update: Changed trophy rewward system. Deliver trophy to the TOP x% defined in the config file. Also, added more info in the trophy modal

Sami Mokaddem 2017-11-24 15:09:34 +01:00
parent 627b4ed5ff
commit 352d160090
4 changed files with 83 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ regularlyDays=7
5=Has published loads of valuable content for the community
#represent the % of org that can have this rank. Rank 1 is ignored as only 1 org can have it.
trophyMapping=[2, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10]
0=No trophy

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Contributor_helper:
for badgeNum in range(1, self.honorBadgeNum+1): #get Num of honorBadge
self.org_honor_badge_title[badgeNum] = self.cfg_org_rank.get('HonorBadge', str(badgeNum))
self.trophyDifficulty = self.cfg_org_rank.getfloat('TrophyDifficulty', 'difficulty')
self.trophyMapping = json.loads(self.cfg_org_rank.get('TrophyDifficulty', 'trophyMapping'))
self.trophyNum = len(self.cfg_org_rank.options('HonorTrophy'))-1 #0 is not a trophy
self.categories_in_trophy = json.loads(self.cfg_org_rank.get('HonorTrophyCateg', 'categ'))
self.trophy_title = {}
@ -264,25 +264,58 @@ class Contributor_helper:
''' TROPHIES '''
def getOrgTrophies(self, org):
keyname = 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:{org}:{orgCateg}'
keyname = 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:{orgCateg}'
trophy = []
for categ in self.categories_in_trophy:
key = keyname.format(org=org, orgCateg=categ)
trophy_Pnts = self.serv_redis_db.get(key)
if trophy_Pnts is not None: #existing
trophy_Pnts = float(trophy_Pnts.decode('utf8'))
trophy_rank = self.getRankTrophy(trophy_Pnts)
trophy_true_rank = self.getTrueRankTrophy(trophy_Pnts)
trophy.append({ 'categ': categ, 'trophy_points': trophy_Pnts, 'trophy_rank': trophy_rank, 'trophy_true_rank': trophy_true_rank, 'trophy_title': self.trophy_title[trophy_true_rank]})
key = keyname.format(orgCateg=categ)
totNum = self.serv_redis_db.zcard(key)
if totNum == 0:
pos = self.serv_redis_db.zrank(key, org)
if pos is None:
trophy_rank = self.posToRankMapping(pos, totNum)
trophy_Pnts = self.serv_redis_db.zscore(key, org)
trophy.append({ 'categ': categ, 'trophy_points': trophy_Pnts, 'trophy_rank': trophy_rank, 'trophy_true_rank': trophy_rank, 'trophy_title': self.trophy_title[trophy_rank]})
return trophy
def getOrgsTrophyRanking(self, categ):
keyname = 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:{orgCateg}'
res = self.serv_redis_db.zrange(keyname.format(orgCateg=categ), 0, -1, withscores=True, desc=True)
res = [[org.decode('utf8'), score] for org, score in res]
return res
def getAllOrgsTrophyRanking(self):
dico_categ = {}
for categ in self.categories_in_trophy:
res = self.getOrgsTrophyRanking(categ)
dico_categ[categ] = res
def posToRankMapping(self, pos, totNum):
mapping = self.trophyMapping
mapping_num = [math.ceil(float(float(totNum*i)/float(100))) for i in mapping]
# print(pos, totNum)
if pos == 0: #first
position = 1
temp_pos = pos
counter = 1
for num in mapping_num:
if temp_pos < num:
position = counter
temp_pos -= num
counter += 1
return self.trophyNum+1 - position
def giveTrophyPointsToOrg(self, org, categ, points):
keyname = 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:{org}:{orgCateg}'
self.serv_redis_db.incrby(keyname.format(org=org, orgCateg=categ), points)
keyname = 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:{orgCateg}'
self.serv_redis_db.zincrby(keyname.format(orgCateg=categ), org, points)
def removeTrophyPointsFromOrg(self, org, categ, points):
keyname = 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:{org}:{orgCateg}'
self.serv_redis_db.incrby(keyname.format(org=org, orgCateg=categ), -points)
keyname = 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:{orgCateg}'
self.serv_redis_db.zincrby(keyname.format(orgCateg=categ), org, -points)
def getLastAwardsFromRedis(self):
@ -469,19 +502,6 @@ class Contributor_helper:
prev = i
return { 'remainingPts': 0, 'stepPts': self.rankMultiplier**self.levelMax }
def getRankTrophy(self, points):
if points <= 0:
return 0
elif points == 1:
return 1
rank = math.sqrt(points/self.trophyDifficulty)
rank = min(self.trophyNum, rank)
return float("{:.2f}".format(rank))
def getTrueRankTrophy(self, ptns):
return int(self.getRankTrophy(ptns))
''' '''
''' TEST DATA '''
''' '''

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@ -169,6 +169,11 @@ def contrib():
trophy_categ_list = contributor_helper.categories_in_trophy
trophy_categ_list_str = [ s[0].upper() + s[1:].replace('_', ' ') for s in trophy_categ_list]
trophy_title = contributor_helper.trophy_title
trophy_title_str = []
for i in range(contributor_helper.trophyNum+1):
trophy_mapping = ["Top 1"] + [ str(x)+"%" for x in contributor_helper.trophyMapping] + [" "]
currOrg = request.args.get('org')
if currOrg is None:
@ -190,6 +195,8 @@ def contrib():
min_between_reload=cfg.getint('CONTRIB', 'min_between_reload')

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@ -182,6 +182,34 @@
<p style="font-size: 18px; display: inline;">Trophies: </p><p style="display: inline;">Shows your skills in information sharing </p><i> (earned via upvotes or sightings from other organisation)</i>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
{% for title in trophy_title_str %}
<th>{{ title }}</th>
{% endfor %}
<tbody id='bodyTableTrophyModal'>
{% for perc in trophy_mapping %}
<td>{{ perc }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for title in trophy_title_str %}
<input type='image' style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" height="64" width="64" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='pics/MISPTrophy/'+loop.index0|string+'.png') }}">
{% endfor %}
<p style="font-size: 18px; display: inline;">Acquired trophies: </p>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">