build(deps): bump lief from 0.11.5 to 0.12.1

Bumps [lief]( from 0.11.5 to 0.12.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: lief
  dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
dependabot[bot] 2022-09-20 22:22:02 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7f34774f65
commit 353a6f893c
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 108 additions and 92 deletions

poetry.lock generated
View File

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ python-versions = ">=3.5"
cffi = ">=1.0.0" cffi = ">=1.0.0"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pytest", "sphinx", "furo", "wheel", "pre-commit"] dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "furo", "hypothesis", "pre-commit", "pytest", "sphinx", "wheel"]
docs = ["sphinx", "furo"] docs = ["furo", "sphinx"]
tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pytest"] tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pytest"]
[[package]] [[package]]
@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface", "furo", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "pre-commit"] dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "furo", "hypothesis", "mypy", "pre-commit", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "six", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "zope.interface"]
docs = ["furo", "sphinx", "zope.interface", "sphinx-notfound-page"] docs = ["furo", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "zope.interface"]
tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface"] tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "mypy", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "six", "zope.interface"]
tests_no_zope = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins"] tests_no_zope = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "mypy", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "six"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "babel" name = "babel"
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ optional = true
python-versions = "*" python-versions = "*"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
test = ["hypothesis (==3.55.3)", "flake8 (==3.7.8)"] test = ["flake8 (==3.7.8)", "hypothesis (==3.55.3)"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "compressed-rtf" name = "compressed-rtf"
@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ python-versions = ">=3.6"
cffi = ">=1.12" cffi = ">=1.12"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
docs = ["sphinx (>=1.6.5,!=1.8.0,!=3.1.0,!=3.1.1)", "sphinx-rtd-theme"] docs = ["sphinx (>=1.6.5,!=1.8.0,!=3.1.0,!=3.1.1)", "sphinx_rtd_theme"]
docstest = ["doc8", "pyenchant (>=1.6.11)", "twine (>=1.12.0)", "sphinxcontrib-spelling (>=4.0.1)"] docstest = ["doc8", "pyenchant (>=1.6.11)", "sphinxcontrib-spelling (>=4.0.1)", "twine (>=1.12.0)"]
pep8test = ["black", "flake8", "flake8-import-order", "pep8-naming"] pep8test = ["black", "flake8", "flake8-import-order", "pep8-naming"]
sdist = ["setuptools_rust (>=0.11.4)"] sdist = ["setuptools_rust (>=0.11.4)"]
ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"] ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"]
test = ["pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-subtests", "pytest-xdist", "pretend", "iso8601", "pytz", "hypothesis (>=1.11.4,!=3.79.2)"] test = ["hypothesis (>=1.11.4,!=3.79.2)", "iso8601", "pretend", "pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-subtests", "pytest-xdist", "pytz"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "decorator" name = "decorator"
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
wrapt = ">=1.10,<2" wrapt = ">=1.10,<2"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
dev = ["tox", "bump2version (<1)", "sphinx (<2)", "importlib-metadata (<3)", "importlib-resources (<4)", "configparser (<5)", "sphinxcontrib-websupport (<2)", "zipp (<2)", "PyTest (<5)", "PyTest-Cov (<2.6)", "pytest", "pytest-cov"] dev = ["PyTest", "PyTest (<5)", "PyTest-Cov", "PyTest-Cov (<2.6)", "bump2version (<1)", "configparser (<5)", "importlib-metadata (<3)", "importlib-resources (<4)", "sphinx (<2)", "sphinxcontrib-websupport (<2)", "tox", "zipp (<2)"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "dnspython" name = "dnspython"
@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6" python-versions = ">=3.6"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
trio = ["sniffio (>=1.1)", "trio (>=0.14.0)"] curio = ["curio (>=1.2)", "sniffio (>=1.1)"]
curio = ["sniffio (>=1.1)", "curio (>=1.2)"]
idna = ["idna (>=2.1)"]
