Install notes ============= :warning: Make sure to be in the *misp-book* repository directory for the *npm magic*. Also: The *npm* plugin *autocover* is broken. It pulls an incompatible *canvas* module version. Thus patched repository used (forked from original) Tested on: *Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS* ```bash curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs sudo apt-get install -y build-essential sudo apt install -y npm pkg-config libcairo2-dev npm install gitbook git+ gitbook-plugin-github gitbook-plugin-toc gitbook-plugin-anchors sudo npm install gitbook-cli -g gitbook install ``` Usage ===== If you want to generate the PDF output (you need to have Calibre installed): ```bash $ time gitbook pdf info: 13 plugins are installed info: 12 explicitly listed info: loading plugin "autocover"... OK info: loading plugin "github"... OK info: loading plugin "toc"... OK info: loading plugin "anchors"... OK info: loading plugin "alerts"... OK info: loading plugin "advanced-emoji"... OK info: loading plugin "highlight"... OK info: loading plugin "search"... OK info: loading plugin "lunr"... OK info: loading plugin "sharing"... OK info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK info: found 23 pages info: found 201 asset files warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead info: >> generation finished with success in 58.8s ! info: >> 1 file(s) generated gitbook pdf 47.51s user 2.51s system 81% cpu 1:01.21 total ``` on macOS (ebook-convert is not in path): ```bash $ PATH=$PATH:/Applications/ ; gitbook pdf ``` and if you want to want to serve the HTML pages on ```bash $ time gitbook serve Live reload server started on port: 35729 Press CTRL+C to quit ... info: 13 plugins are installed info: loading plugin "autocover"... OK info: loading plugin "github"... OK info: loading plugin "toc"... OK info: loading plugin "anchors"... OK info: loading plugin "alerts"... OK info: loading plugin "advanced-emoji"... OK info: loading plugin "livereload"... OK info: loading plugin "highlight"... OK info: loading plugin "search"... OK info: loading plugin "lunr"... OK info: loading plugin "sharing"... OK info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK info: found 23 pages info: found 201 asset files warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead info: >> generation finished with success in 42.1s ! Starting server ... Serving book on http://localhost:4000 ^C gitbook serve 37.61s user 3.75s system 52% cpu 1:19.15 total ``` :warning: It can take up to 60 seconds for the entire *misp-book* to be generated before the content is available on port 4000. Please be patient ;) macOS Notes =========== canvas needs to be compiled and needs the following dependencies: ``` xcode-select --install # If you have homebrew not installed yet: ## /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" # For the more adventureous you can install a cask of calibre which gives you access to *ebook-convert* ## brew cask install calibre brew install pkg-config cairo pango libpng jpeg giflib ``` :warning: Make sure to be in the *misp-book* repository directory for the npm magic. Installing gitbook and all dependencies wants to look like this (Tested on *macOS 11.13.3*): ```bash npm install gitbook git+ gitbook-plugin-github gitbook-plugin-toc gitbook-plugin-anchors npm install gitbook-cli -g gitbook install ``` npm salvage =========== In case something with npm breaks, this brings you back to a sane default. We still assume we are in the *misp-book* repository working directory. ```bash rm -rf node_modules rm package-lock.json rm -rf ~/.gitbook sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/gitbook-cli ```