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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functions to perform conversions between the different Confidence scales.
As specified in STIX™ Version 2.1. Part 1: STIX Core Concepts - Appendix B"""
def none_low_med_high_to_value(scale_value):
This method will transform a string value from the None / Low / Med /
High scale to its confidence integer representation.
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
==================== =====================
None/ Low/ Med/ High STIX Confidence Value
==================== =====================
Not Specified Not Specified
None 0
Low 15
Med 50
High 85
==================== =====================
scale_value: A string value from the scale. Accepted strings are
"None", "Low", "Med" and "High". Argument is case sensitive.
int: The numerical representation corresponding to values in the None /
Low / Med / High scale.
ValueError: If `scale_value` is not within the accepted strings.
if scale_value == 'None':
return 0
elif scale_value == 'Low':
return 15
elif scale_value == 'Med':
return 50
elif scale_value == 'High':
return 85
raise ValueError("STIX Confidence value cannot be determined for %s" % scale_value)
def value_to_none_low_medium_high(confidence_value):
This method will transform an integer value into the None / Low / Med /
High scale string representation.
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
=============== ====================
Range of Values None/ Low/ Med/ High
=============== ====================
0 None
1-29 Low
30-69 Med
70-100 High
=============== ====================
confidence_value: An integer value between 0 and 100.
str: A string corresponding to the None / Low / Med / High scale.
ValueError: If `confidence_value` is out of bounds.
if confidence_value == 0:
return 'None'
elif 29 >= confidence_value >= 1:
return 'Low'
elif 69 >= confidence_value >= 30:
return 'Med'
elif 100 >= confidence_value >= 70:
return 'High'
raise ValueError("Range of values out of bounds: %s" % confidence_value)
def zero_ten_to_value(scale_value):
This method will transform a string value from the 0-10 scale to its
confidence integer representation.
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
==================== =====================
0-10 Scale STIX Confidence Value
==================== =====================
0 0
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 60
7 70
8 80
9 90
10 100
==================== =====================
scale_value: A string value from the scale. Accepted strings are "0"
through "10" inclusive.
int: The numerical representation corresponding to values in the 0-10
ValueError: If `scale_value` is not within the accepted strings.
if scale_value == '0':
return 0
elif scale_value == '1':
return 10
elif scale_value == '2':
return 20
elif scale_value == '3':
return 30
elif scale_value == '4':
return 40
elif scale_value == '5':
return 50
elif scale_value == '6':
return 60
elif scale_value == '7':
return 70
elif scale_value == '8':
return 80
elif scale_value == '9':
return 90
elif scale_value == '10':
return 100
raise ValueError("STIX Confidence value cannot be determined for %s" % scale_value)
def value_to_zero_ten(confidence_value):
This method will transform an integer value into the 0-10 scale string
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
=============== ==========
Range of Values 0-10 Scale
=============== ==========
0-4 0
5-14 1
15-24 2
25-34 3
35-44 4
45-54 5
55-64 6
65-74 7
75-84 8
85-94 9
95-100 10
=============== ==========
confidence_value: An integer value between 0 and 100.
str: A string corresponding to the 0-10 scale.
ValueError: If `confidence_value` is out of bounds.
if 4 >= confidence_value >= 0:
return '0'
elif 14 >= confidence_value >= 5:
return '1'
elif 24 >= confidence_value >= 15:
return '2'
elif 34 >= confidence_value >= 25:
return '3'
elif 44 >= confidence_value >= 35:
return '4'
elif 54 >= confidence_value >= 45:
return '5'
elif 64 >= confidence_value >= 55:
return '6'
elif 74 >= confidence_value >= 65:
return '7'
elif 84 >= confidence_value >= 75:
return '8'
elif 94 >= confidence_value >= 85:
return '9'
elif 100 >= confidence_value >= 95:
return '10'
raise ValueError("Range of values out of bounds: %s" % confidence_value)
def admiralty_credibility_to_value(scale_value):
This method will transform a string value from the Admiralty Credibility
scale to its confidence integer representation.
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
============================== =====================
Admiralty Credibility STIX Confidence Value
============================== =====================
6 - Truth cannot be judged (Not present)
5 - Improbable 10
4 - Doubtful 30
3 - Possibly True 50
2 - Probably True 70
1 - Confirmed by other sources 90
============================== =====================
scale_value: A string value from the scale. Accepted strings are
"6 - Truth cannot be judged", "5 - Improbable", "4 - Doubtful",
"3 - Possibly True", "2 - Probably True" and
"1 - Confirmed by other sources". Argument is case sensitive.
int: The numerical representation corresponding to values in the
Admiralty Credibility scale.
ValueError: If `scale_value` is not within the accepted strings.
if scale_value == '6 - Truth cannot be judged':
raise ValueError("STIX Confidence value cannot be determined for %s" % scale_value)
elif scale_value == '5 - Improbable':
return 10
elif scale_value == '4 - Doubtful':
return 30
elif scale_value == '3 - Possibly True':
return 50
elif scale_value == '2 - Probably True':
return 70
elif scale_value == '1 - Confirmed by other sources':
return 90
raise ValueError("STIX Confidence value cannot be determined for %s" % scale_value)
def value_to_admiralty_credibility(confidence_value):
This method will transform an integer value into the Admiralty Credibility
scale string representation.
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
=============== ==============================
Range of Values Admiralty Credibility
=============== ==============================
N/A 6 - Truth cannot be judged
0-19 5 - Improbable
20-39 4 - Doubtful
40-59 3 - Possibly True
60-79 2 - Probably True
80-100 1 - Confirmed by other sources
=============== ==============================
confidence_value: An integer value between 0 and 100.
str: A string corresponding to the Admiralty Credibility scale.
