The same code of conduct applies to this book as for the main MISP project.
As a book can some times be considered the inadvertent sould of a piece of software, please take good care and consideration of our `Code of Conduct`. The CoC [can be read here](
## Example install
The examples and screenshots provided in this book have been created with the MISP Autogenerated VM.
To get a copy of the latest VM [click here](
## MISP Instance
In general when talking about a network of inter-connected MISP servers, each server is a MISP instance. Whilst we have no strong feelings towards anyones naming schemes, as a rule of thumb try to have a scheme that makes everyday use easy when analysts need to talk about remote MISP instances.
ToDo: Be more specific give some naming convention examples.
The hostname used for the instance in this book is `misp.local` and we will henceforth refer to it either by name or as `local MISP instance`.