- After some buggering about, I think this will now finally work

- bash -c wants to have positional parmeters, anything else is wrong,
    man bash: If the -c option is present, then commands are read from string.  If  there  are  arguments after the string, they are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.
Steve Clement 2018-04-02 14:13:46 +09:00
parent 0426b07a58
commit 03f2da36eb
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ RED="\\033[1;31m"
# Getting CWD where bash script resides
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
if [ -e "${DIR}/DASHENV/bin/python" ]; then
echo "dashboard virtualenv seems to exist, good"
echo "Please make sure you have a dashboard environment, au revoir"
exit 1
@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ screen -dmS "$screenName"
sleep 0.1
if [ "${check_redis_port}" == "1" ]; then
echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching Redis servers"$DEFAULT
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "redis-server" bash -c $redis_dir'redis-server '$conf_dir'6250.conf && echo "Started Redis" ; read x'
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "redis-server" bash -c '${0}redis-server ${1}6250.conf && echo "Started Redis" ; read x' ${redis_dir} ${conf_dir}
echo -e $RED"\t* NOT starting Redis server, made a very unrealiable check on port 6250, and something seems to be there… please double check if this is good!"$DEFAULT
echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching zmq subscriber"$DEFAULT
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "zmq-subscriber" bash -c 'echo "Starting zmq-subscriber" ; ${ENV_PY} ${DIR}/zmq_subscriber.py; read x'
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "zmq-subscriber" bash -c 'echo "Starting zmq-subscriber" ; ${0} ${1}'/zmq_subscriber.py; read x' ${ENV_PY} ${DIR}
echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching zmq dispatcher"$DEFAULT
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "zmq-dispatcher" bash -c 'echo "Starting zmq-dispatcher"; ${ENV_PY} ${DIR}/zmq_dispatcher.py; read x'
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "zmq-dispatcher" bash -c 'echo "Starting zmq-dispatcher"; ${0} ${1}/zmq_dispatcher.py; read x' ${ENV_PY} ${DIR}
echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching flask server"$DEFAULT
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "flask" bash -c 'echo "Starting Flask Server"; ${ENV_PY} ${DIR}/server.py; read x'
screen -S "$screenName" -X screen -t "flask" bash -c 'echo "Starting Flask Server"; ${0} ${1}/server.py; read x' ${ENV_PY} ${DIR}