chg: [doc] FAQ update (#179)

chg: [doc] FAQ update
Steve Clement 2019-12-18 16:18:37 +09:00 committed by GitHub
commit 36fd81d257
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 362 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2,13 +2,305 @@
# Frequently Asked Questions # Frequently Asked Questions
The following page hosts most frequently asked questions as seen on our [issues]( and [gitter]( The following page hosts some frequently asked questions as noticed in our [issues]( and [gitter]( channels.
## Usage ***
## General questions
### Where can I get support?
If you have feature requests or you found a bug you can open a ticket on [MISP's GitHub repository issue]( tracker.
If you want to discuss something related to MISP or want help from the MISP community, join the appropriate MISP Gitter channel:
- [MISP Developer Room]( Dev discussions
- [MISP Support Room]( OMGoo! My MISP doesn't work discussions
- [MISP Sharing Room]( Threat Intelligence Sharing discussions
- [misp-cloud Room]( Using MISP in the clouds discussions
### What are the hardware requirements?
From a hardware perspective, MISP's requirements are quite humble, a web server with 2+ cores and 8-16 GB of memory should be plenty, though more is always better of course. A lot of it depends on the data set and the number of users you are dealing with.
We recommend a standard LAMP stack on top of Ubuntu >18.04 LTS. For details on the exact dependencies please refer to the [installation guide]( as well as the [requirements for the MISP modules](
During a [Hackathon]( a small tool called [MISP-Sizer]( was conceived. It will give you a **very rough** idea on what requirements are if you have a bigger installation. [source-code is here](
## Specific questions
### Can I configure MISP encrypted notification emails to contain more information in the subject?
The setting 'MISP.extended_alert_subject' allows you to have an extended subject. /!\ Beware if youre using encryption: the subject will not be encrypted. Be aware that you might leak some sensitive information this way. Below is an example how the two subject types look like. First with the option disabled, then with the option enabled.
Event 7 - Low - TLP Amber
Event 8 - OSINT - Dissecting XXX... - Low - TLP Amber
(Source: [Getting started with MISP](
### How can I restart the workers?
The workers can be restarted from the web interface:
administration -> server settings -> workers -> restart all
You can also follow the manual process below.
If you are on Ubuntu / Debian based systems:
sudo su -l www-data -s /bin/bash -c "bash /var/www/MISP/app/Console/worker/"
If you are on RHEL / Fedora based systems:
su -s /bin/bash apache -c 'bash /var/www/MISP/app/Console/worker/'
### How can I redirect HTTP to HTTPs?
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin misp@misp.misp
ServerName misp.misp.misp
ServerAlias misp-int.misp.misp
Redirect permanent / https://misp.misp.misp
LogLevel warn
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_access.log combined
ServerSignature Off
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin misp@misp.misp
ServerName misp.misp.misp
ServerAlias misp-int.misp.misp
DocumentRoot /var/www/MISP/app/webroot
<Directory /var/www/MISP/app/webroot>
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
allow from all
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/misp.misp.misp/misp.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/misp.misp.misp/misp.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/misp.misp.misp/mispCA.crt
LogLevel warn
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_access.log combined
ServerSignature Off
Source: [Getting started with MISP](
### When I try to access my new installation, I am redirected to localhost:8443 and get an error.
By default, MISP runs on a local instance and is setup for local access upon installation. This allows you to setup security and customizations before making it available elsewhere. If you would like to access the MISP instance from a remote host (including another VM host/client), assign an IP to the MISP host and point your browser accordingly. Upon login, you may get the “localhost:8443” redirection. Change that piece of the URL back to the IP assigned to the MISP host (or associated DNS name) and refresh the browser. Once in, go to Administration - Server Settings and Maintenance - MISP settings. You can change the top two items to your MISP IP or DNS name and the redirect will start using that address instead of 'localhost'.
### How can I define the default sharing level?
MISP allows you to define the group of people with whom you want to share your threat data. If you do not set it to your preferred default then its likely that at one given moment youll make an error and share your intel with the wrong group. Defining the sharing level is done with the setting default_event_distribution in the configuration file. There are three levels:
0 : Your organisation only (default)
1 : This community only
2 : Connected communities
3 : All communities
You can set a similar configuration setting for the attributes. The setting default_attribute_distribution has the same values as default_event_distribution. Additionally it has the value event which allows the attribute to get the setting from the event to which it belongs.
