# mail_to_misp Connect your mail client to [MISP](https://github.com/MISP/MISP) in order to create events based on the information contained within mails. For the moment, the implemented workflow is: 1. `Email -> Apple Mail -> Mail rule -> AppleScript -> python script -> PyMISP -> MISP` Thunderbird will be targeted soon. ## Features - Extraction of URLs and IP addresses (and port numbers) from free text emails - Extraction of hostnames from URLs - DNS expansion - Custom filter list for lines containing specific words - Subject filters - Respecting TLP classification mentioned in free text (including optional spelling robustness) - Refanging of URLs ('hxxp://...') - Add tags automatically based on key words (configurable) - Add tags automatically depending on the presence of other tags (configurable) - Ignore 'whitelisted' domains (configurable) - Automatically create 'external analysis' links based on filter list (e.g. VirusTotal, malwr.com) ## Requirements mail_to_misp requires access to a MISP instance (via API).