import importlib import pkgutil import re # Collects information on which classes implement which STIX types, for the # various STIX spec versions. STIX2_OBJ_MAPS = {} def _stix_vid_to_version(stix_vid): """ Convert a python package name representing a STIX version in the form "vXX" to the dotted style used in the public APIs of this library, "X.X". :param stix_vid: A package name in the form "vXX" :return: A STIX version in dotted style """ assert len(stix_vid) >= 3 stix_version = stix_vid[1] + "." + stix_vid[2:] return stix_version def _collect_stix2_mappings(): """Navigate the package once and retrieve all object mapping dicts for each v2X package. Includes OBJ_MAP, OBJ_MAP_OBSERVABLE, EXT_MAP.""" if not STIX2_OBJ_MAPS: top_level_module = importlib.import_module('stix2') path = top_level_module.__path__ prefix = str(top_level_module.__name__) + '.' for module_loader, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=path, prefix=prefix): stix_vid = name.split('.')[1] if re.match(r'^stix2\.v2[0-9]$', name) and is_pkg: ver = _stix_vid_to_version(stix_vid) mod = importlib.import_module(name, str(top_level_module.__name__)) STIX2_OBJ_MAPS[ver] = {} STIX2_OBJ_MAPS[ver]['objects'] = mod.OBJ_MAP STIX2_OBJ_MAPS[ver]['observables'] = mod.OBJ_MAP_OBSERVABLE STIX2_OBJ_MAPS[ver]['observable-extensions'] = mod.EXT_MAP elif re.match(r'^stix2\.v2[0-9]\.common$', name) and is_pkg is False: ver = _stix_vid_to_version(stix_vid) mod = importlib.import_module(name, str(top_level_module.__name__)) STIX2_OBJ_MAPS[ver]['markings'] = mod.OBJ_MAP_MARKING