationship--70dc6b5c-c524-429e-a6ab-0dd40f0482c1")[0] assert == "relationship--70dc6b5c-c524-429e-a6ab-0dd40f0482c1" assert rel.type == "relationship" def test_filesystem_store_query(fs_store): # query() tools = fs_store.query([Filter("labels", "in", "tool")]) assert len(tools) == 2 assert "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" in [ for tool in tools] assert "tool--03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23" in [ for tool in tools] def test_filesystem_store_query_single_filter(fs_store): query = Filter("labels", "in", "tool") tools = fs_store.query(query) assert len(tools) == 2 assert "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" in [ for tool in tools] assert "tool--03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23" in [ for tool in tools] def test_filesystem_store_empty_query(fs_store): results = fs_store.query() # returns all assert len(results) == 26 assert "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" in [ for obj in results] assert "marking-definition--fa42a846-8d90-4e51-bc29-71d5b4802168" in [ for obj in results] def test_filesystem_store_query_multiple_filters(fs_store): fs_store.source.filters.add(Filter("labels", "in", "tool")) tools = fs_store.query(Filter("id", "=", "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966")) assert len(tools) == 1 assert tools[0].id == "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" def test_filesystem_store_query_dont_include_type_folder(fs_store): results = fs_store.query(Filter("type", "!=", "tool")) assert len(results) == 24 def test_filesystem_store_add(fs_store): # add() camp1 = Campaign(name="Great Heathen Army", objective="Targeting the government of United Kingdom and insitutions affiliated with the Church Of England", aliases=["Ragnar"]) fs_store.add(camp1) camp1_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert == filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign",, _timestamp2filename(camp1_r.modified) + ".json") # remove os.remove(filepath) def test_filesystem_store_add_as_bundle(): fs_store = FileSystemStore(FS_PATH, bundlify=True) camp1 = Campaign(name="Great Heathen Army", objective="Targeting the government of United Kingdom and insitutions affiliated with the Church Of England", aliases=["Ragnar"]) fs_store.add(camp1) filepath = os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign",, _timestamp2filename(camp1.modified) + ".json") with open(filepath) as bundle_file: assert '"type": "bundle"' in camp1_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert == shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"), True) def test_filesystem_add_bundle_object(fs_store): bundle = Bundle() fs_store.add(bundle) def test_filesystem_store_add_invalid_object(fs_store): ind = ('campaign', 'campaign--8e2e2d2b-17d4-4cbf-938f-98ee46b3cd3f') # tuple isn't valid with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: fs_store.add(ind) assert 'stix_data must be' in str(excinfo.value) assert 'a STIX object' in str(excinfo.value) assert 'JSON formatted STIX' in str(excinfo.value) assert 'JSON formatted STIX bundle' in str(excinfo.value) def test_filesystem_object_with_custom_property(fs_store): camp = Campaign(name="Scipio Africanus", objective="Defeat the Carthaginians", x_empire="Roman", allow_custom=True) fs_store.add(camp, True) camp_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert camp_r.x_empire == camp.x_empire def test_filesystem_object_with_custom_property_in_bundle(fs_store): camp = Campaign(name="Scipio Africanus", objective="Defeat the Carthaginians", x_empire="Roman", allow_custom=True) bundle = Bundle(camp, allow_custom=True) fs_store.add(bundle) camp_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert camp_r.x_empire == camp.x_empire def test_filesystem_custom_object(fs_store): @CustomObject('x-new-obj', [ ('property1', properties.StringProperty(required=True)), ]) class NewObj(): pass newobj = NewObj(property1='something') fs_store.add(newobj) newobj_r = fs_store.get( assert == assert newobj_r.property1 == 'something' # remove dir shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "x-new-obj"), True) def test_relationships(rel_fs_store): mal = rel_fs_store.get(MALWARE_ID) resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(mal) assert len(resp) == 3 assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0] for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[1] for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2] for x in resp) def test_relationships_by_type(rel_fs_store): mal = rel_fs_store.get(MALWARE_ID) resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(mal, relationship_type='indicates') assert len(resp) == 1 assert resp[0]['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0] def test_relationships_by_source(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, source_only=True) assert len(resp) == 1 assert resp[0]['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[1] def test_relationships_by_target(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, target_only=True) assert len(resp) == 2 assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[0] for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2] for x in resp) def test_relationships_by_target_and_type(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, relationship_type='uses', target_only=True) assert len(resp) == 1 assert any(x['id'] == RELATIONSHIP_IDS[2] for x in resp) def test_relationships_by_target_and_source(rel_fs_store): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: rel_fs_store.relationships(MALWARE_ID, target_only=True, source_only=True) assert 'not both' in str(excinfo.value) def test_related_to(rel_fs_store): mal = rel_fs_store.get(MALWARE_ID) resp = rel_fs_store.related_to(mal) assert len(resp) == 3 assert any(x['id'] == CAMPAIGN_ID for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == INDICATOR_ID for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == IDENTITY_ID for x in resp) def test_related_to_by_source(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.related_to(MALWARE_ID, source_only=True) assert len(resp) == 1 assert any(x['id'] == IDENTITY_ID for x in resp) def test_related_to_by_target(rel_fs_store): resp = rel_fs_store.related_to(MALWARE_ID, target_only=True) assert len(resp) == 2 assert any(x['id'] == CAMPAIGN_ID for x in resp) assert any(x['id'] == INDICATOR_ID for x in resp) def test_auth_set_white1(): auth_set = AuthSet({"A"}, set()) assert auth_set.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_set.values == {"A"} def test_auth_set_white2(): auth_set = AuthSet(set(), set()) assert auth_set.