# MISP-Dashboard An experimental dashboard showing live data and statistics from the ZMQ of one or more MISP instances. # Installation - Launch ```./install_dependencies.sh``` from the MISP-Dashboard directory - Update the configuration file ```config.cfg``` so that it matches your system - Fields that you may change: - RedisGlobal -> host - RedisGlobal -> port - RedisGlobal -> zmq_url - RedisGlobal -> misp_web_url - RedisMap -> pathMaxMindDB # Updating by pulling - Re-launch ```./install_dependencies.sh``` to fetch new required dependencies - Re-update your configuration file ```config.cfg``` # Starting the System - Be sure to have a running redis server - e.g. ```redis-server -p 6250``` - Activate your virtualenv ```. ./DASHENV/bin/activate``` - Listen to the MISP feed by starting the zmq_subscriber ```./zmq_subscriber.py``` - Start the dispatcher to process received messages ```./zmq_dispatcher.py``` - Start the Flask server ```./server.py``` - Access the interface at ```http://localhost:8001/``` # Features ## Live Dashboard - Possibility to subscribe to multiple ZMQ feeds - Shows direct contribution made by organisations - Shows live resolvable posted locations ![Dashboard live](./screenshots/dashboard-live.png) ## Geolocalisation Dashboard - Provides historical geolocalised information to support security teams, CSIRTs or SOC finding threats in their constituency - Possibility to get geospatial information from specific regions ![Dashbaord geo](./screenshots/dashboard-geo.png) ## Contributors Dashboard __Shows__: - The monthly rank of all organisation - The last organisation that contributed (dynamic updates) - The contribution level of all organisation - Each category of contribution per organisation - The current ranking of the selected organisation (dynamic updates) __Includes__: - Gamification of the platform: - Two different levels of ranking with unique icons - Exclusive obtainable badges for source code contributors and donator ![Dashboard contributor](./screenshots/dashboard-contributors2.png) ![Dashboard contributor2](./screenshots/dashboard-contributors3.png) ## Users Dashboard - Shows when and how the platform is used: - Login punchcard and overtime - Contribution vs login ![Dashboard users](./screenshots/dashboard-users.png) ## Trendings Dashboard - Provides real time information to support security teams, CSIRTs or SOC showing current threats and activity - Shows most active events, categories and tags - Shows sightings and discussion overtime ![Dashboard users](./screenshots/dashboard-trendings.png) # zmq_subscriber options ```usage: zmq_subscriber.py [-h] [-n ZMQNAME] [-u ZMQURL] A zmq subscriber. It subscribe to a ZMQ then redispatch it to the MISP-dashboard optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n ZMQNAME, --name ZMQNAME The ZMQ feed name -u ZMQURL, --url ZMQURL The URL to connect to ``` # Deploy in production using mod_wsgi Install Apache's mod-wsgi for Python3 ```bash sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 ``` Caveat: If you already have mod-wsgi installed for Python2, it will be replaced! ```bash The following packages will be REMOVED: libapache2-mod-wsgi The following NEW packages will be installed: libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 ``` Configuration file `/etc/apache2/sites-available/misp-dashboard.conf` assumes that `misp-dashboard` is cloned into `var/www/misp-dashboard`. It runs as user `misp` in this example. Change the permissions to folder and files accordingly. ``` ServerAdmin admin@misp.local ServerName misp.local DocumentRoot /var/www/misp-dashboard WSGIDaemonProcess misp-dashboard \ user=misp group=misp \ python-home=/var/www/misp-dashboard/DASHENV \ processes=1 \ threads=15 \ maximum-requests=5000 \ listen-backlog=100 \ queue-timeout=45 \ socket-timeout=60 \ connect-timeout=15 \ request-timeout=60 \ inactivity-timeout=0 \ deadlock-timeout=60 \ graceful-timeout=15 \ eviction-timeout=0 \ shutdown-timeout=5 \ send-buffer-size=0 \ receive-buffer-size=0 \ header-buffer-size=0 \ response-buffer-size=0 \ server-metrics=Off WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/misp-dashboard/misp-dashboard.wsgi WSGIProcessGroup misp-dashboard WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} Require all granted LogLevel info ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/misp-dashboard.local_error.log CustomLog /var/log/apache2/misp-dashboard.local_access.log combined ServerSignature Off ``` # License Images and logos are handmade for: - rankingMISPOrg/ - rankingMISPMonthly/ - MISPHonorableIcons/ Note that: - Part of ```MISPHonorableIcons/1.svg``` comes from [octicons.github.com](https://octicons.github.com/icon/git-pull-request/) (CC0 - No Rights Reserved) - Part of ```MISPHonorableIcons/2.svg``` comes from [Zeptozephyr](https://zeptozephyr.deviantart.com/art/Vectored-Portal-Icons-207347804) (CC0 - No Rights Reserved) ``` Copyright (C) 2017 CIRCL - Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (c/o smile, security made in Lëtzebuerg, Groupement d'Intérêt Economique) Copyright (c) 2017 Sami Mokaddem This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ```