fix: Added missing config file in the previous commit

Sami Mokaddem 2017-11-29 16:37:06 +01:00
parent ae4e828beb
commit 84f3aa6aa1
1 changed files with 0 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -22,12 +22,6 @@ clusteringDistance = 10
max_number_of_last_contributor = 10 max_number_of_last_contributor = 10
min_between_reload = 5 min_between_reload = 5
#How much harder it gets to rank up (exponential multiplier) [1.5 -> +inf]
rankMultiplier = 2
categories_in_datatable = ["internal_reference", "targeting_data", "antivirus_detection", "payload_delivery", "artifacts_dropped", "payload_installation", "persistence_mechanism", "network_activity", "payload_type", "attribution", "external_analysis", "financial_fraud", "support_Tool", "social_network", "person", "other" ]
default_pnts_per_contribution = 1
# array of the form [[category, pntsRcv], ...]
pnts_per_contribution = [["payload_delivery", 1], ["artifacts_dropped", 1], ["network_activity", 1]]
additional_help_text = ["Sightings multiplies earned points by 2", "Editing an attribute earns you the same as creating one"] additional_help_text = ["Sightings multiplies earned points by 2", "Editing an attribute earns you the same as creating one"]
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