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert len(auth_set.values) == 0 def test_auth_set_white3(): auth_set = AuthSet({"A", "B"}, {"B", "C"}) assert auth_set.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_set.values == {"A"} def test_auth_set_black1(): auth_set = AuthSet(None, {"B", "C"}) assert auth_set.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert auth_set.values == {"B", "C"} def test_optimize_types1(): filters = [ Filter("type", "=", "foo") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"foo"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types2(): filters = [ Filter("type", "=", "foo"), Filter("type", "=", "bar") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert len(auth_types.values) == 0 assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types3(): filters = [ Filter("type", "in", ["A", "B", "C"]), Filter("type", "in", ["B", "C", "D"]) ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"B", "C"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types4(): filters = [ Filter("type", "in", ["A", "B", "C"]), Filter("type", "in", ["D", "E", "F"]) ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert len(auth_types.values) == 0 assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types5(): filters = [ Filter("type", "in", ["foo", "bar"]), Filter("type", "!=", "bar") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"foo"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types6(): filters = [ Filter("type", "!=", "foo"), Filter("type", "!=", "bar") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert auth_types.values == {"foo", "bar"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types7(): filters = [ Filter("type", "=", "foo"), Filter("type", "!=", "foo") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert len(auth_types.values) == 0 assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types8(): filters = [] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_types.values) == 0 assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types_ids1(): filters = [ Filter("type", "in", ["foo", "bar"]), Filter("id", "=", "foo--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"foo"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_ids.values == {"foo--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"} def test_optimize_types_ids2(): filters = [ Filter("type", "=", "foo"), Filter("id", "=", "bar--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert len(auth_types.values) == 0 assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert len(auth_ids.values) == 0 def test_optimize_types_ids3(): filters = [ Filter("type", "in", ["foo", "bar"]), Filter("id", "!=", "bar--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"foo", "bar"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.BLACK assert auth_ids.values == {"bar--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"} def test_optimize_types_ids4(): filters = [ Filter("type", "in", ["A", "B", "C"]), Filter("id", "in", [ "B--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "C--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "D--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", ]) ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"B", "C"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_ids.values == { "B--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "C--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } def test_optimize_types_ids5(): filters = [ Filter("type", "in", ["A", "B", "C"]), Filter("type", "!=", "C"), Filter("id", "in", [ "B--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "C--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "D--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ]), Filter("id", "!=", "D--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"B"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_ids.values == {"B--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"} def test_optimize_types_ids6(): filters = [ Filter("id", "=", "A--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") ] auth_types, auth_ids = _find_search_optimizations(filters) assert auth_types.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_types.values == {"A"} assert auth_ids.auth_type == AuthSet.WHITE assert auth_ids.values == {"A--00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"} def test_search_auth_set_white1(): auth_set = AuthSet( {"attack-pattern", "doesntexist"}, set() ) results = _get_matching_dir_entries(FS_PATH, auth_set, stat.S_ISDIR) assert results == ["attack-pattern"] results = _get_matching_dir_entries(FS_PATH, auth_set, stat.S_ISREG) assert len(results) == 0 def test_search_auth_set_white2(): auth_set = AuthSet( { "malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38", "malware--92ec0cbd-2c30-44a2-b270-73f4ec949841" }, { "malware--92ec0cbd-2c30-44a2-b270-73f4ec949841", "malware--96b08451-b27a-4ff6-893f-790e26393a8e", "doesntexist" } ) results = _get_matching_dir_entries( os.path.join(FS_PATH, "malware"), auth_set, stat.S_ISDIR ) assert results == ["malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38"] def test_search_auth_set_white3(): auth_set = AuthSet({"20170531213258226477", "doesntexist"}, set()) results = _get_matching_dir_entries( os.path.join(FS_PATH, "malware", "malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38"), auth_set, stat.S_ISREG, ".json" ) assert results == ["20170531213258226477.json"] def test_search_auth_set_black1(): auth_set = AuthSet( None, {"tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966", "doesntexist"} ) results = _get_matching_dir_entries( os.path.join(FS_PATH, "tool"), auth_set, stat.S_ISDIR ) assert set(results) == { "tool--03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23" } def test_search_auth_set_white_empty(): auth_set = AuthSet( set(), set() ) results = _get_matching_dir_entries(FS_PATH, auth_set, stat.S_ISDIR) assert len(results) == 0 def test_search_auth_set_black_empty(rel_fs_store): # Ensure rel_fs_store fixture has run so that the type directories are # predictable (it adds "campaign"). auth_set = AuthSet( None, set() ) results = _get_matching_dir_entries(FS_PATH, auth_set, stat.S_ISDIR) # Should get all dirs assert set(results) == { "attack-pattern", "campaign", "course-of-action", "identity", "indicator", "intrusion-set", "malware", "marking-definition", "relationship", "tool" } def test_timestamp2filename_naive(): dt = datetime.datetime( 2010, 6, 15, 8, 30, 10, 1234 ) filename = _timestamp2filename(dt) assert filename == "20100615083010001234" def test_timestamp2filename_tz(): # one hour west of UTC (i.e. an hour earlier) tz = pytz.FixedOffset(-60) dt = datetime.datetime( 2010, 6, 15, 7, 30, 10, 1234, tz ) filename = _timestamp2filename(dt) assert filename == "20100615083010001234"