var maxNumCoord = 100; var max_img_rotation = 10; var rotation_time = 1000*10; //10s var mymap ='feedDivMap1').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);; var osmUrl='http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; var osmAttrib='Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors'; var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {minZoom: 3, maxZoom: 17, attribution: osmAttrib}).addTo(mymap); var coord_to_change = 0; var coord_array = []; var first_map = true; var map_lat, map_lon; //current lat and lon shown in openStreetMap pannel /* MAP */ var mapObj; var curNumMarker = 0; var allMarker = []; function marker_animation(x, y, curNumMarker) { var markerColor = mapObj.markers[curNumMarker]; $("#feedDiv2").append( $('
') .css({'left': x-15 + 'px'}) /* HACK to center the effect */ .css({'top': y-15 + 'px'}) .css({ 'background-color': markerColor }) .animate({ opacity: 0, scale: 1, height: '80px', width:'80px', margin: '-25px' }, 700, 'linear', function(){$(this).remove(); }) ); } // Add makers on the map function popupCoord(coord) { var coord = [coord['lat'], coord['lon']]; var value = Math.random()*180; pnts = mapObj.latLngToPoint(coord[0], coord[1]) if (pnts != false) { //sometimes latLngToPoint return false mapObj.addMarker(curNumMarker, coord, [value]); allMarker.push(curNumMarker) marker_animation(pnts.x, pnts.y, curNumMarker); curNumMarker = curNumMarker>=maxNumCoord ? 0 : curNumMarker+1; if (allMarker.length >= maxNumCoord) { to_remove = allMarker[0]; mapObj.removeMarkers([to_remove]); allMarker = allMarker.slice(1); } } } // Makes an animation on the marker concerned by the map shown in the openStreetMap pannel function ping() { pnts = mapObj.latLngToPoint(map_lat, map_lon); if (pnts != false) { //sometimes latLngToPoint return false $("#feedDiv2").append( $('') .css({'left': pnts.x-15 + 'px'}) /* HACK to center the effect */ .css({'top': pnts.y-15 + 'px'}) .css({ 'background-color': 'orange' }) .animate({ opacity: 0, scale: 1, height: '80px', width:'80px', margin: '-25px' }, 400, 'linear', function(){$(this).remove(); }) ); } setTimeout(function(){ ping(); }, rotation_time/4); } // Perform the roration of the map in the openStreetMap pannel function rotate_map() { var to_switch = coord_array[coord_to_change]; var coord = to_switch[0]; map_lat =; map_lon = coord.lon; var marker = to_switch[1]; var headerTxt = to_switch[2]; mymap.setView([, coord.lon], 17); $("#textMap1").fadeOut(400, function(){ $(this).text(headerTxt); }).fadeIn(400); coord_to_change = coord_to_change == coord_array.length-1 ? 0 : coord_to_change+1; setTimeout(function(){ rotate_map(); }, rotation_time); } $(function(){ $('#feedDiv2').vectorMap({ map: 'world_mill', markers: [], series: { markers: [{ attribute: 'fill', scale: ['#1A0DAB', '#e50000', '#62ff41'], values: [], min: 0, max: 180 }], }, }); mapObj = $("#feedDiv2").vectorMap('get','mapObject'); }); // Subscribe to the flask eventStream var source_map = new EventSource(urlForMaps); source_map.onmessage = function(event) { var json = jQuery.parseJSON( ); popupCoord(json.coord); var img2 = linkForDefaultMap.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/"+json.path); if (coord_array.len >= max_img_rotation) { coord_array[0][1].remove() // remove marker coord_array.slice(1) } var marker = L.marker([, json.coord.lon]).addTo(mymap); coord_array.push([json.coord, marker, """, "+json.coord.lon]); if (first_map) { // remove no_map pic rotate_map(); ping(); first_map = false; } }; source_map.onopen = function(){ console.log('connection is opened. '+source_map.readyState); }; source_map.onerror = function(){ console.log('error: '+source_map.readyState); };