765 lines
27 KiB
765 lines
27 KiB
import os
import pytest
from taxii2client import Collection
from stix2 import (Campaign, FileSystemSink, FileSystemSource, FileSystemStore,
Filter, MemorySource, MemoryStore)
from stix2.sources import (CompositeDataSource, DataSink, DataSource,
DataStore, make_id, taxii)
from stix2.sources.filters import apply_common_filters
from stix2.utils import deduplicate
COLLECTION_URL = 'https://example.com/api1/collections/91a7b528-80eb-42ed-a74d-c6fbd5a26116/'
FS_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "stix2_data")
class MockTAXIIClient(object):
"""Mock for taxii2_client.TAXIIClient"""
def collection():
return Collection(COLLECTION_URL, MockTAXIIClient())
def ds():
return DataSource()
IND1 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
IND2 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
IND3 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.936Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
IND4 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
IND5 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
IND6 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-31T13:49:53.935Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
IND7 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
IND8 = {
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"id": "indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z",
"name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",
"pattern": "[url:value = 'http://x4z9arb.cn/4712']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935382Z"
def test_ds_abstract_class_smoke():
ds1 = DataSource()
ds2 = DataSink()
ds3 = DataStore(source=ds1, sink=ds2)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
ds3.query([Filter("id", "=", "malware--fdd60b30-b67c-11e3-b0b9-f01faf20d111")])
def test_memory_store_smoke():
# Initialize MemoryStore with dict
ms = MemoryStore(STIX_OBJS1)
# Add item to sink
ms.add(dict(id="bundle--%s" % make_id(),
resp = ms.all_versions("indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f")
assert len(resp) == 1
resp = ms.get("indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f")
assert resp["id"] == "indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f"
query = [Filter('type', '=', 'malware')]
resp = ms.query(query)
assert len(resp) == 0
def test_ds_taxii(collection):
ds = taxii.TAXIICollectionSource(collection)
assert ds.collection is not None
def test_ds_taxii_name(collection):
ds = taxii.TAXIICollectionSource(collection)
assert ds.collection is not None
def test_parse_taxii_filters():
query = [
Filter("added_after", "=", "2016-02-01T00:00:01.000Z"),
Filter("id", "=", "taxii stix object ID"),
Filter("type", "=", "taxii stix object ID"),
Filter("version", "=", "first"),
Filter("created_by_ref", "=", "Bane"),
expected_params = {
"added_after": "2016-02-01T00:00:01.000Z",
"match[id]": "taxii stix object ID",
"match[type]": "taxii stix object ID",
"match[version]": "first"
ds = taxii.TAXIICollectionSource(collection)
taxii_filters = ds._parse_taxii_filters(query)
assert taxii_filters == expected_params
def test_add_get_remove_filter(ds):
# First 3 filters are valid, remaining fields are erroneous in some way
valid_filters = [
Filter('type', '=', 'malware'),
Filter('id', '!=', 'stix object id'),
Filter('labels', 'in', ["heartbleed", "malicious-activity"]),
# Invalid filters - wont pass creation
# these filters will not be allowed to be created
# check proper errors are raised when trying to create them
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
# create Filter that has an operator that is not allowed
Filter('modified', '*', 'not supported operator - just place holder')
assert str(excinfo.value) == "Filter operator '*' not supported for specified field: 'modified'"
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
# create Filter that has a value type that is not allowed
Filter('created', '=', object())
