
130 lines
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from stix2 import exceptions
from stix2.markings import utils
def get_markings(obj):
Get all object level markings from the given SDO or SRO object.
obj: A SDO or SRO object.
list: Marking identifiers contained in the SDO or SRO. Empty list if no
markings are present in `object_marking_refs`.
return obj.get("object_marking_refs", [])
def add_markings(obj, marking):
Appends an object level marking to the object_marking_refs collection.
obj: A SDO or SRO object.
marking: identifier or list of identifiers to apply SDO or SRO object.
A new version of the given SDO or SRO with specified markings added.
marking = utils.convert_to_list(marking)
object_markings = set(obj.get("object_marking_refs", []) + marking)
return obj.new_version(object_marking_refs=list(object_markings))
def remove_markings(obj, marking):
Removes object level marking from the object_marking_refs collection.
obj: A SDO or SRO object.
marking: identifier or list of identifiers that apply to the
SDO or SRO object.
MarkingNotFoundError: If markings to remove are not found on
the provided SDO or SRO.
A new version of the given SDO or SRO with specified markings removed.
marking = utils.convert_to_list(marking)
object_markings = obj.get("object_marking_refs", [])
if not object_markings:
return obj
if any(x not in obj["object_marking_refs"] for x in marking):
raise exceptions.MarkingNotFoundError(obj, marking)
new_markings = [x for x in object_markings if x not in marking]
if new_markings:
return obj.new_version(object_marking_refs=new_markings)
return obj.new_version(object_marking_refs=None)
def set_markings(obj, marking):
Removes all object level markings and appends new object level markings to
the collection. Refer to `clear_markings` and `add_markings` for details.
obj: A SDO or SRO object.
marking: identifier or list of identifiers to apply in the
SDO or SRO object.
A new version of the given SDO or SRO with specified markings removed
and new ones added.
return add_markings(clear_markings(obj), marking)
def clear_markings(obj):
Removes all object level markings from the object_marking_refs collection.
obj: A SDO or SRO object.
A new version of the given SDO or SRO with object_marking_refs cleared.
return obj.new_version(object_marking_refs=None)
def is_marked(obj, marking=None):
Checks if SDO or SRO is marked by any marking or by specific marking(s).
obj: A SDO or SRO object.
marking: identifier or list of marking identifiers that apply to the
SDO or SRO object.
bool: True if SDO or SRO has object level markings. False otherwise.
When an identifier or list of identifiers is provided, if ANY of the
provided marking refs match, True is returned.
marking = utils.convert_to_list(marking)
object_markings = obj.get("object_marking_refs", [])
if marking:
return any(x in object_markings for x in marking)
return bool(object_markings)