doh = ["requests-toolbelt", "requests"]
dnssec = ["cryptography (>=2.6)"] dnssec = ["cryptography (>=2.6)"]
doh = ["requests", "requests-toolbelt"]
idna = ["idna (>=2.1)"]
trio = ["sniffio (>=1.1)", "trio (>=0.14.0)"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "docopt" name = "docopt"
@ -424,9 +424,9 @@ Jinja2 = ">=2.10.1,<3.0"
Werkzeug = ">=0.15,<2.0" Werkzeug = ">=0.15,<2.0"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
dev = ["coverage", "pallets-sphinx-themes", "pytest", "sphinx", "sphinx-issues", "sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet", "tox"]
docs = ["pallets-sphinx-themes", "sphinx", "sphinx-issues", "sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet"]
dotenv = ["python-dotenv"] dotenv = ["python-dotenv"]
docs = ["sphinx-issues", "sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet", "pallets-sphinx-themes", "sphinx"]
dev = ["sphinx-issues", "sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet", "pallets-sphinx-themes", "sphinx", "tox", "coverage", "pytest"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "flask-bootstrap" name = "flask-bootstrap"
@ -449,6 +449,9 @@ category = "main"
optional = false optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5" python-versions = ">=3.5"
setuptools = ">=3.0"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
eventlet = ["eventlet (>=0.24.1)"] eventlet = ["eventlet (>=0.24.1)"]
gevent = ["gevent (>=1.4.0)"] gevent = ["gevent (>=1.4.0)"]
@ -499,9 +502,9 @@ typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.6.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
zipp = ">=0.5" zipp = ">=0.5"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"] docs = ["jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx"]
perf = ["ipython"] perf = ["ipython"]
testing = ["pytest (>=4.6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "packaging", "pep517", "pyfakefs", "flufl.flake8", "pytest-perf (>=0.9.2)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)"] testing = ["flufl.flake8", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)", "packaging", "pep517", "pyfakefs", "pytest (>=4.6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-mypy", "pytest-perf (>=0.9.2)"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "importlib-resources" name = "importlib-resources"
@ -515,8 +518,8 @@ python-versions = ">=3.6"
zipp = {version = ">=3.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""} zipp = {version = ">=3.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""}
[package.extras] [package.extras]
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"] docs = ["jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx"]
testing = ["pytest (>=4.6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy"] testing = ["pytest (>=4.6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-mypy"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "ipykernel" name = "ipykernel"
@ -534,7 +537,7 @@ tornado = ">=4.2"
traitlets = ">=4.1.0" traitlets = ">=4.1.0"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
test = ["pytest (!=5.3.4)", "pytest-cov", "flaky", "nose", "jedi (<=0.17.2)"] test = ["flaky", "jedi (<=0.17.2)", "nose", "pytest (!=5.3.4)", "pytest-cov"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "ipython" name = "ipython"
@ -554,6 +557,7 @@ pexpect = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform != \"win32\""}
pickleshare = "*" pickleshare = "*"
prompt-toolkit = ">=2.0.0,<3.0.0 || >3.0.0,<3.0.1 || >3.0.1,<3.1.0" prompt-toolkit = ">=2.0.0,<3.0.0 || >3.0.0,<3.0.1 || >3.0.1,<3.1.0"
pygments = "*" pygments = "*"
setuptools = ">=18.5"
traitlets = ">=4.2" traitlets = ">=4.2"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
@ -562,10 +566,10 @@ doc = ["Sphinx (>=1.3)"]
kernel = ["ipykernel"] kernel = ["ipykernel"]
nbconvert = ["nbconvert"] nbconvert = ["nbconvert"]
nbformat = ["nbformat"] nbformat = ["nbformat"]
notebook = ["notebook", "ipywidgets"] notebook = ["ipywidgets", "notebook"]
parallel = ["ipyparallel"] parallel = ["ipyparallel"]
qtconsole = ["qtconsole"] qtconsole = ["qtconsole"]
test = ["nose (>=0.10.1)", "requests", "testpath", "pygments", "nbformat", "ipykernel", "numpy (>=1.14)"] test = ["ipykernel", "nbformat", "nose (>=0.10.1)", "numpy (>=1.14)", "pygments", "requests", "testpath"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "ipython-genutils" name = "ipython-genutils"
@ -635,11 +639,12 @@ python-versions = "*"
attrs = ">=17.4.0" attrs = ">=17.4.0"
importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
pyrsistent = ">=0.14.0" pyrsistent = ">=0.14.0"
