354 lines
15 KiB
354 lines
15 KiB
import importlib
import inspect
import six
from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternLexer import STIXPatternLexer
from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternParser import (STIXPatternParser,
from stix2patterns.grammars.STIXPatternVisitor import STIXPatternVisitor
from stix2patterns.validator import STIXPatternErrorListener
from antlr4 import CommonTokenStream, InputStream
from stix2.patterns import _BooleanExpression
# need to import all classes because we need to access them via globals()
from .patterns import (BinaryConstant, BooleanConstant, FloatConstant,
FollowedByObservationExpression, HexConstant,
IntegerConstant, RepeatQualifier, StartStopQualifier,
StringConstant, TimestampConstant, WithinQualifier)
from .patterns import * # noqa
def collapse_lists(lists):
result = []
for c in lists:
if isinstance(c, list):
return result
def values_only(things):
values = []
for x in things:
if not isinstance(x, TerminalNode):
return values
# This class defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser.
class STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2(STIXPatternVisitor):
classes = {}
def __init__(self, module_suffix, module_name):
if module_suffix and module_name:
self.module_suffix = module_suffix
if STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes == {}:
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
for k, c in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass):
STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes[k] = c
self.module_suffix = None
super(STIXPatternVisitor, self).__init__()
def get_class(self, class_name):
if class_name in STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes:
return STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2.classes[class_name]
return None
def instantiate(self, klass_name, *args):
klass_to_instantiate = None
if self.module_suffix:
klass_to_instantiate = self.get_class(klass_name + "For" + self.module_suffix)
if not klass_to_instantiate:
# use the classes in python_stix2
klass_to_instantiate = globals()[klass_name]
return klass_to_instantiate(*args)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#pattern.
def visitPattern(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressions.
def visitObservationExpressions(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
return FollowedByObservationExpression([children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionOr.
def visitObservationExpressionOr(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("OrObservationExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionAnd.
def visitObservationExpressionAnd(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("AndObservationExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionRepeated.
def visitObservationExpressionRepeated(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionSimple.
def visitObservationExpressionSimple(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ObservationExpression", children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionCompound.
def visitObservationExpressionCompound(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ObservationExpression", children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionWithin.
def visitObservationExpressionWithin(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#observationExpressionStartStop.
def visitObservationExpressionStartStop(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("QualifiedObservationExpression", children[0], children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#comparisonExpression.
def visitComparisonExpression(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
if isinstance(children[0], _BooleanExpression):
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("OrBooleanExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#comparisonExpressionAnd.
def visitComparisonExpressionAnd(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
if isinstance(children[0], _BooleanExpression):
return children[0]
return self.instantiate("AndBooleanExpression", [children[0], children[2]])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestEqual.
def visitPropTestEqual(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
operator = children[1].symbol.type
negated = negated = operator != STIXPatternParser.EQ
return self.instantiate("EqualityComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2],
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestOrder.
def visitPropTestOrder(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
operator = children[1].symbol.type
if operator == STIXPatternParser.GT:
return self.instantiate("GreaterThanComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
elif operator == STIXPatternParser.LT:
return self.instantiate("LessThanComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
elif operator == STIXPatternParser.GE:
return self.instantiate("GreaterThanEqualComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
elif operator == STIXPatternParser.LE:
return self.instantiate("LessThanEqualComparisonExpression", children[0],
children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestSet.
def visitPropTestSet(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("InComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestLike.
def visitPropTestLike(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("LikeComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2], False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestRegex.
def visitPropTestRegex(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("MatchesComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2],
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestIsSubset.
def visitPropTestIsSubset(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("IsSubsetComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestIsSuperset.
def visitPropTestIsSuperset(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("IsSupersetComparisonExpression", children[0], children[3 if len(children) > 3 else 2])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#propTestParen.
def visitPropTestParen(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ParentheticalExpression", children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#startStopQualifier.
def visitStartStopQualifier(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return StartStopQualifier(children[1], children[3])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#withinQualifier.
def visitWithinQualifier(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return WithinQualifier(children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#repeatedQualifier.
def visitRepeatedQualifier(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return RepeatQualifier(children[1])
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#objectPath.
def visitObjectPath(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
flat_list = collapse_lists(children[2:])
property_path = []
i = 0
while i < len(flat_list):
current = flat_list[i]
if i == len(flat_list)-1:
next = flat_list[i+1]
if isinstance(next, TerminalNode):
property_path.append(self.instantiate("ListObjectPathComponent", current.property_name, next.getText()))
i += 2
i += 1
return self.instantiate("ObjectPath", children[0].getText(), property_path)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#objectType.
def visitObjectType(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#firstPathComponent.
def visitFirstPathComponent(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
step = children[0].getText()
# if step.endswith("_ref"):
# return stix2.ReferenceObjectPathComponent(step)
# else:
return self.instantiate("BasicObjectPathComponent", step, False)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#indexPathStep.
def visitIndexPathStep(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[1]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#pathStep.
def visitPathStep(self, ctx):
return collapse_lists(self.visitChildren(ctx))
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#keyPathStep.
def visitKeyPathStep(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
if isinstance(children[1], StringConstant):
# special case for hashes
return children[1].value
return self.instantiate("BasicObjectPathComponent", children[1].getText(), True)
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#setLiteral.
def visitSetLiteral(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return self.instantiate("ListConstant", values_only(children))
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#primitiveLiteral.
def visitPrimitiveLiteral(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
# Visit a parse tree produced by STIXPatternParser#orderableLiteral.
def visitOrderableLiteral(self, ctx):
children = self.visitChildren(ctx)
return children[0]
def visitTerminal(self, node):
if node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.IntPosLiteral or node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.IntNegLiteral:
return IntegerConstant(node.getText())
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.FloatPosLiteral or node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.FloatNegLiteral:
return FloatConstant(node.getText())
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.HexLiteral:
return HexConstant(node.getText(), from_parse_tree=True)
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.BinaryLiteral:
return BinaryConstant(node.getText(), from_parse_tree=True)
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.StringLiteral:
return StringConstant(node.getText().strip('\''), from_parse_tree=True)
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.BoolLiteral:
return BooleanConstant(node.getText())
elif node.symbol.type == STIXPatternParser.TimestampLiteral:
return TimestampConstant(node.getText())
return node
def aggregateResult(self, aggregate, nextResult):
if aggregate:
elif nextResult:
aggregate = [nextResult]
return aggregate
def create_pattern_object(pattern, module_suffix="", module_name=""):
Validates a pattern against the STIX Pattern grammar. Error messages are
returned in a list. The test passed if the returned list is empty.
start = ''
if isinstance(pattern, six.string_types):
start = pattern[:2]
pattern = InputStream(pattern)
if not start:
start = pattern.readline()[:2]
parseErrListener = STIXPatternErrorListener()
lexer = STIXPatternLexer(pattern)
# it always adds a console listener by default... remove it.
stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = STIXPatternParser(stream)
parser.buildParseTrees = True
# it always adds a console listener by default... remove it.
# To improve error messages, replace "<INVALID>" in the literal
# names with symbolic names. This is a hack, but seemed like
# the simplest workaround.
for i, lit_name in enumerate(parser.literalNames):
if lit_name == u"<INVALID>":
parser.literalNames[i] = parser.symbolicNames[i]
tree = parser.pattern()
builder = STIXPatternVisitorForSTIX2(module_suffix, module_name)
return builder.visit(tree)