# On Python 2, the type of object() is `<type 'object'>` On Python 3, it's `<class 'object'>`.
assert str(excinfo.value).startswith("Filter value type")
assert str(excinfo.value).endswith("is not supported. The type must be a Python immutable type or dictionary")
assert len(ds.filters) == 0
assert len(ds.filters) == 1
# Addin the same filter again will have no effect since `filters` uses a set
assert len(ds.filters) == 1
assert len(ds.filters) == 2
assert len(ds.filters) == 3
assert set(valid_filters) == ds.filters
# remove
assert len(ds.filters) == 2
def test_apply_common_filters(ds):
stix_objs = [
"created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.997Z",
"description": "\n\nTITLE:\n\tPoison Ivy",
"id": "malware--fdd60b30-b67c-11e3-b0b9-f01faf20d111",
"labels": [
"modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.997Z",
"name": "Poison Ivy",
"type": "malware"
"created": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
"id": "indicator--a932fcc6-e032-176c-126f-cb970a5a1ade",
"labels": [
"modified": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
"name": "File hash for Poison Ivy variant",
"pattern": "[file:hashes.'SHA-256' = 'ef537f25c895bfa782526529a9b63d97aa631564d5d789c2b765448c8635fb6c']",
"type": "indicator",
"valid_from": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000000Z"
"created": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
"granular_markings": [
"marking_ref": "marking-definition--5e57c739-391a-4eb3-b6be-7d15ca92d5ed",
"selectors": [
"id": "relationship--2f9a9aa9-108a-4333-83e2-4fb25add0463",
"modified": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
"object_marking_refs": [
"relationship_type": "indicates",
"revoked": True,
"source_ref": "indicator--a932fcc6-e032-176c-126f-cb970a5a1ade",
"target_ref": "malware--fdd60b30-b67c-11e3-b0b9-f01faf20d111",
"type": "relationship"
"id": "vulnerability--ee916c28-c7a4-4d0d-ad56-a8d357f89fef",
"created": "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"created_by_ref": "identity--00000000-0000-0000-0000-b8e91df99dc9",
"modified": "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": "vulnerability",
"name": "CVE-2014-0160",
"description": "The (1) TLS...",
"external_references": [
"source_name": "cve",
"external_id": "CVE-2014-0160"
"labels": ["heartbleed", "has-logo"]
filters = [
Filter("type", "!=", "relationship"),
Filter("id", "=", "relationship--2f9a9aa9-108a-4333-83e2-4fb25add0463"),
Filter("labels", "in", "remote-access-trojan"),
Filter("created", ">", "2015-01-01T01:00:00.000Z"),
Filter("revoked", "=", True),
Filter("revoked", "!=", True),
Filter("object_marking_refs", "=", "marking-definition--613f2e26-407d-48c7-9eca-b8e91df99dc9"),
Filter("granular_markings.selectors", "in", "relationship_type"),
Filter("granular_markings.marking_ref", "=", "marking-definition--5e57c739-391a-4eb3-b6be-7d15ca92d5ed"),
Filter("external_references.external_id", "in", "CVE-2014-0160,CVE-2017-6608"),
Filter("created_by_ref", "=", "identity--00000000-0000-0000-0000-b8e91df99dc9"),
Filter("object_marking_refs", "=", "marking-definition--613f2e26-0000-0000-0000-b8e91df99dc9"),
Filter("granular_markings.selectors", "in", "description"),
Filter("external_references.source_name", "=", "CVE"),
# "Return any object whose type is not relationship"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[0]]))
ids = [r['id'] for r in resp]
assert stix_objs[0]['id'] in ids
assert stix_objs[1]['id'] in ids
assert stix_objs[3]['id'] in ids
assert len(ids) == 3
# "Return any object that matched id relationship--2f9a9aa9-108a-4333-83e2-4fb25add0463"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[1]]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs[2]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
# "Return any object that contains remote-access-trojan in labels"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[2]]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs[0]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
# "Return any object created after 2015-01-01T01:00:00.000Z"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[3]]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs[0]['id']
assert len(resp) == 2
# "Return any revoked object"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[4]]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs[2]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
# "Return any object whose not revoked"
# Note that if 'revoked' property is not present in object.
# Currently we can't use such an expression to filter for... :(
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[5]]))
assert len(resp) == 0
# "Return any object that matches marking-definition--613f2e26-407d-48c7-9eca-b8e91df99dc9 in object_marking_refs"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[6]]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs[2]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
# "Return any object that contains relationship_type in their selectors AND
# also has marking-definition--5e57c739-391a-4eb3-b6be-7d15ca92d5ed in marking_ref"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[7], filters[8]]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs[2]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
# "Return any object that contains CVE-2014-0160,CVE-2017-6608 in their external_id"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[9]]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objs[3]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
# "Return any object that matches created_by_ref identity--00000000-0000-0000-0000-b8e91df99dc9"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[10]]))
assert len(resp) == 1
# "Return any object that matches marking-definition--613f2e26-0000-0000-0000-b8e91df99dc9 in object_marking_refs" (None)
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[11]]))
assert len(resp) == 0
# "Return any object that contains description in its selectors" (None)
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[12]]))
assert len(resp) == 0
# "Return any object that object that matches CVE in source_name" (None, case sensitive)
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objs, [filters[13]]))
assert len(resp) == 0
def test_filters0(ds):
# "Return any object modified before 2017-01-28T13:49:53.935Z"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(STIX_OBJS2, [Filter("modified", "<", "2017-01-28T13:49:53.935Z")]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == STIX_OBJS2[1]['id']
assert len(resp) == 2
def test_filters1(ds):
# "Return any object modified after 2017-01-28T13:49:53.935Z"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(STIX_OBJS2, [Filter("modified", ">", "2017-01-28T13:49:53.935Z")]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == STIX_OBJS2[0]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
def test_filters2(ds):
# "Return any object modified after or on 2017-01-28T13:49:53.935Z"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(STIX_OBJS2, [Filter("modified", ">=", "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z")]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == STIX_OBJS2[0]['id']
assert len(resp) == 3
def test_filters3(ds):
# "Return any object modified before or on 2017-01-28T13:49:53.935Z"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(STIX_OBJS2, [Filter("modified", "<=", "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z")]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == STIX_OBJS2[1]['id']
assert len(resp) == 2
def test_filters4(ds):
# Assert invalid Filter cannot be created
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
Filter("modified", "?", "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z")
assert str(excinfo.value) == ("Filter operator '?' not supported "
"for specified field: 'modified'")
def test_filters5(ds):
# "Return any object whose id is not indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(STIX_OBJS2, [Filter("id", "!=", "indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f")]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == STIX_OBJS2[0]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
def test_filters6(ds):
# Test filtering on non-common property
resp = list(apply_common_filters(STIX_OBJS2, [Filter("name", "=", "Malicious site hosting downloader")]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == STIX_OBJS2[0]['id']
assert len(resp) == 3
def test_filters7(ds):
# Test filtering on embedded property
stix_objects = list(STIX_OBJS2) + [{
"type": "observed-data",
"id": "observed-data--b67d30ff-02ac-498a-92f9-32f845f448cf",
"created_by_ref": "identity--f431f809-377b-45e0-aa1c-6a4751cae5ff",
"created": "2016-04-06T19:58:16.000Z",
"modified": "2016-04-06T19:58:16.000Z",
"first_observed": "2015-12-21T19:00:00Z",
"last_observed": "2015-12-21T19:00:00Z",
"number_observed": 50,
"objects": {
"0": {
"type": "file",
"hashes": {
"SHA-256": "35a01331e9ad96f751278b891b6ea09699806faedfa237d40513d92ad1b7100f"
"extensions": {
"pdf-ext": {
"version": "1.7",
"document_info_dict": {
"Title": "Sample document",
"Author": "Adobe Systems Incorporated",
"Creator": "Adobe FrameMaker 5.5.3 for Power Macintosh",
"Producer": "Acrobat Distiller 3.01 for Power Macintosh",
"CreationDate": "20070412090123-02"
"pdfid0": "DFCE52BD827ECF765649852119D",
"pdfid1": "57A1E0F9ED2AE523E313C"
resp = list(apply_common_filters(stix_objects, [Filter("objects.0.extensions.pdf-ext.version", ">", "1.2")]))
assert resp[0]['id'] == stix_objects[3]['id']
assert len(resp) == 1
def test_deduplicate(ds):
unique = deduplicate(STIX_OBJS1)
# Only 3 objects are unique
# 2 id's vary
# 2 modified times vary for a particular id
assert len(unique) == 3
ids = [obj['id'] for obj in unique]
mods = [obj['modified'] for obj in unique]
assert "indicator--d81f86b8-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f" in ids
assert "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f" in ids
assert "2017-01-27T13:49:53.935Z" in mods
assert "2017-01-27T13:49:53.936Z" in mods
def test_add_remove_composite_datasource():
cds = CompositeDataSource()
ds1 = DataSource()
ds2 = DataSource()
ds3 = DataSink()
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
cds.add_data_sources([ds1, ds2, ds1, ds3])
assert str(excinfo.value) == ("DataSource (to be added) is not of type "
"stix2.DataSource. DataSource type is '<class 'stix2.sources.DataSink'>'")
cds.add_data_sources([ds1, ds2, ds1])
assert len(cds.get_all_data_sources()) == 2
cds.remove_data_sources([ds1.id, ds2.id])
assert len(cds.get_all_data_sources()) == 0
def test_composite_datasource_operations():
BUNDLE1 = dict(id="bundle--%s" % make_id(),
cds = CompositeDataSource()
ds1 = MemorySource(stix_data=BUNDLE1)
ds2 = MemorySource(stix_data=STIX_OBJS2)
cds.add_data_sources([ds1, ds2])
indicators = cds.all_versions("indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f")
# In STIX_OBJS2 changed the 'modified' property to a later time...
assert len(indicators) == 2
indicator = cds.get("indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f")
assert indicator["id"] == "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-bc0b-775e-810c5ad45a4f"
assert indicator["modified"] == "2017-01-31T13:49:53.935Z"
assert indicator["type"] == "indicator"
query = [
Filter("type", "=", "indicator")
results = cds.query(query)
# STIX_OBJS2 has indicator with later time, one with different id, one with
# original time in STIX_OBJS1
assert len(results) == 3
def test_filesytem_source():
# creation
fs_source = FileSystemSource(FS_PATH)
assert fs_source.stix_dir == FS_PATH
# get object
mal = fs_source.get("malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38")
assert mal.id == "malware--6b616fc1-1505-48e3-8b2c-0d19337bff38"
assert mal.name == "Rover"
# all versions - (currently not a true all versions call as FileSystem cant have multiple versions)
id_ = fs_source.get("identity--c78cb6e5-0c4b-4611-8297-d1b8b55e40b5")
assert id_.id == "identity--c78cb6e5-0c4b-4611-8297-d1b8b55e40b5"
assert id_.name == "The MITRE Corporation"
assert id_.type == "identity"
# query
intrusion_sets = fs_source.query([Filter("type", '=', "intrusion-set")])
assert len(intrusion_sets) == 2
assert "intrusion-set--a653431d-6a5e-4600-8ad3-609b5af57064" in [is_.id for is_ in intrusion_sets]
assert "intrusion-set--f3bdec95-3d62-42d9-a840-29630f6cdc1a" in [is_.id for is_ in intrusion_sets]
is_1 = [is_ for is_ in intrusion_sets if is_.id == "intrusion-set--f3bdec95-3d62-42d9-a840-29630f6cdc1a"][0]
assert "DragonOK" in is_1.aliases
assert len(is_1.external_references) == 4
# query2
is_2 = fs_source.query([Filter("external_references.external_id", '=', "T1027")])
assert len(is_2) == 1
is_2 = is_2[0]
assert is_2.id == "attack-pattern--b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a"
assert is_2.type == "attack-pattern"
def test_filesystem_sink():
# creation
fs_sink = FileSystemSink(FS_PATH)
assert fs_sink.stix_dir == FS_PATH
fs_source = FileSystemSource(FS_PATH)
# Test all the ways stix objects can be added (via different supplied forms)
# add python stix object
camp1 = Campaign(name="Hannibal",
objective="Targeting Italian and Spanish Diplomat internet accounts",
aliases=["War Elephant"])
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp1.id + ".json"))
camp1_r = fs_source.get(camp1.id)
assert camp1_r.id == camp1.id
assert camp1_r.name == "Hannibal"
assert "War Elephant" in camp1_r.aliases
# add stix object dict
camp2 = {
"name": "Aurelius",
"type": "campaign",
"objective": "German and French Intelligence Services",
"aliases": ["Purple Robes"],
"id": "campaign--111111b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a",
"created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z"
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp2["id"] + ".json"))
camp2_r = fs_source.get(camp2["id"])
assert camp2_r.id == camp2["id"]
assert camp2_r.name == camp2["name"]
assert "Purple Robes" in camp2_r.aliases
# add stix bundle dict
bund = {
"type": "bundle",
"id": "bundle--112211b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a",
"spec_version": "2.0",
"objects": [
"name": "Atilla",
"type": "campaign",
"objective": "Bulgarian, Albanian and Romanian Intelligence Services",
"aliases": ["Huns"],
"id": "campaign--133111b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a",
"created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z"
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", bund["objects"][0]["id"] + ".json"))
camp3_r = fs_source.get(bund["objects"][0]["id"])
assert camp3_r.id == bund["objects"][0]["id"]
assert camp3_r.name == bund["objects"][0]["name"]
assert "Huns" in camp3_r.aliases
# add json-encoded stix obj
camp4 = '{"type": "campaign", "id":"campaign--144111b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a",'\
' "created":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z", "name": "Ghengis Khan", "objective": "China and Russian infrastructure"}'