setuptools = "*"
six = ">=1.11.0" six = ">=1.11.0"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
format = ["idna", "jsonpointer (>1.13)", "rfc3987", "strict-rfc3339", "webcolors"] format = ["idna", "jsonpointer (>1.13)", "rfc3987", "strict-rfc3339", "webcolors"]
format_nongpl = ["idna", "jsonpointer (>1.13)", "webcolors", "rfc3986-validator (>0.1.0)", "rfc3339-validator"] format_nongpl = ["idna", "jsonpointer (>1.13)", "rfc3339-validator", "rfc3986-validator (>0.1.0)", "webcolors"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "jupyter-client" name = "jupyter-client"
@ -659,7 +664,7 @@ traitlets = "*"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
doc = ["sphinx (>=1.3.6)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt"] doc = ["sphinx (>=1.3.6)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt"]
test = ["async-generator", "ipykernel", "ipython", "mock", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-timeout", "pytest", "mypy", "pre-commit", "jedi (<0.18)"] test = ["async-generator", "ipykernel", "ipython", "jedi (<0.18)", "mock", "mypy", "pre-commit", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-timeout"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "jupyter-core" name = "jupyter-core"
@ -688,8 +693,8 @@ notebook = ">=4.3.1"
tornado = "<6.0.0 || >6.0.0,<6.0.1 || >6.0.1,<6.0.2 || >6.0.2" tornado = "<6.0.0 || >6.0.0,<6.0.1 || >6.0.1,<6.0.2 || >6.0.2"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
docs = ["jsx-lexer", "recommonmark", "sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "sphinx-copybutton"] docs = ["jsx-lexer", "recommonmark", "sphinx", "sphinx-copybutton", "sphinx-rtd-theme"]
test = ["pytest", "pytest-check-links", "requests", "wheel", "virtualenv"] test = ["pytest", "pytest-check-links", "requests", "virtualenv", "wheel"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "jupyterlab-server" name = "jupyterlab-server"
@ -707,7 +712,7 @@ notebook = ">=4.2.0"
requests = "*" requests = "*"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
test = ["requests", "pytest"] test = ["pytest", "requests"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "lark-parser" name = "lark-parser"
@ -724,7 +729,7 @@ regex = ["regex"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "lief" name = "lief"
version = "0.11.5" version = "0.12.1"
description = "Library to instrument executable formats" description = "Library to instrument executable formats"
category = "main" category = "main"
optional = true optional = true
@ -814,11 +819,11 @@ testpath = "*"
traitlets = ">=4.2" traitlets = ">=4.2"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
all = ["pytest", "pytest-cov", "ipykernel", "jupyter-client (>=4.2)", "ipywidgets (>=7)", "tornado (>=4.0)", "sphinx (>=1.5.1)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "nbsphinx (>=0.2.12)", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt", "ipython"] all = ["ipykernel", "ipython", "ipywidgets (>=7)", "jupyter-client (>=4.2)", "nbsphinx (>=0.2.12)", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "sphinx (>=1.5.1)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt", "tornado (>=4.0)"]
docs = ["sphinx (>=1.5.1)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "nbsphinx (>=0.2.12)", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt", "ipython", "jupyter-client (>=4.2)"] docs = ["ipython", "jupyter-client (>=4.2)", "nbsphinx (>=0.2.12)", "sphinx (>=1.5.1)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt"]
execute = ["jupyter-client (>=4.2)"] execute = ["jupyter-client (>=4.2)"]
serve = ["tornado (>=4.0)"] serve = ["tornado (>=4.0)"]
test = ["pytest", "pytest-cov", "ipykernel", "jupyter-client (>=4.2)", "ipywidgets (>=7)"] test = ["ipykernel", "ipywidgets (>=7)", "jupyter-client (>=4.2)", "pytest", "pytest-cov"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "nbformat" name = "nbformat"
@ -836,7 +841,7 @@ traitlets = ">=4.1"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
fast = ["fastjsonschema"] fast = ["fastjsonschema"]
test = ["check-manifest", "fastjsonschema", "testpath", "pytest", "pytest-cov"] test = ["check-manifest", "fastjsonschema", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "testpath"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "nest-asyncio" name = "nest-asyncio"
@ -880,9 +885,9 @@ tornado = ">=6.1"
traitlets = ">=4.2.1" traitlets = ">=4.2.1"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
docs = ["sphinx", "nbsphinx", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "myst-parser"] docs = ["myst-parser", "nbsphinx", "sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "sphinxcontrib-github-alt"]