Source: [Getting started with MISP](
### How can I add an organisation logo and/or foter logo?
MISP can be made more appealing to the eye by adding some graphics.
As Org.- or Site-admin navigate to *Administration* -> *List organisations* and edit the corresponding organization.
Withing this editor you will be able to update the logo.
Other ways to achieve this, would be:
Set your organisation logo by adding an image (.png) that has the same name as your organisation in the directory */var/www/MISP/app/webroot/img/orgs/*.
Yet another way of doing this is by logging into your MISP instance with Admin rights, navigate to *Administration* -> *Server Settings*, tab -> *Manage files*.
You can add a footer logo. Add an image to the directory */var/www/MISP/app/webroot/img/custom/* and define the footer logo in the config file (config.php) or in *Adminitration* -> *Server Settings...* -> *MISP settings* (search for: "footer_logo") point to the location on-disk of the image.
Partial source: [Getting started with MISP](
### All workers are starting correctly except _schdlr_ . How can I fix this?
This can happen if the [FQDN]( of the server hosting the instance has changed. A way to fix this is to flush temporary data stored in redis. This can be done by logging in redis, for example when logging in with redis-cli, and issuing a _*flushall*_ command.
### How can I import data directly from PDF reports?
/!\ This section needs review, verification and eventual amendments to make sure it works.
You can use a generic script called IOC parser ( or use a script published by Palo Alto to convert IOC parser output to a MISP event ( You have also the option to select all the text and paste it in the free-text import form.
Another option is the new [OCR import module]( that can be used via the import modules. You will need to install the OCR software tesseract.
### I am having trouble updating beyond version 2.4.50 (stuck loading any page beyond the login), what can I do?
/!\ This applies to an earlier version of MISP, do not randomly try this fix on valuable data. By all means try it on a test-machine and report back if your problem was solved by this.
This is most likely due to the fact that MISP did not clean up expired sessions prior to version 2.4.51 automatically and relied on a site-admin occasionally cleaning it up using the button found on the diagnostics page. Once you upgrade to 2.4.51, MISP will try to cull the table with each page load by a site-admin, which in some cases if the table has grown to extreme sizes it will get stuck on. To resolve the issue, log into mysql:
`mysql -u [misp-db-user-name] -p [misp-db-name];`
and execute the following commands:
DROP cake_sessions;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cake_sessions` (
`id` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`data` text COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
`expires` int(11) NOT NULL,
INDEX `expires` (`expires`)
After this everything should work and the session table will be trimmed each time a site-admin loads a page.
### I have many failed jobs when doing email notification. What should I do?
This is most probably due to some encryption failing for some users. We strongly advise to review the current
PGP keys and to ensure that they keys are not expired or perhaps not supported anymore (weak keys). The keys can be reviewed at the following
location in MISP:
https://<YOUR MISP URL>/users/verifyGPG
### Upgrading from MISP 2.4.65 to MISP 2.4.66 - Unable to merge due to the Composer file.
In MISP 2.4.66, Composer is included by default to avoid the risk of downloading a rogue PHP Composer version (if the composer repository is compromised or MiTM are performed) via the download and php execution. But when upgrading (via a git pull), the git merge process might complain about the composer phar file still being there. You can safely remove that file and `git pull origin 2.4` again.
### I have issues with pushing events
- What does the 'Connection test' for the specific server report? (*Sync Actions* -> *List Servers*)
- Is the event you assume to push/pull ready to be published?
- Is the distribution level set not too restrictive?
- Have you enabled push in the servers config you want to push to?
- Do you have any limitations to the push rules e.g. limited to a certain TLP Level tag or other?
- What is written in your job log?
https://<YOUR MISP URL>/jobs/index
Have a look at: /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs and /var/log/apache2/misp (or the relevant apache log folder of the instance in cause)
### I have many users or API accesses, what's the best PHP session handler?
We strongly recommend production-level MISP installations to rely on PHP session in Redis. As Redis is already part
of a standard MISP setup, we recommend to enable the redis session handling.
To configure the redis session handling in PHP, edit :
session.save_handler = redis
session.save_path = "tcp://
### Is there TAXII support?
A TAXII 1 implementation can be found at .
This is mostly a TAXII server hooked up to MISP, meant to receive STIX files to its in box and uploading them to MISP.
There is also an experimental feature to push MISP events to the TAXII server when they're published - that's in `scripts/`. It seems to work, but may occasionally re-upload duplicate events to MISP.
