"""Base classes for type definitions in the STIX2 library.""" import collections import copy import datetime as dt import uuid import simplejson as json import six from stix2.canonicalization.Canonicalize import canonicalize from .exceptions import ( AtLeastOnePropertyError, DependentPropertiesError, ExtraPropertiesError, ImmutableError, InvalidObjRefError, InvalidValueError, MissingPropertiesError, MutuallyExclusivePropertiesError, ) from .markings.utils import validate from .utils import NOW, find_property_index, format_datetime, get_timestamp from .utils import new_version as _new_version from .utils import revoke as _revoke __all__ = ['STIXJSONEncoder', '_STIXBase'] DEFAULT_ERROR = "{type} must have {property}='{expected}'." class STIXJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSONEncoder subclass for serializing Python ``stix2`` objects. If an optional property with a default value specified in the STIX 2 spec is set to that default value, it will be left out of the serialized output. An example of this type of property include the ``revoked`` common property. """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (dt.date, dt.datetime)): return format_datetime(obj) elif isinstance(obj, _STIXBase): tmp_obj = dict(copy.deepcopy(obj)) for prop_name in obj._defaulted_optional_properties: del tmp_obj[prop_name] return tmp_obj else: return super(STIXJSONEncoder, self).default(obj) class STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSONEncoder subclass for serializing Python ``stix2`` objects. Differs from ``STIXJSONEncoder`` in that if an optional property with a default value specified in the STIX 2 spec is set to that default value, it will be included in the serialized output. """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (dt.date, dt.datetime)): return format_datetime(obj) elif isinstance(obj, _STIXBase): return dict(obj) else: return super(STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder, self).default(obj) def get_required_properties(properties): return (k for k, v in properties.items() if v.required) class _STIXBase(collections.Mapping): """Base class for STIX object types""" def object_properties(self): props = set(self._properties.keys()) custom_props = list(set(self._inner.keys()) - props) custom_props.sort() all_properties = list(self._properties.keys()) all_properties.extend(custom_props) # Any custom properties to the bottom return all_properties def _check_property(self, prop_name, prop, kwargs): if prop_name not in kwargs: if hasattr(prop, 'default'): value = prop.default() if value == NOW: value = self.__now kwargs[prop_name] = value if prop_name in kwargs: try: kwargs[prop_name] = prop.clean(kwargs[prop_name]) except InvalidValueError: # No point in wrapping InvalidValueError in another # InvalidValueError... so let those propagate. raise except Exception as exc: six.raise_from( InvalidValueError( self.__class__, prop_name, reason=str(exc), ), exc, ) # interproperty constraint methods def _check_mutually_exclusive_properties(self, list_of_properties, at_least_one=True): current_properties = self.properties_populated() count = len(set(list_of_properties).intersection(current_properties)) # at_least_one allows for xor to be checked if count > 1 or (at_least_one and count == 0): raise MutuallyExclusivePropertiesError(self.__class__, list_of_properties) def _check_at_least_one_property(self, list_of_properties=None): if not list_of_properties: list_of_properties = sorted(list(self.__class__._properties.keys())) if 'type' in list_of_properties: list_of_properties.remove('type') current_properties = self.properties_populated() list_of_properties_populated = set(list_of_properties).intersection(current_properties) if list_of_properties_populated == set(['id']) and isinstance(self, _Observable): # Do not count the auto-generated id as a user-specified property list_of_properties_populated = None if list_of_properties and (not list_of_properties_populated or list_of_properties_populated == set(['extensions'])): raise AtLeastOnePropertyError(self.__class__, list_of_properties) def _check_properties_dependency(self, list_of_properties, list_of_dependent_properties): failed_dependency_pairs = [] for p in list_of_properties: for dp in list_of_dependent_properties: if not self.get(p) and self.get(dp): failed_dependency_pairs.append((p, dp)) if failed_dependency_pairs: raise DependentPropertiesError(self.__class__, failed_dependency_pairs) def _check_object_constraints(self): for m in self.get('granular_markings', []): validate(self, m.get('selectors')) def __init__(self, allow_custom=False, **kwargs): cls = self.