json-logging = ["json-logging"] json-logging = ["json-logging"]
test = ["pytest", "coverage", "requests", "nbval", "selenium", "pytest-cov", "requests-unixsocket"] test = ["coverage", "nbval", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "requests", "requests-unixsocket", "selenium"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "olefile" name = "olefile"
@ -936,7 +941,7 @@ optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
testing = ["pytest (>=3.0.7)", "docopt"] testing = ["docopt", "pytest (>=3.0.7)"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "pcodedmp" name = "pcodedmp"
@ -1078,14 +1083,14 @@ python-dateutil = ">=2.8.1,<3.0.0"
requests = ">=2.25.1,<3.0.0" requests = ">=2.25.1,<3.0.0"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
email = ["extract_msg (>=0.28.7,<0.29.0)", "RTFDE (>=0.0.2,<0.0.3)", "oletools (>=0.56.1,<0.57.0)"] brotli = ["urllib3[brotli] (>=1.26.4,<2.0.0)"]
fileobjects = ["python-magic (>=0.4.22,<0.5.0)", "pydeep (>=0.4,<0.5)", "lief (>=0.11.4,<0.12.0)"] docs = ["recommonmark (>=0.7.1,<0.8.0)", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.12.0,<2.0.0)"]
email = ["RTFDE (>=0.0.2,<0.0.3)", "extract_msg (>=0.28.7,<0.29.0)", "oletools (>=0.56.1,<0.57.0)"]
fileobjects = ["lief (>=0.11.4,<0.12.0)", "pydeep (>=0.4,<0.5)", "python-magic (>=0.4.22,<0.5.0)"]
openioc = ["beautifulsoup4 (>=4.9.3,<5.0.0)"] openioc = ["beautifulsoup4 (>=4.9.3,<5.0.0)"]
virustotal = ["validators (>=0.18.2,<0.19.0)"]
docs = ["sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.12.0,<2.0.0)", "recommonmark (>=0.7.1,<0.8.0)"]
pdfexport = ["reportlab (>=3.5.67,<4.0.0)"] pdfexport = ["reportlab (>=3.5.67,<4.0.0)"]
url = ["pyfaup (>=1.2,<2.0)"] url = ["pyfaup (>=1.2,<2.0)"]
brotli = ["urllib3[brotli] (>=1.26.4,<2.0.0)"] virustotal = ["validators (>=0.18.2,<0.19.0)"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "pyparsing" name = "pyparsing"
@ -1232,8 +1237,8 @@ lark-parser = ">=0.11"
oletools = ">=0.56" oletools = ">=0.56"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
msg_parse = ["extract-msg (>=0.27)"]
dev = ["lxml (>=4.6)"] dev = ["lxml (>=4.6)"]
msg_parse = ["extract-msg (>=0.27)"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "send2trash" name = "send2trash"
@ -1244,9 +1249,21 @@ optional = false
python-versions = "*" python-versions = "*"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
nativelib = ["pyobjc-framework-Cocoa", "pywin32"]
objc = ["pyobjc-framework-Cocoa"]
win32 = ["pywin32"] win32 = ["pywin32"]
objc = ["pyobjc-framework-cocoa"]
nativelib = ["pywin32", "pyobjc-framework-cocoa"] [[package]]
name = "setuptools"
version = "59.6.0"
description = "Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "pygments-github-lexers (==0.0.5)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx", "sphinx-inline-tabs", "sphinxcontrib-towncrier"]
testing = ["flake8-2020", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "mock", "paver", "pip (>=19.1)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-mypy", "pytest-virtualenv (>=1.2.7)", "pytest-xdist", "sphinx", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "six" name = "six"
@ -1290,6 +1307,7 @@ Jinja2 = ">=2.3"
packaging = "*" packaging = "*"
Pygments = ">=2.0" Pygments = ">=2.0"
requests = ">=2.5.0" requests = ">=2.5.0"
setuptools = "*"
snowballstemmer = ">=1.1" snowballstemmer = ">=1.1"
sphinxcontrib-applehelp = "*" sphinxcontrib-applehelp = "*"
sphinxcontrib-devhelp = "*" sphinxcontrib-devhelp = "*"
@ -1300,8 +1318,8 @@ sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml = ">=1.1.5"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
docs = ["sphinxcontrib-websupport"] docs = ["sphinxcontrib-websupport"]
lint = ["flake8 (>=3.5.0)", "isort", "mypy (>=0.900)", "docutils-stubs", "types-typed-ast", "types-pkg-resources", "types-requests"] lint = ["docutils-stubs", "flake8 (>=3.5.0)", "isort", "mypy (>=0.900)", "types-pkg-resources", "types-requests", "types-typed-ast"]
test = ["pytest", "pytest-cov", "html5lib", "cython", "typed-ast"] test = ["cython", "html5lib", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "typed-ast"]
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "sphinx-autodoc-typehints" name = "sphinx-autodoc-typehints"
@ -1315,7 +1333,7 @@ python-versions = ">=3.6"
Sphinx = ">=3.0" Sphinx = ">=3.0"
[package.extras] [package.extras]
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View File

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