#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time, datetime import logging import redis import configparser import argparse import os import subprocess import sys import json import atexit import signal import shlex import pty import threading configfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'config/config.cfg') cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(configfile) logDir = cfg.get('Log', 'directory') logfilename = cfg.get('Log', 'filename') logPath = os.path.join(logDir, logfilename) if not os.path.exists(logDir): os.makedirs(logDir) logging.basicConfig(filename=logPath, filemode='a', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger('zmq_subscriber') CHANNEL = cfg.get('RedisLog', 'channel') LISTNAME = cfg.get('RedisLIST', 'listName') serv_list = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get('RedisGlobal', 'host'), port=cfg.getint('RedisGlobal', 'port'), db=cfg.getint('RedisLIST', 'db')) children = [] def signal_handler(signal, frame): for child in children: # We don't resume as we are already attached cmd = "screen -p"+child+" -X {arg}" argsc = shlex.split(cmd.format(arg = "kill")) print("\n\033[1;31m [-] Terminating {child}\033[0;39m".format(child=child)) logger.info('Terminate: {child}'.format(child=child)) subprocess.call(argsc) # kill window sys.exit(0) ############### ## MAIN LOOP ## ############### def main(): print("\033[1;31m [+] I am the subscriber's master - kill me to kill'em'all \033[0;39m") # screen needs a shell and I an no fan of shell=True (master, slave) = pty.openpty() try: for item in json.loads(cfg.get('RedisGlobal', 'misp_instances')): name = shlex.quote(item.get("name")) zmq = shlex.quote(item.get("zmq")) print("\033[1;32m [+] Subscribing to "+zmq+"\033[0;39m") logger.info('Launching: {child}'.format(child=name)) children.append(name) subprocess.Popen(["screen", "-r", "Misp_Dashboard", "-X", "screen", "-t", name ,sys.executable, "./zmq_subscriber.py", "-n", name, "-u", zmq], close_fds=True, shell=False, stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=slave) except ValueError as error: print("\033[1;31m [!] Fatal exception: {error} \033[0;39m".format(error=error)) logger.error("JSON error: %s", error) sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) forever = threading.Event() forever.wait() if __name__ == "__main__": main()