TAXII 2 is provided in the future once the specification, which is at time of writing in draft, reaches a stable form.
### Wipe MISP data - Remove all data
If you need to start from scratch with your MISP database and remove all data you can use the [`misp-wipe`]( script provided in the `tools/` folder.
### Constantly acknowledging my self-signed certificate drives me nuts
You want to add it in 2 places: Your browser(s) and your OS.
The following steps can be performed on the CLI to install the Certificate:
sudo mkdir -m 0755 /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/MISP
sudo cp /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/MISP
sudo chmod 0644 /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/MISP/misp.local.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates
For the Chrome Browser:
1. Visit: "Advanced Settings" -> chrome://settings/?search=Manage+certificates
2. Scroll down to: Manage Certificates (click)
3. Select: "Authorities"
4. Click: "Import"
5. Browse to your .crt file and import it.
6. On the next screen tick: "Trust this certificate for identifying websites"
7. Done, enjoy the new gained quality of life
Note: Chrome might expect a [Subject Alternative Name]( make sure you created your certificate with '-extension san'.
To allow insecure localhost connections enable this option: chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost
Sources: [CLI]( and [Chrome]([Chrome insecure localhost](
[For the Firefox Browser](
### How can I change the theme?
MISP uses [bootstrap.css]( the specific CSS file can be found on a typical MISP install at `/var/www/MISP/app/webroot/css/bootstrap.css`.
You can customize this for your own needs. There are also pre-made boostrap themes which you can use as-is or build upon.
Before making any changes, confirm the version of boostrap currenlty used by running `head -5 /var/www/MISP/app/webroot/css/bootstrap.css`. You can find themes on sites like [Bootswatch](
To replace the current theme with a theme you found on bootsplash, run: `wget -O /var/www/MISP/app/webroot/css/bootstrap.css` , replacing the URL as needed.
Some bootswatch themes applied on MISP:
### How can I deal with a MISP instance that has pulled in feeds over and over into new events, generating hundreds of GBs of junk correlations, rendering the instance unusable?
*Step 1:* ensure that all your CSV/freetext source_format feeds are using the fixed event setting. If you want to make sure this is the case, you can run this SQL query instead of doing it manually:
UPDATE feeds SET fixed_event = 1 WHERE source_format="csv" OR source_format="freetext";
*Step 2:* purge all of your correlations (this will make the next steps much faster), for which you have two methods at your disposal:
- either go to your administration -> server settings -> MISP tab and set `MISP.completely_disable_correlation` to true
- via MYSQL run `TRUNCATE correlations;`
*Step 3:* purge all of your feed data that have been pulled into multiple events. The easiest way of doing this: check which feeds are enabled (ignore misp source format feeds, they are not causing issues) and note down the IDs. Afterwards, use the CLI cleanup tool to remove all the feed events:
`/var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake Admin purgeFeedEvents [user_id] [feed_id]`
Execute this for each feed that you had enabled, replacing user_id with your admin user's ID and feed_id with the individual feed IDs on your list.
*Step 4:* recorrelate your data, depending on which method you've used in *Step 2* you have two options:
- either go to your *Administration* -> *Server Settings...* -> *MISP...* tab and set `MISP.completely_disable_correlation` to *false*
- recorrelate your current data-set via the recorrelate attributes tool on `/pages/display/administration`
### I can no longer log in. How do I reset the admin password?
You can reset the password via the console.
See [Issue #1160](
`/var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake Password [email] [password]`
## Usage questions
### How can I see all the deleted events in a MISP instance? ### How can I see all the deleted events in a MISP instance?
You can use the logging system for this, to see all deleted events, simply go to audit actions -> search logs and use the following parameters: You can use the logging system for this, to see all deleted events, simply go to *Audit* -> *Search Logs* and use the following parameters:
~~~~ ~~~~
model: Event model: Event
@ -67,7 +359,7 @@ There are a plethora of issues that might arise when using SELinux when it comes
First, please familiarize yourself with [the basics]( of SELinux. First, please familiarize yourself with [the basics]( of SELinux.
For file system permissions, refer to the [install guide]( first. For file system permissions, refer to the [install guide]( first.
Another way to see what SELinux might not be happy about is to use **ausearch**. This assumes Audit is enabled. Another way to see what SELinux might not be happy about is to use **ausearch**. This assumes Audit is enabled.
