#!/usr/bin/env python3.5 import configparser import redis import sys,os import datetime sys.path.append('..') configfile = 'test_config.cfg' cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(configfile) serv_redis_db = redis.StrictRedis( host='localhost', port=6260, db=1) from helpers import geo_helper geo_helper = geo_helper.Geo_helper(serv_redis_db, cfg) categ = 'Network Activity' def wipeRedis(): serv_redis_db.flushall() def errorExit(): sys.exit(1) def test(): flag_error = False today = datetime.datetime.now() # IP -> Coord supposed_ip = '' geo_helper.getCoordFromIpAndPublish(supposed_ip, categ) rep = geo_helper.getTopCoord(today) excpected_result = [['{"lat": 37.751, "lon": -97.822, "categ": "Network Activity", "value": ""}', 1.0]] if rep != excpected_result: print('ip to coord result not matching') flag_error = True # gethitmap rep = geo_helper.getHitMap(today) excpected_result = [['US', 1.0]] if rep != excpected_result: print('getHitMap result not matching') flag_error = True # getCoordsByRadius rep = geo_helper.getCoordsByRadius(today, today, 0.000, 0.000, '1') excpected_result = [] if rep != excpected_result: print('getCoordsByRadius result not matching') flag_error = True rep = geo_helper.getCoordsByRadius(today, today, 37.750, -97.821, '10') excpected_result = [[['{"categ": "Network Activity", "value": ""}'], [-97.82200008630753, 37.75100012475438]]] if rep != excpected_result: print('getCoordsByRadius result not matching') flag_error = True wipeRedis() # Phone -> Coord phoneNumber = '(+352) 247-82000' geo_helper.getCoordFromPhoneAndPublish(phoneNumber, categ) rep = geo_helper.getTopCoord(datetime.datetime.now())[0] excpected_result = ['{"lat": "49.7500", "lon": "6.1667"}', 1.0] if rep != excpected_result: print('Phone to coord result not matching') flag_error = True return flag_error wipeRedis() if test(): wipeRedis() errorExit() else: wipeRedis() print('Geo tests succeeded')