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--144111b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a" + ".json"))
camp4_r = fs_source.get("campaign--144111b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a")
assert camp4_r.id == "campaign--144111b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a"
assert camp4_r.name == "Ghengis Khan"
# add json-encoded stix bundle
bund2 = '{"type": "bundle", "id": "bundle--332211b6-1132-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a",' \
' "spec_version": "2.0", "objects": [{"type": "campaign", "id": "campaign--155155b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a",' \
' "created":"2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z", "name": "Spartacus", "objective": "Oppressive regimes of Africa and Middle East"}]}'
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--155155b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a" + ".json"))
camp5_r = fs_source.get("campaign--155155b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a")
assert camp5_r.id == "campaign--155155b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a"
assert camp5_r.name == "Spartacus"
# add list of objects
camp6 = Campaign(name="Comanche",
objective="US Midwest manufacturing firms, oil refineries, and businesses",
aliases=["Horse Warrior"])
camp7 = {
"name": "Napolean",
"type": "campaign",
"objective": "Central and Eastern Europe military commands and departments",
"aliases": ["The Frenchmen"],
"id": "campaign--122818b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a",
"created": "2017-05-31T21:31:53.197755Z"
fs_sink.add([camp6, camp7])
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp6.id + ".json"))
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", "campaign--122818b6-1112-4fb0-111b-b111107ca70a" + ".json"))
camp6_r = fs_source.get(camp6.id)
assert camp6_r.id == camp6.id
assert "Horse Warrior" in camp6_r.aliases
camp7_r = fs_source.get(camp7["id"])
assert camp7_r.id == camp7["id"]
assert "The Frenchmen" in camp7_r.aliases
# remove all added objects
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp1_r.id + ".json"))
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp2_r.id + ".json"))
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp3_r.id + ".json"))
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp4_r.id + ".json"))
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp5_r.id + ".json"))
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp6_r.id + ".json"))
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp7_r.id + ".json"))
# remove campaign dir (that was added in course of testing)
os.rmdir(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"))
def test_filesystem_store():
# creation
fs_store = FileSystemStore(FS_PATH)
# get()
coa = fs_store.get("course-of-action--d9727aee-48b8-4fdb-89e2-4c49746ba4dd")
assert coa.id == "course-of-action--d9727aee-48b8-4fdb-89e2-4c49746ba4dd"
assert coa.type == "course-of-action"
# all versions() - (note at this time, all_versions() is still not applicable to FileSystem, as only one version is ever stored)
rel = fs_store.all_versions("relationship--70dc6b5c-c524-429e-a6ab-0dd40f0482c1")[0]
assert rel.id == "relationship--70dc6b5c-c524-429e-a6ab-0dd40f0482c1"
assert rel.type == "relationship"
# query()
tools = fs_store.query([Filter("labels", "in", "tool")])
assert len(tools) == 2
assert "tool--242f3da3-4425-4d11-8f5c-b842886da966" in [tool.id for tool in tools]
assert "tool--03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23" in [tool.id for tool in tools]
# add()
camp1 = Campaign(name="Great Heathen Army",
objective="Targeting the government of United Kingdom and insitutions affiliated with the Church Of England",
camp1_r = fs_store.get(camp1.id)
assert camp1_r.id == camp1.id
assert camp1_r.name == camp1.name
# remove
os.remove(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign", camp1_r.id + ".json"))
# remove campaign dir
os.rmdir(os.path.join(FS_PATH, "campaign"))