# Screenshots

## Login


## Home

Actions: **Profile View** (Menubar) and **New Sync** (Floating Action Button)

![Home (Empty)](./screenshots/mispbump-home-0.png)

## Profile
Organisation information loaded automatically from your MISP instance

Actions: **Delete and logout** (Menubar) and **Update Info** (Floating Action Button)


## Sync

Core functionality of MISPbump.

**First Step:** Exchange keys to derive a shared secret


**Second Step:** Exchange encrypted sync information


## Sync information

After a successfull exchange an entry for this organisation will appear.

Actions: **Delete Sync information** (Menubar) and **Upload** (Floating Action Button in settings tab)

**Credentials:** With these credentials you will be able to log in on the other MISP instance (SyncUser)


**Settings:** These are typical settings which are also available from the MISP web interface.


## Upload

Shows the status of the upload to your MISP instance.
If errors occure they will be displayed and the user can restart the process.


## Home with successfull sync

![Home (Synced)](./screenshots/mispbump-home.png)

# What does this app?
1. Exchange public keys to make following communication private (via QR code)
    + Diffie Hellman key exchange
2. Exchange encrypted information needed to sync two MISP instances
3. Upload information to MISP instance.

# MISPBump
![Alt text](./poster/mispbump.png)