__class__ self.__allow_custom = allow_custom # Use the same timestamp for any auto-generated datetimes self.__now = get_timestamp() # Detect any keyword arguments not allowed for a specific type custom_props = kwargs.pop('custom_properties', {}) if custom_props and not isinstance(custom_props, dict): raise ValueError("'custom_properties' must be a dictionary") if not self.__allow_custom: extra_kwargs = list(set(kwargs) - set(self._properties)) if extra_kwargs: raise ExtraPropertiesError(cls, extra_kwargs) if custom_props: self.__allow_custom = True # Remove any keyword arguments whose value is None or [] (i.e. empty list) setting_kwargs = {} props = kwargs.copy() props.update(custom_props) for prop_name, prop_value in props.items(): if prop_value is not None and prop_value != []: setting_kwargs[prop_name] = prop_value # Detect any missing required properties required_properties = set(get_required_properties(self._properties)) missing_kwargs = required_properties - set(setting_kwargs) if missing_kwargs: raise MissingPropertiesError(cls, missing_kwargs) for prop_name, prop_metadata in self._properties.items(): self._check_property(prop_name, prop_metadata, setting_kwargs) # Cache defaulted optional properties for serialization defaulted = [] for name, prop in self._properties.items(): try: if (not prop.required and not hasattr(prop, '_fixed_value') and prop.default() == setting_kwargs[name]): defaulted.append(name) except (AttributeError, KeyError): continue self._defaulted_optional_properties = defaulted self._inner = setting_kwargs self._check_object_constraints() def __getitem__(self, key): return self._inner[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._inner) def __len__(self): return len(self._inner) # Handle attribute access just like key access def __getattr__(self, name): # Pickle-proofing: pickle invokes this on uninitialized instances (i.e. # __init__ has not run). So no "self" attributes are set yet. The # usual behavior of this method reads an __init__-assigned attribute, # which would cause infinite recursion. So this check disables all # attribute reads until the instance has been properly initialized. unpickling = '_inner' not in self.__dict__ if not unpickling and name in self: return self.__getitem__(name) raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if not name.startswith("_"): raise ImmutableError(self.__class__, name) super(_STIXBase, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): return self.serialize(pretty=True) def __repr__(self): props = [(k, self[k]) for k in self.object_properties() if self.get(k)] return '{0}({1})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(['{0!s}={1!r}'.format(k, v) for k, v in props]), ) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Assume: we can ignore the memo argument, because no object will ever contain the same sub-object multiple times. new_inner = copy.deepcopy(self._inner, memo) cls = type(self) if isinstance(self, _Observable): # Assume: valid references in the original object are still valid in the new version new_inner['_valid_refs'] = {'*': '*'} new_inner['allow_custom'] = self.__allow_custom return cls(**new_inner) def properties_populated(self): return list(self._inner.keys()) # Versioning API def new_version(self, **kwargs): return _new_version(self, **kwargs) def revoke(self): return _revoke(self) def serialize(self, pretty=False, include_optional_defaults=False, **kwargs): """ Serialize a STIX object. Args: pretty (bool): If True, output properties following the STIX specs formatting. This includes indentation. Refer to notes for more details. (Default: ``False``) include_optional_defaults (bool): Determines whether to include optional properties set to the default value defined in the spec. **kwargs: The arguments for a json.dumps() call. Examples: >>> import stix2 >>> identity = stix2.Identity(name='Example Corp.', identity_class='organization') >>> print(identity.serialize(sort_keys=True)) {"created": "2018-06-08T19:03:54.066Z", ... "name": "Example Corp.", "type": "identity"} >>> print(identity.serialize(sort_keys=True, indent=4)) { "created": "2018-06-08T19:03:54.066Z", "id": "identity--d7f3e25a-ba1c-447a-ab71-6434b092b05e", "identity_class": "organization", "modified": "2018-06-08T19:03:54.066Z", "name": "Example Corp.", "type": "identity" } Returns: str: The serialized JSON object. Note: The argument ``pretty=True`` will output the STIX object following spec