@ -131,7 +423,7 @@ To run sealert from the command-line, we need to point it to the SELinux audit l
sudo sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log sudo sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log
``` ```
#### Clearing the audit logs ### Clearing the audit logs
It is not recommended to clear the audit logs as they might contain information needed in the future for troubleshooting or security investigations. However, if that is not the case, just empty the audit log: It is not recommended to clear the audit logs as they might contain information needed in the future for troubleshooting or security investigations. However, if that is not the case, just empty the audit log:
@ -156,6 +448,68 @@ This means that the main repository has an update available.
If you want to play it safer or want to integrate it in your Weekly/Bi-Monthly update routine you can track our [Changelog]( a more up to date version is available [here]( If you want to play it safer or want to integrate it in your Weekly/Bi-Monthly update routine you can track our [Changelog]( a more up to date version is available [here](
Further on we do regular tagged releases. (Approximately once per month.)
The releases happen either if a milestone has been hit for a certain feature/improvement/fix or for any security related matters.
Thus you have the choice of either tracking 2.4 which is on a rolling release schedule, or track the tagged releases.
### How to switch from tagged releases and back?
This can be achieved with the following git commands:
$ cd /var/www/MISP # aka. $PATH_TO_MISP
$ sudo -H -u www-data git checkout tags/$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
## OS Upgrades
In theory all should "just work"(tm), but in practice the following dependencies might make your install unstable and need a little though before just doing the updates.
* php/pear
* python
* apache
* init scheme/scripts
* mariadb/mysql
* redis
* git
### PHP
This is probably the most likely one that might get you into trouble.
The following happened on a Debian Testing lately. During the upgrade php got upgraded to php-7.3 and seemingly some php-7.2 dependencies were deinstalled and the system now had 2 concurrent versions of php installed.
The fix was to remove any *libapache2-mod-php7.2* packages and make sure that *apt remove libapache2-mod-php7.3* was installed. Most certainly you need to add symbolic links to */etc/apache2/mods-enabled* to make php7.3 work.
Then double check if all the php dependencies are install, refer to the install documents.
The same for pear, where we mostly use 2 (bundled) packages: Console Command Line, Crypt GPG.
If you upgrade from a very old and out of date version of MISP this might raise issues.
php.ini might also become problematic if you just erase the recommended defaults.
### Python3
If you use python2 for MISP, please read the install docs about MISP being Python 3 only.
Currently Python3.6 is minimum. It is known working on 3.7 with some minor difficulties (see PyMISP issues).
The biggest issue is certainly with PyMISP doig unexpected things when python might be updated.
Using a virtualenv, whilst not always ideal for all setups, will at least make sure that problems are contained a little more.
### Apache
Mostly config issues might be a show stopper. And major version updates where some underlying config might need to be changed.
### init/systemd
MISP launches a couple of things on boot. Changing what handles boot behavious might have an impact.
### MariaDB/MySQL/redis
Similar to apache, most importantly always take good care that the DB engine is not all of a sudden changed without you noticing it.
From minor to major updates, rarely things might need to be adapted.
### git
Currently (as of v2.4.108) the git-cli command is used in MISP core. In very rare cases where the expected output changes, this might be an issue.
Included here more as an FYI then anything else.
## Hardening ## Hardening
### How do I harden my MISP instance? ### How do I harden my MISP instance?
@ -177,7 +531,7 @@ Other related MISP Settings
Optional MISP.maintenance_message Great things are happening! MISP is undergoing maintenance, but will return shortly. You can contact the administration at $email or call CIRCL. The message that users will see if the instance is not live. Optional MISP.maintenance_message Great things are happening! MISP is undergoing maintenance, but will return shortly. You can contact the administration at $email or call CIRCL. The message that users will see if the instance is not live.
Critical true Unless set to true, the instance will only be accessible by site admins. Critical true Unless set to true, the instance will only be accessible by site-admins.
## Update MISP fails ## Update MISP fails
@ -312,9 +666,9 @@ Now, I only have Org Admin.
You have several options: You have several options:
1. Delete the org admin. MISP automatically creates a new default site admin user if no users are found in the db (mysql: truncate users;) 1. Delete the org admin. MISP automatically creates a new default site-admin user if no users are found in the db (mysql: truncate users;)
2. Upgrade a user to a site admin, such as an org admin user: 2. Upgrade a user to a site-admin, such as an org admin user:
``` ```
SELECT id, email from users; SELECT id, email from users;
``` ```