mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-dashboard
Link of color between piechart and linechart
@ -107,11 +107,10 @@ function legendFormatter(label, series) {
function generateEmptyAndFillData(data, specificLabel) {
function generateEmptyAndFillData(data, specificLabel, colorMapping) {
// formating - Generate empty data
var toPlot_obj = {};
var allDates = [];
var itemMapping = {};
for (var arr of data) {
var date = new Date(arr[0]*1000);
date = new Date(date.valueOf() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); // center the data around the day
@ -121,7 +120,6 @@ function generateEmptyAndFillData(data, specificLabel) {
for(var item_arr of items) {
var count = item_arr[1];
var itemStr = JSON.stringify(item_arr[0]);
itemMapping[itemStr] = item_arr[0];
if (specificLabel === undefined || specificLabel == itemStr) {
if(toPlot_obj[itemStr] === undefined)
toPlot_obj[itemStr] = {};
@ -141,7 +139,16 @@ function generateEmptyAndFillData(data, specificLabel) {
data_toPlot.push([curDate, 0])
toPlot.push({label: itemStr, data: data_toPlot, color: itemMapping[itemStr].colour})
if (colorMapping === undefined) { // is a discussion
toPlot.push({label: itemStr, data: data_toPlot})
} else {
try {
var color = colorMapping[itemStr].colour;
toPlot.push({label: itemStr, data: data_toPlot, color: color})
} catch(err) {
// ignore, only shows data displayed in the pie chart
return toPlot;
@ -156,10 +163,12 @@ function compareObj(a,b) {
function updatePie(pie, line, data) {
// return the color maping: label->color
function updatePie(pie, line, data, url) {
var pieID = pie[0];
var pieWidget = pie[1];
var itemMapping = {};
var colorMapping = {};
if (data === undefined || data.length == 0 || (data[0] == 0 && data[1] == 0)) {
toPlot = [{ label: 'No data', data: 100 }];
} else {
@ -182,7 +191,9 @@ function updatePie(pie, line, data) {
toPlot = [];
for (var itemStr in toPlot_obj) {
if (toPlot_obj.hasOwnProperty(itemStr)) {
toPlot.push({label: itemStr, data: toPlot_obj[itemStr], color: itemMapping[itemStr].colour})
var itemColor = itemMapping[itemStr].colour
colorMapping[itemStr] = itemColor;
toPlot.push({label: itemStr, data: toPlot_obj[itemStr], color: itemColor})
@ -193,6 +204,10 @@ function updatePie(pie, line, data) {
// fill colorMapping
for (item of pieWidget.getData()) {
colorMapping[item.label] = {colour: item.color};
} else {
pieWidget = $.plot(pieID, toPlot, pieChartOption);
@ -209,16 +224,22 @@ function updatePie(pie, line, data) {
// Click
$(pieID).bind("plotclick", function(event, pos, obj) {
if (!obj) { return; }
updateLine(line, data, undefined, obj.series.label)
var specificLabel = obj.series.label;
colorMapping[specificLabel] = {};
colorMapping[specificLabel] = { colour: obj.series.color };
updateLineForLabel(line, specificLabel, colorMapping, url);
for (item of pieWidget.getData()) {
colorMapping[item.label] = {colour: item.color};
return colorMapping;
function updateLine(line, data, chartOptions, specificLabel) {
function updateLine(line, data, chartOptions, specificLabel, colorMapping) {
lineID = line[0];
lineWidget = line[1];
toPlot = generateEmptyAndFillData(data, specificLabel);
toPlot = generateEmptyAndFillData(data, specificLabel, colorMapping);
// plot
if (!(lineWidget === undefined)) {
@ -276,16 +297,17 @@ function updateSignthingsChart() {
function updateLineForLabel(line, specificLabel) {
function updateLineForLabel(line, specificLabel, colorMapping, url) {
$.getJSON( url+"?dateS="+parseInt(dateStart.getTime()/1000)+"&dateE="+parseInt(dateEnd.getTime()/1000), function( data ) {
updateLine(line, data, undefined, specificLabel);
updateLine(line, data, undefined, specificLabel, colorMapping);
function updatePieLine(pie, line, url) {
$.getJSON( url+"?dateS="+parseInt(dateStart.getTime()/1000)+"&dateE="+parseInt(dateEnd.getTime()/1000), function( data ) {
updatePie(pie, line, data);
updateLine(line, data);
var colorMapping = updatePie(pie, line, data, url);
updateLine(line, data, undefined, undefined, colorMapping);
Reference in New Issue