order. Using this argument greatly impacts object serialization performance. If your use case is centered across machine-to-machine operation it is recommended to set ``pretty=False``. When ``pretty=True`` the following key-value pairs will be added or overridden: indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), item_sort_key=sort_by. """ if pretty: def sort_by(element): return find_property_index(self, *element) kwargs.update({'indent': 4, 'separators': (',', ': '), 'item_sort_key': sort_by}) if include_optional_defaults: return json.dumps(self, cls=STIXJSONIncludeOptionalDefaultsEncoder, **kwargs) else: return json.dumps(self, cls=STIXJSONEncoder, **kwargs) class _Observable(_STIXBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # the constructor might be called independently of an observed data object self._STIXBase__valid_refs = kwargs.pop('_valid_refs', []) self.__allow_custom = kwargs.get('allow_custom', False) self._properties['extensions'].allow_custom = kwargs.get('allow_custom', False) try: # Since `spec_version` is optional, this is how we check for a 2.1 SCO self._id_contributing_properties if 'id' not in kwargs: possible_id = self._generate_id(kwargs) if possible_id is not None: kwargs['id'] = possible_id except AttributeError: # End up here if handling a 2.0 SCO, and don't need to do anything further pass super(_Observable, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _check_ref(self, ref, prop, prop_name): if '*' in self._STIXBase__valid_refs: return # don't check if refs are valid if ref not in self._STIXBase__valid_refs: raise InvalidObjRefError(self.__class__, prop_name, "'%s' is not a valid object in local scope" % ref) try: allowed_types = prop.contained.valid_types except AttributeError: allowed_types = prop.valid_types try: try: ref_type = self._STIXBase__valid_refs[ref].type except AttributeError: ref_type = self._STIXBase__valid_refs[ref] except TypeError: raise ValueError("'%s' must be created with _valid_refs as a dict, not a list." % self.__class__.__name__) if allowed_types: if ref_type not in allowed_types: raise InvalidObjRefError(self.__class__, prop_name, "object reference '%s' is of an invalid type '%s'" % (ref, ref_type)) def _check_property(self, prop_name, prop, kwargs): super(_Observable, self)._check_property(prop_name, prop, kwargs) if prop_name not in kwargs: return if prop_name.endswith('_ref'): ref = kwargs[prop_name] self._check_ref(ref, prop, prop_name) elif prop_name.endswith('_refs'): for ref in kwargs[prop_name]: self._check_ref(ref, prop, prop_name) def _generate_id(self, kwargs): required_prefix = self._type + "--" namespace = uuid.UUID("00abedb4-aa42-466c-9c01-fed23315a9b7") properties_to_use = self._id_contributing_properties if properties_to_use: streamlined_obj_vals = [] if "hashes" in kwargs and "hashes" in properties_to_use: possible_hash = _choose_one_hash(kwargs["hashes"]) if possible_hash: streamlined_obj_vals.append(possible_hash) for key in properties_to_use: if key != "hashes" and key in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs[key], dict) or isinstance(kwargs[key], _STIXBase): temp_deep_copy = copy.deepcopy(dict(kwargs[key])) _recursive_stix_to_dict(temp_deep_copy) streamlined_obj_vals.append(temp_deep_copy) else: streamlined_obj_vals.append(kwargs[key]) if streamlined_obj_vals: data = canonicalize(streamlined_obj_vals, utf8=False) return required_prefix + six.text_type(uuid.uuid5(namespace, data)) # We return None if there are no values specified for any of the id-contributing-properties return None class _Extension(_STIXBase): def _check_object_constraints(self): super(_Extension, self)._check_object_constraints() self._check_at_least_one_property() def _choose_one_hash(hash_dict): if "MD5" in hash_dict: return {"MD5": hash_dict["MD5"]} elif "SHA-1" in hash_dict: return {"SHA-1": hash_dict["SHA-1"]} elif "SHA-256" in hash_dict: return {"SHA-256": hash_dict["SHA-256"]} elif "SHA-512" in hash_dict: return {"SHA-512": hash_dict["SHA-512"]} else: k = next(iter(hash_dict), None) if k is not None: return {k: hash_dict[k]} def _cls_init(cls, obj, kwargs): if getattr(cls, '__init__', object.__init__) is not object.__init__: cls.__init__(obj, **kwargs) def _recursive_stix_to_dict(input_dict): for key in input_dict: if isinstance(input_dict[key], dict): _recursive_stix_to_dict(input_dict[key]) elif isinstance(input_dict[key], _STIXBase): input_dict[key] = dict(input_dict[key]) # There may stil be nested _STIXBase objects _recursive_stix_to_dict(input_dict[key]) else: return