ValueError: If `confidence_value` is out of bounds.
if 19 >= confidence_value >= 0:
return '5 - Improbable'
elif 39 >= confidence_value >= 20:
return '4 - Doubtful'
elif 59 >= confidence_value >= 40:
return '3 - Possibly True'
elif 79 >= confidence_value >= 60:
return '2 - Probably True'
elif 100 >= confidence_value >= 80:
return '1 - Confirmed by other sources'
raise ValueError("Range of values out of bounds: %s" % confidence_value)
def wep_to_value(scale_value):
This method will transform a string value from the WEP scale to its
confidence integer representation.
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
==================================== =====================
WEP STIX Confidence Value
==================================== =====================
Impossible 0
Highly Unlikely/Almost Certainly Not 10
Unlikely/Probably Not 20
Even Chance 50
Likely/Probable 70
Highly likely/Almost Certain 90
Certain 100
==================================== =====================
scale_value: A string value from the scale. Accepted strings are
"Impossible", "Highly Unlikely/Almost Certainly Not",
"Unlikely/Probably Not", "Even Chance", "Likely/Probable",
"Highly likely/Almost Certain" and "Certain". Argument is case
int: The numerical representation corresponding to values in the WEP
ValueError: If `scale_value` is not within the accepted strings.
if scale_value == 'Impossible':
return 0
elif scale_value == 'Highly Unlikely/Almost Certainly Not':
return 10
elif scale_value == 'Unlikely/Probably Not':
return 30
elif scale_value == 'Even Chance':
return 50
elif scale_value == 'Likely/Probable':
return 70
elif scale_value == 'Highly likely/Almost Certain':
return 90
elif scale_value == 'Certain':
return 100
raise ValueError("STIX Confidence value cannot be determined for %s" % scale_value)
def value_to_wep(confidence_value):
This method will transform an integer value into the WEP scale string
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
=============== ====================================
Range of Values WEP
=============== ====================================
0 Impossible
1-19 Highly Unlikely/Almost Certainly Not
20-39 Unlikely/Probably Not
40-59 Even Chance
60-79 Likely/Probable
80-99 Highly likely/Almost Certain
100 Certain
=============== ====================================
confidence_value: An integer value between 0 and 100.
str: A string corresponding to the WEP scale.
ValueError: If `confidence_value` is out of bounds.
if confidence_value == 0:
return 'Impossible'
elif 19 >= confidence_value >= 1:
return 'Highly Unlikely/Almost Certainly Not'
elif 39 >= confidence_value >= 20:
return 'Unlikely/Probably Not'
elif 59 >= confidence_value >= 40:
return 'Even Chance'
elif 79 >= confidence_value >= 60:
return 'Likely/Probable'
elif 99 >= confidence_value >= 80:
return 'Highly likely/Almost Certain'
elif confidence_value == 100:
return 'Certain'
raise ValueError("Range of values out of bounds: %s" % confidence_value)
def dni_to_value(scale_value):
This method will transform a string value from the DNI scale to its
confidence integer representation.
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
======================================= =====================
DNI Scale STIX Confidence Value
======================================= =====================
Almost No Chance / Remote 5
Very Unlikely / Highly Improbable 15
Unlikely / Improbable 30
Roughly Even Change / Roughly Even Odds 50
Likely / Probable 70
Very Likely / Highly Probable 85
Almost Certain / Nearly Certain 95
======================================= =====================
scale_value: A string value from the scale. Accepted strings are
"Almost No Chance / Remote", "Very Unlikely / Highly Improbable",
"Unlikely / Improbable", "Roughly Even Change / Roughly Even Odds",
"Likely / Probable", "Very Likely / Highly Probable" and
"Almost Certain / Nearly Certain". Argument is case sensitive.
int: The numerical representation corresponding to values in the DNI
ValueError: If `scale_value` is not within the accepted strings.
if scale_value == 'Almost No Chance / Remote':
return 5
elif scale_value == 'Very Unlikely / Highly Improbable':
return 15
elif scale_value == 'Unlikely / Improbable':
return 30
elif scale_value == 'Roughly Even Change / Roughly Even Odds':
return 50
elif scale_value == 'Likely / Probable':
return 70
elif scale_value == 'Very Likely / Highly Probable':
return 85
elif scale_value == 'Almost Certain / Nearly Certain':
return 95
raise ValueError("STIX Confidence value cannot be determined for %s" % scale_value)
def value_to_dni(confidence_value):
This method will transform an integer value into the DNI scale string
The scale for this confidence representation is the following:
=============== =======================================
Range of Values DNI Scale
=============== =======================================
0-9 Almost No Chance / Remote
10-19 Very Unlikely / Highly Improbable
20-39 Unlikely / Improbable
40-59 Roughly Even Change / Roughly Even Odds
60-79 Likely / Probable
80-89 Very Likely / Highly Probable
90-100 Almost Certain / Nearly Certain
=============== =======================================
confidence_value: An integer value between 0 and 100.
str: A string corresponding to the DNI scale.
ValueError: If `confidence_value` is out of bounds.
if 9 >= confidence_value >= 0:
return 'Almost No Chance / Remote'
elif 19 >= confidence_value >= 10:
return 'Very Unlikely / Highly Improbable'
elif 39 >= confidence_value >= 20:
return 'Unlikely / Improbable'
elif 59 >= confidence_value >= 40:
return 'Roughly Even Change / Roughly Even Odds'
elif 79 >= confidence_value >= 60:
return 'Likely / Probable'
elif 89 >= confidence_value >= 80:
return 'Very Likely / Highly Probable'
elif 100 >= confidence_value >= 90:
return 'Almost Certain / Nearly Certain'
raise ValueError("Range of values out of bounds: %s" % confidence_value)