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235 lines
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Some simple comparison expression canonicalization functions.
import socket
from stix2.equivalence.pattern.compare.comparison import (
# Values we can use as wildcards in path patterns
_ANY_IDX = object()
_ANY_KEY = object()
_ANY = object()
def _path_is(object_path, path_pattern):
Compare an object path against a pattern. This enables simple path
recognition based on a pattern, which is slightly more flexible than exact
equality: it supports some simple wildcards.
The path pattern must be an iterable of values: strings for key path steps,
ints or "*" for index path steps, or wildcards. Exact matches are required
for non-wildcards in the pattern. For the wildcards, _ANY_IDX matches any
index path step; _ANY_KEY matches any key path step, and _ANY matches any
path step.
object_path: An ObjectPath instance
path_pattern: An iterable giving the pattern path steps
True if the path matches the pattern; False if not
path_values = object_path_to_raw_values(object_path)
path_iter = iter(path_values)
patt_iter = iter(path_pattern)
result = True
while True:
path_val = next(path_iter, None)
patt_val = next(patt_iter, None)
if path_val is None and patt_val is None:
# equal length sequences; no differences found
elif path_val is None or patt_val is None:
# unequal length sequences
result = False
elif patt_val is _ANY_IDX:
if not isinstance(path_val, int) and path_val != "*":
result = False
elif patt_val is _ANY_KEY:
if not isinstance(path_val, str):
result = False
elif patt_val is not _ANY and patt_val != path_val:
result = False
return result
def _mask_bytes(ip_bytes, prefix_size):
Retain the high-order 'prefix_size' bits from ip_bytes, and zero out the
remaining low-order bits. This side-effects ip_bytes.
ip_bytes: A mutable byte sequence (e.g. a bytearray)
prefix_size: An integer prefix size
addr_size_bytes = len(ip_bytes)
addr_size_bits = 8 * addr_size_bytes
assert 0 <= prefix_size <= addr_size_bits
num_fixed_bytes = prefix_size // 8
num_zero_bytes = (addr_size_bits - prefix_size) // 8
if num_zero_bytes > 0:
ip_bytes[addr_size_bytes - num_zero_bytes:] = b"\x00" * num_zero_bytes
if num_fixed_bytes + num_zero_bytes != addr_size_bytes:
# The address boundary doesn't fall on a byte boundary.
# So we have a byte for which we have to zero out some
# bits.
num_1_bits = prefix_size % 8
mask = ((1 << num_1_bits) - 1) << (8 - num_1_bits)
ip_bytes[num_fixed_bytes] &= mask
def windows_reg_key(comp_expr):
Lower-cases the rhs, depending on the windows-registry-key property
being compared. This enables case-insensitive comparisons between two
patterns, for those values. This side-effects the given AST.
comp_expr: A _ComparisonExpression object whose type is
if _path_is(comp_expr.lhs, ("key",)) \
or _path_is(comp_expr.lhs, ("values", _ANY_IDX, "name")):
comp_expr.rhs.value = comp_expr.rhs.value.lower()
def ipv4_addr(comp_expr):
Canonicalizes a CIDR IPv4 address by zeroing out low-order bits, according
to the prefix size. This affects the rhs when the "value" property of an
ipv4-addr is being compared. If the prefix size is 32, the size suffix is
simply dropped since it's redundant. If the value is not a valid CIDR
address, then no change is made. This also runs the address through the
platform's IPv4 address processing functions (inet_aton() and inet_ntoa()),
which can adjust the format.
This side-effects the given AST.
comp_expr: A _ComparisonExpression object whose type is ipv4-addr.
if _path_is(comp_expr.lhs, ("value",)):
value = comp_expr.rhs.value
slash_idx = value.find("/")
is_cidr = slash_idx >= 0
if is_cidr:
ip_str = value[:slash_idx]
ip_str = value
ip_bytes = socket.inet_aton(ip_str)
except OSError:
# illegal IPv4 address string
if is_cidr:
prefix_size = int(value[slash_idx+1:])
except ValueError:
# illegal prefix size
if prefix_size < 0 or prefix_size > 32:
# illegal prefix size
if not is_cidr or prefix_size == 32:
# If a CIDR with prefix size 32, drop the prefix size since it's
# redundant. Run the address bytes through inet_ntoa() in case it
# would adjust the format (e.g. drop leading zeros:
# =>
value = socket.inet_ntoa(ip_bytes)
# inet_aton() gives an immutable 'bytes' value; we need a value
# we can change.
ip_bytes = bytearray(ip_bytes)
_mask_bytes(ip_bytes, prefix_size)
ip_str = socket.inet_ntoa(ip_bytes)
value = ip_str + "/" + str(prefix_size)
comp_expr.rhs.value = value
def ipv6_addr(comp_expr):
Canonicalizes a CIDR IPv6 address by zeroing out low-order bits, according
to the prefix size. This affects the rhs when the "value" property of an
ipv6-addr is being compared. If the prefix size is 128, the size suffix is
simply dropped since it's redundant. If the value is not a valid CIDR
address, then no change is made. This also runs the address through the
platform's IPv6 address processing functions (inet_pton() and inet_ntop()),
which can adjust the format.
This side-effects the given AST.
comp_expr: A _ComparisonExpression object whose type is ipv6-addr.
if _path_is(comp_expr.lhs, ("value",)):
value = comp_expr.rhs.value
slash_idx = value.find("/")
is_cidr = slash_idx >= 0
if is_cidr:
ip_str = value[:slash_idx]
ip_str = value
ip_bytes = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip_str)
except OSError:
# illegal IPv6 address string
if is_cidr:
prefix_size = int(value[slash_idx+1:])
except ValueError:
# illegal prefix size
if prefix_size < 0 or prefix_size > 128:
# illegal prefix size
if not is_cidr or prefix_size == 128:
# If a CIDR with prefix size 128, drop the prefix size since it's
# redundant. Run the IP address through inet_ntop() so it can
# reformat with the double-colons (and make any other adjustments)
# if necessary.
value = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, ip_bytes)
# inet_pton() gives an immutable 'bytes' value; we need a value
# we can change.
ip_bytes = bytearray(ip_bytes)
_mask_bytes(ip_bytes, prefix_size)
ip_str = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, ip_bytes)
value = ip_str + "/" + str(prefix_size)
comp_expr.rhs.value = value