[Dashboard] #hours graph_log_refresh_rate = 1 #sec rotation_wait_time = 30 max_img_rotation = 10 hours_spanned = 48 zoomlevel = 15 item_to_plot = Attribute.category # [1->12] size_dashboard_left_width = 5 size_openStreet_pannel_perc = 55 size_world_pannel_perc = 35 [GEO] #min updateFrequency = 60 zoomlevel = 11 # ~meter clusteringDistance = 10 [CONTRIB] max_number_of_last_contributor = 10 min_between_reload = 5 #How much harder it gets to rank up (exponential multiplier) [1.5 -> +inf] rankMultiplier = 2 categories_in_datatable = ["internal_reference", "targeting_data", "antivirus_detection", "payload_delivery", "artifacts_dropped", "payload_installation", "persistence_mechanism", "network_activity", "payload_type", "attribution", "external_analysis", "financial_fraud", "support_Tool", "social_network", "person", "other" ] default_pnts_per_contribution = 1 # array of the form [[category, pntsRcv], ...] pnts_per_contribution = [["payload_delivery", 1], ["artifacts_dropped", 1], ["network_activity", 1]] additional_help_text = ["Sightings multiplies earned points by 2", "Editing an attribute earns you the same as creating one"] [Log] field_to_plot = Attribute.category fieldname_order=["Event.id", "Attribute.Tag", "Attribute.category", "Attribute.type", ["Attribute.value", "Attribute.comment"]] char_separator=|| [RedisGlobal] host=localhost port=6251 #misp_web_url = misp_web_url = http://localhost #zmq_url=tcp:// zmq_url=tcp://localhost:50000 [RedisLog] db=0 channel=1 channelLastContributor = lastContributor channelLastAwards = lastAwards [RedisMap] db=1 channelDisp=PicToDisplay pathMaxMindDB=./data/GeoLite2-City_20171003/GeoLite2-City.mmdb [RedisDB] db=2